QSC-c1 "Irritated Mao" game progress.

1000 BC - Not bad, I only draw 3 turns of Anarchy.
This is disappointing, some of the AI completed Republic the same time I did :(
I can still get Construction from India for Republic.
I sell Construction to America for Currency, $15, wm.
925 BC - The Republic of China is formed - not bad 30% luxuries despite just one connected luxury.

The above 10 were NOT my exact, original turns. My 775BC save is missing.

NOTE: I have 570BC, 370BC, 170BC, 30AD, and 230 AD around.
570BC will be slightly out of sync versus this 775BC, but the other choice is to miss 10 turns, or have radically different game. I know I would play 690BC much different :p

My TA follows instructions well, but that should be "... all but TWO expansionist started on our continent"

If I read this correctly, you have someone set the game up this way. If so, that did give you a bit of an advantage as you knew what to expect on our landmass.
My next 30 turns

1500 nanking builds galley,loads warrior and moves east.nanking starts spear

1475 meet greece who knows currency
trade construction and contact with abe for currency and contact with hiawatha
trade abe contact to hiawatha for babylon contact and 2gp
trade abe contact to babylon for germany contact
trade abe contact to germany for russia contact
trade abe and liz contact to russia for persia contact,territory map and 60gp
trade abe and liz contact to persia for territory map and 30gp
trade w/m for w/m with hiawatha
trade w/m for w/m and 20gp with abe
trade w/m for w/m and 20gp with liz
trade w/m for w/m and 5gp with shaka
trade w/m for 20gp with gandhi
trade liz contact to hiawatha for 7gp
trade germany contact to liz for 4gp


1425xinjian builds worker starts spearman

1400bejing builds settler starts spearman
tsingtao builds worker starts worker

1375 nanking builds spearman starts settler

1350 canton builds spearman starts settler
tientsin founded adjacent to gems, starts spear
tatung founded starts worker


1300 hangchow builds spear starts temple

1275 nanking builds settler starts temple



1225 macoa built starts spear


1175 xinjian builds spear starts settler

1150 bejing builds temple starts spear
shanghai builds temple starts settler
tsingtao builds worker starts temple
anyang founded starts spear
canton builds settler starts temple

1125 trade polytheism to germany for 20gp
trade w/m to everyone else for 77gp total

1100 tatung build worker starts another

1075 discover republic start mono
bejing builds spear starts settler
shantung founded starts worker

1050chengdu builds spear starts worker
trade rep to russia for mono,w/m and 50gp, start theology
trade rep to abe forw/m and 70gp

1025 shanghai builds settler starts palace
revolt and draw three turns of anarchy



975 chengdu builds worker starts temple

950 republic of china formed

925 anyang builds spear starts worker
bejing builds settler starts spear
xinjian builds settler starts temple

900 chinan founded start spear


850 bejing builds spear starts settler
tatung builds worker starts another


800 hangchow builds temple starts horseman
shantung builds worker starts temple
kaifeng founded start worker

775 tientsin builds spear starts worker
bejing builds settler starts spear

Theos's turns 61-70
(61) 1500 BC - Warrior dies trying to take out barb camp. Beijing changes from Warrior to Archer. Scouting warriors all start heading back. English demand Literature. I cave.
(62) 1475 BC - Worker starts road+mine on river bonus grassland at Shanghai. Taxes to 8.0.2 for no change in happiness. Tsingtao Barracks->Worker to connect up the horses.
(63) 1450 BC - Worker to river wheat by Canton to irrigate+road. Beijing Archer->Settler.
(64) 1425 BC - Archer heads off to try and take out barb camp. Taxes to 7.0.3 with Shanghai's growth. Zulu start the Oracle.
(65) 1400 BC -
(66) 1375 BC -
(67) 1350 BC - The barb camp has been taken care of by the English, but the archer will still wander around. Other warriors will head out to keep the area clear of camps. Found Xinjian S-S-S-S-S-SE-SE-SE-SE-SE of Beijing by some furs and fish. Xinjian starts training a worker. Tsingtao Worker->Archer (placeholder for horseman).
(68) 1325 BC - Tsingtao Worker to road the horses. Another worker starts road to other wheat by Canton to irrigate it.
(69) 1300 BC - Beijing Settler->Spearman. Canton Settler->Settler.
(70) 1275 BC - Canton Settler heads for fish river delta to divide up the English territory as they have their fur city (one with cattle) well within my rightful territory. Beijing settler heads north for a spice and fish area.

