[Religion and Revolution]: Overview, Project Organization

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Hi guys,

quality of Release 1.4 seems to be pretty good. :)

There have been a few reported bugs but they were all not critical.
(Have been fixed of course.)

So if nothing else will come up, I suggest that we will publish Release 1.5 in about 1 week.
(Basically it only contains a few small fixes and some improvements.)

Everybody ok with that ?
Why not use 1.4.1, 1.4.2 etc. for smaller updates/fixes? And use 1.5 for bigger changes.
Why not use 1.4.1, 1.4.2 etc. for smaller updates/fixes? And use 1.5 for bigger changes.

First of all, it does not really matter and it makes it easier to talk about versions. :)
(Also, there were usually several months between our releases.)

We never released paches, where people had to copy a patch over an installed release.
(I don't like to do that, because unexperienced people might do it wrong.)

Also, internally we often communicate about revision numbers.

Last but not least Release 1.5 will be the end of my Civ4Col modding career.
(Probably mod-modders will take over then.)
First of all, it does not really matter and it makes it easier to talk about versions. :)
(Also, there were usually several months between our releases.)

We never released paches, where people had to copy a patch over an installed release.
(I don't like to do that, because unexperienced people might do it wrong.)

Also, internally we often communicate about revision numbers.

Last but not least Release 1.5 will be the end of my Civ4Col modding career.
(Probably mod-modders will take over then.)

Does this mean that there will be no 1.6 and higher to include the other planned features? Or that you will not be part of 1.6 and there are others.

It would be sad if there is no R&R modding anymore, because the new features make this game more interesting.
Release 1.7 will probably be published in 2 weeks.
(21. / 22. of September)

Until then, we will

  • Do some proper beta-testing
  • Add some further Achievments
  • Eventually do further graphic and code improvments
  • Merge some more improvments of ModModders (mainly text improvments)

Details to content of Release 1.7 will follow, when it is published. :thumbsup:

Some other information:
Spoiler :

  • Savegames of Release 1.6 will not be compatible
  • Current version of "Schmiddie's Edition" (ModMod built for Release 1.6) will not be compatible
  • Africa Screen will be released in a later Release 1.8, once it is fully implemented and tested
That sounds great Ray, a big thank you to you and the team. I'm glad that your days as a Public Civ4Col Modder are not over. :)
I'm glad that your days as a Public Civ4Col Modder are not over. :)

Not yet. :)

Until Release 1.8 (containing Africa Screen) is out, I will still be working on Religion and Revolution.
Beyond that, I don't promise anything.

There have simply always been things (e.g. small bugs) within the mod that I felt "responsible" to take care of.
It is time to leave the stage for the next generation of modders though.
I'll never finish a game of RaR it seems... :D

My compliments to everyone working on this: it's a top class product!
We are currently planning to publish Release 2.1 in 2 or 3 weeks. :)

Until then, there will be no implementation of further changes except:

1. translations and text improvments
2. bugfixing and balancing
3. graphical improvments

Otherwise we will simply do testing.


After Release 2.1 is out, we will continue normal development again.
(Just as we do now. Going step by step.)
I'll be on vacation between 22 June 2014 and 13 July 2014.

During this time I have no or only very limited access to emails or internet. So I will presumably not visit this forum for the next three weeks!

So Long!


I'll be on vacation between 22 June 2014 and 13 July 2014.

Enjoy your vacation. :)

Until then, I will try to wrap up some of the open todos.
(List of names for Admirals, translations, improvments, ...)
Hey guys,

just in case somebody might be looking for inspiration how to further impove RaR, I will list my remaining todo list.
(I had a lot more ideas left, but when looking through it, a lot was really not worth it.)

Basically this is the stuff I once wanted to do but and never finished. :(
(For several of those I had even already started prototyping before I stopped modding.)

There were even several times within the last months when I thought about picking up RaR again to finish some of these. :crazyeye:
(But I then realized that I don't have enough time, would not find team members to join me and most importantly have lost almost all my motivation to continue intensive modding.)

My remaining todo list:
(Or at least a selection of stuff, that I still consider to be worthy of being implemented)

Spoiler :

Little effort:
(About one or 2 weekends each)

* Scrollable Score Bar in Mainscreen
(Necessary improvment due to the amount of Nations on Gigantic Maps.)

