A couple of questions


Sep 14, 2010
First, the agronomist, I know that they are supposed to be "consumed" when planting a special crop, i.e.: corn, or sugar, and the button warns about it, but, are they supponse to consume when planting a forest as well?, I'm not sure if it's the warning lacking, or they can plant a lot of woods and my agronomist dissapeared whe he shouldn´t.

And the second thing is about the teaching costs in the cities, how is it calculated? I cant figure it out, it seems to decrease over time, but is different for every profesion and for every city.

Thanks in advance.
First, the agronomist, I know that they are supposed to be "consumed" when planting a special crop, i.e.: corn, or sugar, and the button warns about it, but, are they supponse to consume when planting a forest as well?, I'm not sure if it's the warning lacking, or they can plant a lot of woods and my agronomist dissapeared whe he shouldn´t.
When an agronomist plants a forest, he must disappear. But in the following version, i want to change the agronomists management.
And the second thing is about the teaching costs in the cities, how is it calculated? I cant figure it out, it seems to decrease over time, but is different for every profession and for every city.
It is not me who implemented this part, but as you wrote it, the cost is different for every profession and for every city. Why? Because you can learn a profession only if a specialist worked in this city, but the cost will increase if your specialist don't work in your city. I think the cost decreases with the % of rebellion of your cities and with FF that increase the %of production of Education.
Then the cost of some professions are free (like fishermen), so the cost is actually different between the professions?
Well i'm so far turn 320 or so, still on second era.

My impresions.

The game is SLOW this way, it takes too long to do everything, and eras in this way are too long as well

I cant train gunsmith, veteran or sailor even with university, do i need 3rd era?

Artillery is a fun part of the game, and taking it of until turn 360 is too bad, you get bored much before, moreover with this approach you can no longer "build" it in the carpentry, you have to make cannons in blacksmith and equip, but now when you have built everything in a city there's nothing else to build with the carpenters and the lumberjacks, this is bad, it has to be something to build, you cant build ships either, as they need cannons aswell.

You can buy cannons but the prices are just too high

The idea is ok, but this is too much work for blacksmiths (tools, guns, cannons, ammo...) too much, and carpenters become useless too soon, not even FF points, as you get all of them time in the middle second era.

More things, the tax risings, with the game beeing so long, the tax raises becomes too much too soon, by the beggining of second era you can have more than 30-40, and 70% before getting into 3rd era.
You can say that it's possible to deny raises, but maybe this is not true, in my game I had the first raise in the 5th or 6th turn, I said no, so I had a blockade on something (ie: lumber), the following turn I had another tax raise, I said no again, and another blockade, AGAIN the following turn I had the third raise on a row, I HAD to say yes, I needed to sell things, is part of the game, dont know if this is from tha game itself or from the mod, I'm playing in conquistador.

Tha tavern gives too many criminals, even without a bottle of rum, I cant create swords or guns enough to arm them, I just store criminals outside the city, and as I'm still in second era I'm far from revolution yet.

The problem in my opinion, is that this mod delays too much some good things of the game, (ie: artillery, build frigates and ships of the line), and make carpenters useless too soon, blacksmiths become overwhelmed, with too many things to focus, and not being able to arm with cannons a simple escort built by you until turn 360 makes the game too slow and too long.
The risk of all of this is getting bored of the game time before you can even think in revolution.

I hope this helps in the following versions, I like the mod, the ideas and the approach, but in my opinion, a game must be in first place fun, and this should be the main goal, making it too tricky or too long cant take away most of the fun.
Any more questions or anything about my feedbacks when playing, just ask me

The game needs to be more balanced, and the timing as well, the 300 turn game back could be one thing 600 turn is really too much

A better autotrade tool, or a general trade screen is almost very needed , with so long games the automatic trade between cities is very very important, and right now it becomes very difficult to manage, and to know which routes are working and which not, or which routes you already have, they are hard to find in the map, and the possible routes are too much very soon.

A Custom House is also needed, a way to sell things without shipping, and also a way to sell without taxes, eventually taxes gets so high that you dont get money, but as training costs money always, you need money all the game, and a lot in 2 first eras, as you can build canons, or frigates, nor arm escorts, and so on

I have been played vanilla and DoaNE in hard difficulty levels and 300 turns are not enough, you simply need more time. If you don't find it a challenge and it's boring try increasing your level.