1275 BC save

Theos's turns 71-80
(71) 1250 BC - Horses connected to Tsingtao so switch placeholder to horseman. Tsingtao worker mines the square.
(72) 1225 BC -
(73) 1200 BC - Shanghai worker goes to road river forest square for a more direct route to Beijing. America demands tribute (TM+34g) and I give in.
(74) 1175 BC - Tsingtao worker to bonus grassland south of the city to mine+road it. Found Chengdu S-S-S-SW-SW-SW-SW-SW of Beijing and start training a worker. A nearby warrior garrisons it. Beijing spearman->Settler. Indians start the Great Library.
(75) 1150 BC -
(76) 1125 BC - Found Hangchow N-N-N-NW-NW-NW-NW-NW of Beijing and start training a worker. A warrior heads off to garrison it, and spots a barbarian north of Shanghai. Xinjian Worker->Spearman.
(77) 1100 BC - Xinjian worker to bonus grassland north of town to mine+road it. Canton worker starts irrigating a plains. Shanghai worker to hill to mine+road it. Last warrior in Beijing heads up to barbarian activity. Warrior defends against barb. Canton Settler->Spearman.
(78) 1075 BC - Warrior defeats barb horseman. Barb horseman right next to Xinjian down south. Nothing I can do about it at the moment. A warrior heads down to defend against future attacks. New settler heads to river hills by gold and Indian territory. Xinjian ransacked for 54g.
(79) 1050 BC - Canton worker starts road to Chengdu. Beijing Settler->Spearman.
(80) 1025 BC - Northern barbarian camp dispersed for 25g. Tsingtao worker starts road to Beijing. Beijing settler to spot near northern horses. Tsingtao Horseman->Horseman.

1025 BC save

Theos's turns 81-90
(81) 1000 BC - Shanghai has grown but is still stable. Tsingtao horseman heads south to find the southern barb camp.
(82) 975 BC - Found Tientsin W-W-W-N-N of Beijing and start a temple as it will contest borders with the Indian city of Karachi. We can now build the Forbidden Palace. Nanking Temple->Library for more culture.
(83) 950 BC - Xinjian worker heads for forest fur to road it. Beijing Spearman->Settler. Canton Spearman->Settler. Chengdu Worker->Temple as it is contesting borders with both York to the west and Canterbury to the east within my rightful territory.
(84) 925 BC - A bit worried about Indian warriors near Tientsin. Chengdu warrior to bonus grassland to mine it. Canton spearman to Tientsin for garrisoning. Massive barbarian uprising near Xinjian.
(85) 900 BC - Canton worker joins Chengdu worker to team up. They are mining bonus grassland by Chengdu. The barb camp south near Xinjian has had an uprising. Fortunately Canterbury is closer to it, so maybe they'll target that. Anyway investigating horsemen retreats. Hangchow Worker->Temple as it competes its borders with Isandhlwana.
(86) 875 BC - Hangchow worker to bonus grassland to mine+road it. Found Tatung N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N of Bejing and start building a Temple as it contests borders with Isanhlwana. Nanking grows its borders.
(87) 850 BC - Shanghai worker to spice forest north-west of Shanghai to road it. Chengdu/Canton worker team mine another bonus grassland. Shanghai completes the Great Library and starts a Settler. Indians cascade to Pyramids.
(88) 825 BC - Xinjian worker, having linked up the furs to its local town, starts a road to Tsingtao to link them to the rest of the nation. Techs from the Great Library: Iron Working+Mathematics+Philosophy+Code of Laws+Map Making+Polytheism+The Republic+Monarchy+Construction. With towns still to be built we hold off on the revolution. Beijing Settler->Worker. Tsingtao Horseman->Horseman. Shanghai grows its borders.
(89) 800 BC - Horses are now linked up to the capital. Horseman disperses barb camp in the south for 25g. One iron already in territory, but two are very close so it'll be worth building cities nearby. Tsingtao worker mines a grassland. Beijing settler east to iron by the east coast. C/C worker team to mine+road another bonus grassland shared by the two cities. Canton Settler->Templer.
(90) 775 BC - Canton settler heads south to surround Canterbury.

