The Internet

I don't plan on recording again, some frustrated players gave such bad comments, that I quit on the project.

Also, I don't think, users want to see me playing a 200h+ Space Race.

Not frustrated players just watch.

And the final stage is enough, just to see the final reseacrh sequence and use of the Dam and Internet :p
Sry, I don't have to proove anything.

3GD is a very common Wonder in the best Spaceraces HoF has to offer. If you don't like it, don't build it, but assuming you have 40-50 cities all with coalplants, like in a typical HoF approach, 2 :health: extra is quite a lot. I'm very sure, that the extra :food: has a greater benefit in that scenario than not building the damm and building Wealth / Research instead.
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