Why can't i set the turn timer?


Feb 11, 2008
I am trying to improve the speed of my game, so i am taking TMIT's advice to play hotseat multiplayer with me the only player, but the turn timer is disabled in the setup game screen. How do i turn it on?
Options... if not, custom game... personally, I haven't played MP.
Start a LAN game; manually add the right number of AIs, have no humans. The turn timer will be in the Multiplayer settings tab. I don't think Hot Seat has a turn timer option (I guess it's assumed that if you're both in the same room, you can physically boot the other guy off if he takes too long).
how big is the diplo hit that you take from that? -2?

Depends on the kind of player he boots, if its a Shakatype, i reckon -2, + -2 for siding with our worst enemy while i was booted and finally a -4 for trading with our worst enemy whilst i was booted for a total of -8 , or thereabout :D
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