775 BC save

Revolution to begin next turn. Iron not linked up. Furs nearly linked to the capital. Only civ who has tech up on us is India who have Currency, plus potentially Middle Age techs.
I was gone most of the weekend and didn't see the post to put up the next round. I can't get them up there until tonight. Sorry about that. If mine are not included in the analysis for this round, i will underwstand. While we are on the subject, I will be camping with my son this weekend and so will be out of pocket from Friday until late Sunday. To avoid the missed post deadline, I can forward a report to someone to post for me and keep in good standing. Let me know if that will be needed.
Turn 90 Comments - 775 BC

I wanted to look at some of the 'key' years for the different
games - first contact with the "Eastern" civs, the year the player revolted out of Despotism (and number of turns anarchy), and the year the player entered the Middle Ages. It's too early to tell, but the upcoming key metric will be the year and tech where they go 4-turn research "for good". (Is cracker already there?!)

         Year of- Year of    - Year entered
Player - Contact- Revolt(An) - Middle Ages
Cracker- 1525BC - 1400BC (2) - 1200BC -
Charis - 1325BC -  825BC (7) - 1000BC - 
Lee    - >775?? - 1025BC (3) - 1000BC - 
Hotrod - 1300BC - 1000BC (4) - 1000BC -
Jaxom  - 1275BC - 1200BC (5) - 1275BC -
Borea  - 1100BC - 1050BC (5) - 1100BC -
SJF    - 1500BC - 1075BC (3) - 1075BC - 
Swift  - 1475BC - 1025BC (3) - 1475BC - 
Theos  - >750BC -  750BC (x) - >750BC - Great Library
No data yet on SteveArizona  or Meldor.
Also, Stwils is using Lee's 1525BC save, with the above done.

Comments -
@Charis - why on earth wasn't I going max research after Currency?
I also see that in my game Republic came far after Mid Ages!?
@SJF - great job getting Map and exploring, earliest Greek contact
Cracker and Swift also did very well at this. I was slow getting
Map Making but got a ship out and found them ASAP once I did
@Cracker - 2 turns!?!?!? Ya bum ya! :) My seven feels especially painful
@Lee - have you not contacted the other continent, or did I miss the reporting of that (I don't think cracker's post was implying foreknowledge, just what everyone else knows at 775BC about how the civs got dispersed)

What's not clear from the comments alone is how close folks are
to getting permanent 4-turn research, a key factor in determining
launch date in a middle-diff space game. Cracker may already be
in this state? I've played ahead and know how long it took for me
to get there. The other factor is, will AI's be helpful and split
up researching, going counter to player, or will they follow him
like a gaggle of useless slugs??! (I know my answer to this one too 8-\ )

Cracker commented -
> Lost a turn to disorder in two towns due to pilot error and a barb galley on fish
> and the damned nuisance English scout being in the big damned middle of the road.
> (but I am a Peaceful Chinese leader unlike some of my peers. I wish there was a unit
> with the "Arrest and Deport" special ability.)

