1000 ways you know you played Alpha Centauri too much!

462. You spend a 3 day weekend figuring out how to make a FLC bio movie that will work properly in the SMACX Diplomacy screen, for your LazyTown mod.

463. You still play this 2008

464. You spend 1 year downloading the alien crossfire

465. You dont study or go to work. You play SMAC

466. You say noob to someone who did'nt finish the game fist time that person played.

467. You have read the whole tread.

468. You pretend that your sick just to stay home and play SMAC.

469. When you watched your friend play WOW your head exploded!

***_If someone out there whose a smac geek right now please let me know. PM me please_***
471. You thought that the local monastary is lead by Miriam Godwinson & are secretly building their own spaceship pod to Alpha Centauri.:lol:
472. Your signature in the CFC is one of the quotes taken from SMAC
473. You memorize every factions name, leader & symbol by heart.

475: You watch the Twilight Zone Intro (1985), notice the style and think that it is beyond the shadow of a doubt .. a secret project of some sort :crazyeye: :D ...

476: You read the Beeb's section "Earth News, reporting life on Earth" (as *obviously* opposed to life on Chiron) and stumble upon an article titled Earthworms form herds and make "group decisions" :dubious: :wow: :faint: ...

477: The more you listen to this Twilight Zone Theme, the more you think that if empathic attacks were to exist on Earth too, 'tis what the beginning of one would feel likaaargnnhkgjhgfcjgklvhgggggggggggggggggggggggg
478: Using SMAC quotes in serious debates.
479: The Eyjafjallajökull :)whew:) erupts, with a worldwide impact on aviation, and you are reminded of the volcano event by which Chiron shows its dismay at out of control pollution :think: ...
Guilty of all of these

480. You compare peoples personalities to that of the leaders
481. You name an area in a game of civ4 DI "The Borehole Cluster"
482. You go to Fancy dress partys as one of the leaders
483. You google it and find out your not the only one
484. You threaten your computer with not using it every time it fails to load Alien Crossfire.
485. Whenever you encounter a problem you ask yourself questions such as "What would Pravin do"?
486. You entitle your english coursework "For I have Tasted the fruit."
487. You get a good mark for said peice of work.
488. In a different peice of coursework you refer to Morgan as a capitalist pig
489. you replace all your desktop icons with pictures of the leaders.
490. Have your steam account name as "Prokhor Zakharov" and have yur picture as a picture of him.
491. Realize that your goal for the day will be to think of 9 more random things you do so you can say that you get the half way post.
492. Realize that this is a very sad goal
493. Carry on anyway
494. Printed of tech logos and stck them onto Biology and Physics excersice books.
495. Be surprised when your teachers say they don't know what its from
496. Be even more surprised when you find out your physics teacher has never heart of either Prokhor Zakharov or Anderi Sakharov
497. Explain to them who these people are.
498. Feel amazingly eccited that you are going to be one who posts the 500th reason.
499. When you don't feel that anyone will be angry at you for writing so many reasons just so you can get the 500th

500 Realize that you have just posted 20 points just so that you could be the one to make the 500th point.

501. The fact that it has taken 7 years to get these 500 poins down.

Moderator Action: Please do not directly link to no-cd cracks (Link deleted). Doing so is against forum rules.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
502. you continue adding after 500
503. while trying to give input to an awkward conversation with christian relatives, you end your thoughts with repeating "we must dissent" 6x, ending the conversation and filling the room with silence.
504. you see enzyte commercials as somehow related to the cyborg factory.
505. you lose friends by quoting chairman yang when they are complaining about injuries.
506. you "help" local politicians you favor by building them a working empath guild and telling them they get 50% more votes now.
507. when the few times you leave your house you return running, and screaming, "fungal bloom".
508. you make sure you are well-armed before stepping on a gray Frisbee.
509. You tell your wife your going to work when really you go sit outside an abdononed building with your laptop to play SMACX

510. You get the reset password email just to respond to this thread
511. You reinstall Windows XP because Windows 7 64bit makes SMACX unstable

512. You send EA death threats because they wont make a SMAC 2

513. Everytime you play Civilization you name your custom faction the Spartans so you can continue to play them after you take off in your space ship
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