The timing is well as it is. The points to consider are unit availability, relations among the player, the AI nations and the kings, and secondary events; in other words: what we can do with the time.
That's why I have already written this:

I can not imagine XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries without a proper naval representation. By adding different units and variety you fulfill these spaces between eras.
Land units need more variety too, I will be adding them in the list.

The relations with the king should be more variated as you have noted. Adding more events you can make the tax risings go slower and -the main point- make the pass of the time more dynamic and interesting.
Secondary events, missions (like in col 1), European wars, the king ordering you to obtain 1000 pieces of silver (or anything else) as economic objectives, .... they are kings not -only- tax collectors.

Again here it is a part:
As you may know the version 1.35 isn't the latest version of DoaNE.
The 600 turns is needful to have fun to play. But i know that now it is a little bored.
In the following version, the game will be enriched, so don't worried.
More things, the tax risings, with the game beeing so long, the tax raises becomes too much too soon, by the beggining of second era you can have more than 30-40, and 70% before getting into 3rd era.
The problem of tax will be fixed in the following version. Early, we will have taxes, and we will have not any boycotts in the game.
Tha tavern gives too many criminals
I agree and I think I change it for the following version.
a game must be in first place fun, and this should be the main goal, making it too tricky or too long cant take away most of the fun.
Any more questions or anything about my feedbacks when playing, just ask me
I agree again , but Dazio and I thought that this game was made for kids, and we try to make it more mature. But as I wrote, the game will be enriched and you will more apreciate the following version.
A better autotrade tool, or a general trade screen is almost very needed ,
It's in my aims!
A Custom House is also needed, a way to sell things without shipping, and also a way to sell without taxes, eventually taxes gets so high that you dont get money, but as training costs money always, you need money all the game, and a lot in 2 first eras, as you can build canons, or frigates, nor arm escorts, and so on
Some changes are coming, so you'll talk about that later ;).
I'm really glad to hear about a new version soon , (how soon? :D), I know this is not a final version, and so I give all my impressions about the game, I like challenging games, but if you take away too many thing until turn 360, is not a challenge but a little bit boring.
I also think that 300 turns it's sometimes too short, but now that you have made a great change making it untill 600, the game needs to be rebalanced .

Btw, some kind of "era advisor" would be very appreciated, knowing how far is the following era and which are the requirements to start the next one ASAP

As I said, building warships an cannons was an important part of the game, but so far until turn 360 you cant build cannons nor equip any warship... is a loooong wait, and in the meantime you just can buy them, it doesnt make sense that you can buy them but not build them (you CAN build warships, but without cannons they are useless)

About cannons-artillery, starting revolution takes you to third era, but this means that you havent built any cannon so far, and the king's army has like 60-80 artillery, there's no way to win this way, besides delaying cannons until turn 360 is also too long, they are fun and a good part of the game. Cannons should be available at least in the second era.

But my first concern is to reivindicate carperters work, right now they become useless in the middle second era, when you have built everything in the city and all the FF are chosen, and now what?? you are like 200-250 turn, and there's still 400 turns to go....,
They need something to do, making cannons was a good job, when the city is finished.
Besides they cant build "viable" warships until turn 360, and even in that case you still need cannons.
Carpenters are good people, dont leave them without job :D:D:D (lumberjacks think the same way)

Actually I liked to have some cities making cannons, other making ships, and so on, right now carperters-lumberjacks, after 200-250 turn become useless, and are just good to make soldiers (not better than any criminal :lol:)

I'm looking forward to see the next version, I hope all this feedbacks is useful is some way to improve the mod (that I really like), I hope this helps.

ut my first concern is to reivindicate carperters work, right now they become useless in the middle second era, when you have built everything in the city and all the FF are chosen, and now what?? you are like 200-250 turn, and there's still 400 turns to go....,
They need something to do, making cannons was a good job, when the city is finished.
Besides they cant build "viable" warships until turn 360, and even in that case you still need cannons.
Carpenters are good people, dont leave them without job (lumberjacks think the same way)

Ship maintainance
What about forcing the player to send their ship after "x" turns to perform reparations in them?
That would require carpenters.
So if you have any ship you will be forced to maintain them in a proper state with periodical revisions.