* Respawning Goody Huts: Campfires / Floating Barrels
(Having new types of small rewards)

* Adding a few Unique Units and Buildings to European Players
(Most of the effort would be to get the graphics and reasonable balancing)

* Promotion: Homeland Guard I and II for fighting on own terrain
(for fighting on own terrain, original idea by angat86)

* Splitting up Swamp into Swamp (near Savannah) and Marsh (near Grasland)
(However, I am not sure if it is really needed. It would be rather cosmetical.)

* Improving XML for better Combat Modifiers at Units, Professions and Promotions
(e.g. allow better attack and defense mechanisms for fighting on Flatland and Hills)

* New Faction: Private Traders
(Would send ships to Players to buy and sell good, would also sell used ships)

* European City changing allegiance due to cultural pressure
(Although I am not 100% sure if this is actually a good idea.)

* Giving AI Colonial Players a few Units from their King when Human declares war to them
(Maybe by also substracting some gold from AI Colonial Player)

Notable effort:
(About 4 weekends each)

* Changing Cannons from Units to Professions
(features like "Bombarding" must be converted for Professions)

* More Diplomacy Options
(e.g. Right of Passage, Trading Contact to other Players, Trading Slaves, ...)

* Further Improvments to War of Independence
(e.g. giving King 2 Types of Ships, one transporting units other one to fight other ships)

* Improving AI for better Military Build Up
(actually this is a summary for many small ideas I had)

* Improving AI for better Economical Decisions
(actually this is a summary for many small ideas I had)

* System Enhancments for Events, Achievments and Goodies
(to bring a little bit more diversity into the game)

* Teach AI to explore Oceans for Water Goodies
(e.g. when having Sloops or Privateers)

Huge Effort:
(More than 8 weekends each)

* Native Knowledge and Colonial Advances
(Transforming the concepts of Techs from Civ4 to Civ4Col)

* Constitution
(Transforming the concepts of Civics from Civ4 to Civ4Col)

* Religions: Protestants and Catholics
(Having Religions that compete against each other)

* Large Rivers
(this is a real challenge)


I am completely aware that all modders have ideas and wishes of their own.

So I don't really expect any of these ideas to be picked up.
And even if they will get picked up, the detailled implementation will probably be quite different from my own vision.

But all of that is not important, as long as you enjoy modding and playing. :)
From time to time I will continue to visit this forum. :thumbsup:
Special Characters in user directories of your system may cause problems with Icons, City Names, ...
Simply install the mod directly into the /mod directory of the main installation path of the colonization itself.
The folder should be in the game directory?
For example: C: \ Col \ Mods
C: \ Col \ Mod

Or it is recommended to shove in my documents, where is the folder with the mods?
The folder should be in the game directory?

No, please do it as always. This very old advice of Ray had to do with this rare issue of using special characters in user directories.

Put the mod into the standard mod folder in my documents.
Why can not I use the folder:

For example: C: \ Col \ Mods

Does this impose limitations or bugs?
Maybe because of this so often desynchronous in multiplayer for three?
Or is it convenient for saves?

And why if it's so critical, then you did not put it in the ReadMe mods?
Is something like an installation order, or am I looking wrong?
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It is the folder for mods that is designated by this game, nothing else. I have never tried to use a different folder - and why should one do so, when you have a mod folder used by the game itself?! Of course, you can use the folder you want if you like and it works with the game. Just give it a try. ;):)

There exists a file beside the readme file ("install instructions"), but the file is simple since no extensive instructions are necessary. Just put the mod into the existing mod folder and it works.
The thing is that I created something like an installer
I did this because the computers are too new and many do not launch an official patch
Colonization + patch + mod + translator in Russian
So, since I do not know initially how the folder with the game will be named for a person on the computer, I decided to do so
Create a folder in the game folder
And there to place modes

To me wrote:
Try using the MODS folder in the game dir and not the one in my documents. It shouldn't make a difference, but then again the start time shouldn't be that long.
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Ok, that is your personal modding issue and has nothing to do with this mod. ;):)

For using this mod you only need to follow the Readme and install instructions.
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