There is!! It's called... Rider!! :hammer:
Actually, "Marshall" would be a great unit :p

> 850BC - to war with Gandhi since he was so far behind in techs to be worthless
Ha!! Peaceful??! :lol:

Interesting actually - in one game India was TOP DOG on research, in
cracker's game, worthless, and in my game, middle of the pack, not at
all worthless (while he lived that is)

Originally posted by Charis
@Lee - have you not contacted the other continent, or did I miss the reporting of that (I don't think cracker's post was implying foreknowledge, just what everyone else knows at 775BC about how the civs got dispersed)

The other factor is, will AI's be helpful and split
up researching, going counter to player, or will they follow him
like a gaggle of useless slugs??!

I saw such an obscene amount of barb ships by port, that I didn't try the immediate galley build. :smoke: I never would have dreamed I would find all the other civs with just one or two moves of the galley. My mass contact turn was 690BC.

As for the AI being an "useless slug", they are continuing to help in my game. I did get a few middle ages techs from them. Of course, I am nowhere close to tech every 4 turns. The tech pace in this game is so absurdly fast, that I built Sun Tzu before the Pyramids were finished :crazyeye: What I find interesting is that DESPITE not finding the other continent, I hit Republic the same time as the rest of the pack except speed demon Cracker and Jaxom.
Originally posted by Charis
Quoting cracker:
> 850BC - to war with Gandhi since he was so far behind in techs to be worthless
Ha!! Peaceful??! :lol:

Interesting actually - in one game India was TOP DOG on research, in
cracker's game, worthless, and in my game, middle of the pack, not at
all worthless (while he lived that is)


In my game, Otto is also on food stamps and he is bizillions of miles away from any disparaging remarks from the Berkley, "tree huggin', save the whales, free the Taliban" crowd that might imply that imply undue Sino influence factors. ;)
I have played up to, and beyond turn 120. I was out of town all weekend, so did not have a chance to post my turns.

Expect my turns about 5:00pm MST (I don't have any access to my Civving stuff here at work).
Here are my last 10 turns for this round

Before starting these last turns I check some things out:
I change entertainer in Beijing back to a citizen as we will get Library next turn
We ask Liz to trade currency to us for monotheism; she does
We start on Republic

settler moves south toward furs
Beijing is on fire again! So I move luxury slider to 30%
workers in tientsin move south
Beijing now has Library/set to Temple
Tsingtao gets Temple/set to swordsman
Xinjian gets worker/set to spearman

(Order is restored in Beijing. I don't know why they get so disgruntled so often)
New worker in Xingian moves to wheat
Workers road in Tientsin
Settler moves one space south to another fur
Nanking gets Granary/set to worker

worker in Xingian mines wheat
2 workers in Canton move to bonus gl
settler builds Macau - in the snow

worker near Shanghai roads
workers near canton mine bonus gl
Tried to upgrade warriors to swordsmen. We can't. Not sure why
2 workers in Tientsin move to coast
Our treasury is running low. :(
I move science slider back to 40%

wworker in Tientsin moves to gl
2 workers in tientsin mine near coast
Nanking gets worker/set to settler
Tatung gets warrior/set to worker

canton workers road
worker near Tientsin mines
Xiajin worker roads wheat
Nanking worker moves to spices
Hangchow gets worker/ set to Spearman

Barb ship moves near Hangchow
worker there moves to bg. But keeps his eye on barb ship
2 workers move se toward Hangchow
2 workers on coast road
worker builds road on spices
Beijing has Temple/set to swordsman
Xinjian gets spearman/set to worker
Tientsin gets spearman/set to Library

workers move from coast to mountain/hill
2 workers mine near Hangchow
worker on coast mine
worker near Shanghai irrigates
worker moves from wheat to gl
spearman fortifies
swordsman fortifiesf
Chengdu gets warrior/ set to galley

Chengdu warrior fortifies - sees barb galley
Xinjian worker mines
We contact England, Am,india, and zulu - but none of them have anything we really want
2 workers mine the hill
Xinjian gets worker/set to granary

workers near Hangchow road

Remember these 3 rounds I have played and posted were based on Lee's 1525bc save.