Not doing it could provoke a random probability of sinking for the ship every turn after that "x" period.

That gives some work to the carpenters and lumberjacks (it could require x units of woods and some carpenters active in the city) and add an interesting variable to the game.

Apart from that CIV Col needs some type of commerce, science, etc. production like standard Civ IV.
Spending production in units or buildings without any other possibility is illogical; as Renick has noted it's noticed at some point with DoaNE, but at the end you can still see this when you have not nothing more to build.
A city could spend all the production in commerce, giving some money (really not too much because this would be the last option to obtain some gold).
Or in culture (liberty bells), giving exactly that. A small amount of liberty bells to the city.
Ohter option: militar training, the city could spend the production points in the training of the militar units placed in it. It would give a small amount of XP (up to a max. level) to the units.
Well, about taxes, I'm playing a new game, middle-hard difficulty, and I'm more thant 50% taxed before getting in the second era, in the original game (colonization por dos or windows) learning was free, but in this version where you have to pay to teach , you NEED money, and it becomes hard to get it when the kings keeps 70-80% of the value .
I agree it needs to be rebalanced or simpli modified. It's not a challenge, but makes the game nearly "unplayable" (maybe this word doesnt exist :confused: )

The ship maintance, well they already have to come back to a city after almost every single combat (even against a caravel) to "heal", so maybe it would be too much micromanagemente, making an additional repairing of ships.

The militar training sounds good, but i don't see the point in beeing the carpenter and the hammers the ones who give the militar experience, I see it more like a new building, barracks, in which you can place the people and over time they get exp point,paying as well an for the training jobs.

BTW can veteran, artillery ad so on be trained so far??
The carpenters wouldn't give experience but the production of the city could be spent in commerce, culture or militar training.

Then you can make your own considerations: the production is able to train soldiers or create gold by itself ... or the production is spent to maintain the city and the specialist who are supposed to live there are free to increase the commerce of the city by using their time in comercial activities or training the citizens.

Here the boost given is not considerated neither as fully supported & lucrative commerce activities in europe or between other colonies, nor as proffesional militar training in an academy.
It's just a small boost to these activities via centering the production of the city.

Anyway the game need these type of productions to solve the classic problem of unavailability of buildings and units to build at some stages.

The solution for the taxes is already written, I hope M07 will fix it in the next version.

Here other points to consider:

The European powers never seem to declare war on each other. One of the main reasons the kings raised all those taxes on the Colonists was to pay for the three colonial wars and thus from the Royal point of view they felt the colonists needed to foot more of the bill for their protection.
It's already in the list I think but more dinamic relations between kings and the colonies, between Europe and the colonies is necessary. The taxes are supposed to be assigned to something...
We also need other type of economic objectives: the king should ask you to obtain X amount of resources, etc.
Also wars between colonies and kings should be present in the game.

The King starts asking for stuff way to early and then gets cranky and starts upping my taxes. There should at least be a diplomatic option to say, "I can't afford $$$ but would you be happy with $$$?"
The taxes need a revamp:
Some type of management by the colonial side and then a minimal amount per year or season impossed by the king.
Instead of the king asking you to send X, he could force you to send a prestablished amount of money every year. Then he could raise it or not.
Introduction of European debts and interests when you don't send all the money the king asked you.
A new screen/advisor only to manage this point. Here it's supposed you could see the actual taxes, the possible future variations, resources the king wants (as suggested), etc.

Again, the king should contact you to offer/ask other things apart from taxes.
About marauders, haw can they be created? i've been able only to get the via FF, not from a colony.

Besides, I've remembered something from the original Colonization, once you have started revolution, bells and statesman become useless (quite like carpenters), but in that game, if you joined a number of bells you got help from a foreing country that is not longer playing (ie: retired, of for any other reason), in the game that means that after getting those bells you receive warships and soldiers for help, and this was the only way to get manowars for the player.
I think is a very good option for the statesman once you start revolution, the preachers, can convert the crosses in hammers, and therefore dont become useless.

