DS Friend Codes

My freind code is 4683 2115 7653. I am anxiouse to finally get a multiplayer match going to prove my true skill :evil:
Hi folks, just arrived here after playing a fair bit of CivRev DS against some of my friends in an Advance Wars community. The wifi multiplayer is pretty cool, though not without a few minor bugs - but all things considered they've done a pretty good job. Sadly it lacks any sort of foyer or ranking system, so if you don't want to play the lottery that is challenge anyone (oh wow, they disconnected AGAIN...) the best thing to do is to arrange a time for a friend match. I started a meebo room specifically to function as a CivRev DS foyer, this works much better than adding a load of friends and waiting for one of them to happen to be online at the same time as you.

Friend code is 524 170 414 055. If anyone has any questions about the DS multiplayer, feel free to ask me here or on meebo.

...Mods, please don't ban or delete, I'm not a spambot nor have I joined this community just to make one post promoting an external site... I'm a human who is proper into Civ, me :)
Thank god for this...I'm getting so bored of playing the AI over and over again...can't wait to play some real flesh and see how terribly I really am

My code is 365263172942
Adding anyone who posted here...cya all online
Mine is 0431 6072 6518

BackOnTrack, you should add everyone to the first post ;-)

PM if you want to schedule a game or something folks. :)
hey everybody. im knew to the civ games and am dying to play an actual person. deity is getting pretty boring. hopefully people actually add me...

5413 9310 8311
Does anyone still play online with the DS? If so, my friend code is: 2106-6396-2539. Send me a message so I can add you.
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