It will be fun to see how my last 30 turns compare to his.;)

The barb activity is amazing! I have my work cut out for me :lol:. The data should be interesting I will begin working on the data for this round tonight, probably after Steve posts.

@ stwils:

Tried to upgrade warriors to swordsmen. We can't. Not sure why :( ... Our treasury is running low.

I think you answered your own question, upgrading takes gold, IIRC 40 gold per warrior, also that warrior has to be in a city with iron hooked up and a barracks.

I will read all the reports more closely tonight. One quick observation: Jaxom I opened your game last night (it was the only one posted when I posted mine), making a b-line for education, You aren't even going to build Riders??? You really are a peace lover ;) arent' you???

Here's the turn reports and saves for my next 30 turns.


Tsingtao founded on coast E of Beijing, start temple. Beijing switched from spear to settler. India now has Phil, but keep research with it being due in 1.


Philosophy researched, start Republic. Shanghai riots, moved science slider up full checking research levels and forgot to reset lux tax, bad mistake that delays temple production and future spear factory. Philosophy is near worthless, but trade it for small sums + WM's to both America and England - may as well have them research something useful. Use cash to establish embassy with the Zulu. Can't persuade Shaka to part with Maths.


Shanghai builds temple, start archer for barb slaying. beijing builds settler, start settler. New settler heading between wheat and cow on river S of Beijing. Barb appears N of Shanghai, send spear to fortify on improvement. Barb near Tsingtao taken out by spear. English found Canterbury at northmost W choke. Will want to get a settler in the area asap.


Shanghai spear defends v barb. Camp spotted NE of city. Barb horse appears S of Tsingtao, spear retreats into city. This could be the start of uprising season and I plan to pump military out of Shanghai for the forseeable future.


Canton builds temple, start galley. Barb horse outside Tsingtao.


Shanghai completes archer (sent towards barb camp), start archer. Spear defeats barb horse.


Xinjian founded due S of Beijing near wheat, start spear. Shanghai borders expand to claim spice that was already roaded - the people are happy. Archer ready to attack barb camp next turn.


Beijing completes settler, start settler. Vet archer survives barb camp, just, and claims 25g. Switch Shanghai to spear. Establish Indian embassy, the last for now.


Canton border expands to claim iron hill. Shanghai builds spear, start sword.


Canton builds galley, start Colossus - with gold and iron hill could be a good Super Science City. Galley immediately spots light green borders that are reachable next turn. Looks like we're about to meet the Scientific civs.


Galley reaches Greek coastline and contact with Alex is established. Massive trading round ensues as follows:

Zulu. Maths + WM + 4g for contact with Greece.
Greece. Contact with Iroquois + TM for contact with other 3 civs on our continent. Note that he has Construction.
Iroquois. Construction + TM + contact with Babylon and Persia for Polytheism and 4 contacts as above. I decided with the close proximity of the landmasses that it would probably be better to trade these contacts early.
Babylon. Contact with Russia, WM + 10g for contacts as above.
Persia. No deal possible.
Russia. Monarchy, TM + contact with Germans for COL, MM, Phil + contacts. They were way behind in techs (they still don't have Maths) and I wanted them to catch up.
Germany. WM + 108g for Writing, Maths, Poly and contact with Persia. Another Sci civ way behind in tech and it's looking like nobody has Literature to trade. I'd hoped to avoid researching that.
England. WM + 25g for Maths.
Iroquois. WM + 108g for Monarchy.

With the gold traded embassies were established with Greece, Russia and the Iroquois.

At this stage only Currency is required before the next Age (and barbs). With Republic at max science due in 11, I decide to stick with being a despot for the time being - two periods of anarchy is one too much in this game. Only two Wonders (Colossus and Oracle) are being built at present, with the cascades that are sure to happen this will have to be watched closely to make sure I get the ones I want. The other question is how much land and how many cities are required for the Space Race. Assuming we fill our sub-continent we may not need that much more. Another priority is making sure the Scientific civs prosper just enough to help our research, it may be necessary to thin them out a little allowing 2 or 3 to expand more.