Btw, some kind of "era advisor" would be very appreciated, knowing how far is the following era and which are the requirements to start the next one ASAP
I will do it.
it doesnt make sense that you can buy them but not build them (you CAN build warships, but without cannons they are useless)
Carpenters don't make cannons and they don't make crew too. That's why we can built useless warship(but you can sell it)
But my first concern is to reivindicate carperters work, right now they become useless in the middle second era,
indeed it is a problem, but it existed before in the basic game, so we must find some solutions. Moreover, in the third era, other buildings can be build.
Apart from that CIV Col needs some type of commerce, science, etc. production like standard Civ IV.
A city could spend all the production in commerce, giving some money (really not too much because this would be the last option to obtain some gold).
Or in culture (liberty bells), giving exactly that. A small amount of liberty bells to the city.
Ohter option: militar training, the city could spend the production points in the training of the militar units placed in it. It would give a small amount of XP (up to a max. level) to the units.
Why not, this is a good idea!
Ship maintainance
What about forcing the player to send their ship after "x" turns to perform reparations in them?
That would require carpenters.
So if you have any ship you will be forced to maintain them in a proper state with periodical revisions.
With Dazio, we also thought to this idea, I think it is an important point that will bring more realism.
Well, about taxes, I'm playing a new game, middle-hard difficulty, and I'm more thant 50% taxed before getting in the second era, in the original game (colonization por dos or windows) learning was free, but in this version where you have to pay to teach , you NEED money, and it becomes hard to get it when the kings keeps 70-80% of the value .
This aspect will be changed in the following version.
About marauders, haw can they be created? i've been able only to get the via FF, not from a colony.
The marauder has been weakened is 1.35 version, but a marauder can be trained by Indians and then you must change his profession in one of your cities.
You must have some swords (I think) to change his profession. With it you can see the Europeans colonies?
if you joined a number of bells you got help from a foreing country that is not longer playing (ie: retired, of for any other reason), in the game that means that after getting those bells you receive warships and soldiers for help, and this was the only way to get manowars for the player.
If i understand, the king of an european nation can help us, and can give us warships and soldiers?
In future versions, we would like have many scenarios as for example an other king who help us.
Besides, I've remembered something from the original Colonization, once you have started revolution, bells and statesman become useless (quite like carpenters), but in that game, if you joined a number of bells you got help from a foreing country that is not longer playing (ie: retired, of for any other reason), in the game that means that after getting those bells you receive warships and soldiers for help, and this was the only way to get manowars for the player.

I think is a very good option for the statesman once you start revolution, the preachers, can convert the crosses in hammers, and therefore dont become useless.

It's a good point.
But there is also a thing to consider here. At least in my experience, when the king attacks, you need soldiers (not more cannons).
And finally your cities end creating more and more cannons without being really useful. (that's why I suggested the "commerce", "culture" "military training" production).

So I would include a minor variation, 2 options: you could set the preachers to increase the production or to improve the military tradition.
+4% XP obtained in combat for all units per preacher assigned to the second. (option only available after the revolution)

I will do it.

If i understand, the king of an european nation can help us, and can give us warships and soldiers?
In future versions, we would like have many scenarios as for example an other king who help us.

Exactly. The liberty bells did not only measure the rebel sentiment but gave some bonuses according to the number of bells when a civ. was defeated.

An idea:
Preparations before the revolution. The game lets you choose some options and ideologies for your new nation after the revolution.
You could add a new window before that. It would represent the preparations of your colony to perform the revolution and world predisposition.

In that window the total number of bells produced up to the date would be showed as well as any previously defeated civ in the game, other kings & nations attitude (in the case you let the player to interact with other nations in an active way as I suggest here , etc.

With those liberty bells you could buy some generic or special units, ships, perform some alliances with those disappeared nations (instead of giving you units, some units would be assigned to the nation to attack the king), try to train native soldiers or to gain their favour (that would be more expensive in liberty bells terms because you prefer to respect the natives and not to be another European conquer more), etc.
Many options are possible here.

The plan is to add here a complete overhaul of the diplomatic and military vision when you perform the revolution. Make it a world event.

Let me know if you want more details.
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