Chengdu founded W of Beijing, start spear.


Beijing build settler, start settler.


Shanghai sword complete, start sword.


Nanking builds temple, start barracks.


Galley sunk by barbs. Reg warrior upgraded to sword. Moving warrior through English lands. Liz is annoyed so hope she doesn't start anything.


Hangchow founded, start spear. Warrior got past OK, just one more on the wrong side. Barracks whipped in Nanking.


Nanking builds barracks, start spear. Vet warrior upgraded to sword.


Beijing builds settler, start settler. Upgrade another warrior. Diplomacy shows most civs now have Lit, Iroquois have Currency - as soon as that's traded it's barb time. Republic due in 1, nobody has it yet.


Republic researched, change governments and enter 3 turn period of anarchy. Decide to gamble a little and not trade this round. Would prefer established Republic before entering next age and am not looking to build libraries just yet. By the time TGL is built it will be almost obsolete.


Shanghai riots, entertainer hired. Increased barb activity. Conscript warrior promotes to reg N of Chengdu. Tech situation same as before, no one else has Currency yet.


Oracle completed in Salamanca, cascade to Pyramids and TGL. Taxmen hired in Nanking and Beijing after growth.


People's Republic of China formed. Spear defeats barb at Tsingtao. Barb horse appears S of Hangchow, still haven't found the camp yet. Camp spotted N of Chengdu.


Worker killed outside Hangchow. Massive uprising at Chengdu camp, probably one in the S also. Tsingtao builds temple, start spear. Xinjian builds spear, start temple. Spear defeats barb horse at Hangchow. Currency now had by 3 civs, time to trade. Another warrior upgraded. Move settler pair away from barbs.

England. Currency, WM + 19g for Republic.
Germany. Literature, WM + 50g for Currency.
Greece. WM + 5g for Currency. Gift Lit.
Babylon. WM for Currency.
Russia. Monotheism for Rep, WM + 12g. ROP + 12g for ROP.
Persia. Gift Currency.
Zulu. Gift Currency + Lit.
America. WM + 5g for Currency.
India. Gift Lit.
England. Gift Lit.

Decided to give everybody Lit that didn't have it in the hope that they may actually build some libraries soon.
Science set at 60% with a small deficit, Theology in 11.

WM trading revealed the southern barb camp. Time for some barb action.


Lose warrior and archer to barbs. Shanghai build sword, start sword. Chengdu builds spear, start spear.


Hordes appear near Chengdu and Hangchow. York sacked. Tientsin founded near flood plains, start spear. Beijing builds settler, start spear. Vet sword defeats horse at Chengdu.


Spear at Chengdu promotes to elite taking out several barb horse before it and the warrior lose. Chengdu sacked, Citizen + 17g lost. Sword takes out last horse near Chengdu. Vet sword>elite, 2 vet spear>elite and reg spear>vet at Hangchow. 2 swords sent towards camp.
Nanking spear built, start court. Chengdu walls, start spear. Hangchow walls, temple.


Swords in Tientsin defend v barbs, 1 promotes to elite. Shanghai builds sword, start sword. Beijing switched to temple, Tsingtao to library. 2 swords head to Chengdu camp.



Swords move into position at both camps. Nanking switches to library, Shanghai to settler.

zenga 1275bc

zenga 1025bc

zenga 775bc
I just looked at Zenga's log. (I read his as it came right after I had finished posting mine, and I didn't feel it could contaminate my playing my 30 turns - as they were already played. His is the only one I have read.)

AND - I was amazed that he now is in contact with Greece, Russia, Persia, Germany,Babylon, and the Iroquois in addition to the 4 on our continent.

His galley went carefully - not sinking - and arrived on the Greek coast.

My galley sank! ^%$^%#$ And I did not get around to starting on another one until much later.

I was just amazed at how quickly he got in contact with all of these civs and started trading.:crazyeye:


My contact date was three turns after 1500. On 1475, I saw land; on 1450, I saw green border; and on 1425, I contacted the Green People (Greeks). Sorry if the report was confusing.

BTW, I'm not even close to 4-turn research. It's more like 10 turn research at -10 gpt :lol:.


I change entertainer in Beijing back to a citizen as we will get Library next turn....
...Beijing is on fire again! So I move luxury slider to 30%

First of all, good job moving the luxury slider instead of hiring an entertainer in Beijing, but on the previous turn, you must remember that library provides culture, not happiness (personally, I could be made happy with a library, but I don't think the same could be said about the world's population in general :) )

The thing that determines if a city will riot or not, is the faces of your citizens from either the city screen or the F1 screen. If you look closely at the faces, or hover your mouse over them, you will see that there are three types of faces. The happy ones on the left, the content ones in the middle, and the unhappy ones on right. The three groups are separated by a slight bit of space. On any given turn, if one of your city has more unhappy faces than happy faces, then that city will riot on the NEXT turn. That how you can tell if a city will riot.

The way I do it is on the F1 screen, I do a quick skim through my citizen lineup, to see if their formation is "balanced". If there are more people to the left than to the right, then we're okay. If one city has more citizen on the right-hand side than the left (it usually stands out, since most cities are happy), then it needs fixing. As you adjust the lux slider on the F1 screen, you can see the citizen faces changing.

On a side note, when you hire an entertainer in the city screen, you can click on the face of the entertainer to change him/her to a taxman or a scientist. You can see the face of your citizens changing as you do this. In many cases, a taxman is enough to make your city happy (you can tell by couting the happy/unhappy faces). The benefit of a taxman is that you get 1 gold per turn over an entertainer.
Originally posted by LKendter

The tech pace in this game is so absurdly fast, that I built Sun Tzu before the Pyramids were finished :crazyeye:

Here is one my notes from the late stage of the game:
deleted year Babylon builds Bach, many cascade, I will have Smith and Newton next turn...

I get both wonders, Russia gets the Great Lighthouse killing the cascade that was ongoing since the Ancient Times. This you will not see often, Magellan was built 10 turns before the Lighthouse :)

Originally posted by Hot0823
One quick observation: Jaxom I opened your game last night (it was the only one posted when I posted mine), making a b-line for education, You aren't even going to build Riders??? You really are a peace lover arent' you???

Here is one of my note from a latter stage of the game:
deleted year We discover Steam Power. Oops, I still have no iron connected, so no rails yet.

The troops you see there is all I have until Replaceable Parts. One lucky spearman was upgraded to Musketman then to Rifleman, just to let the AI know I was at that stage.

@Charis: I am not at 4 turns yet, not even after the next 30 turns, but I do get 8 more techs in the next 30 turns, so I am, sort of, at 4 turns per tech.
WoW, you don't have to say but did your city base grow much. I know myself that I am starting to run out of space. To get much bigger war may be come inevetiable.

Apperently Jaxom your neighbors respect your space. Mine started a completely unprovocted war. America attacked with 3 warriors and pulled England in just for the heck of it. It helped that they were already furious from our previous entanglement, again not started by me.

I can't wait to see this all playout.

Originally posted by stwils (edited)
I just looked at Zenga's log and I was amazed that he now is in contact with Greece, Russia, Persia, Germany,Babylon, and the Iroquois in addition to the 4 on our continent.

His galley went carefully - not sinking - and arrived on the Greek coast.

My galley sank! ^%$^%#$ And I did not get around to starting on another one until much later.

I was just amazed at how quickly he got in contact with all of these civs and started trading.:crazyeye:


stwils, here are some pointers on how I gained contact with the galley.

1. Check the map size. This map is non-standard with only 40% water (stated in one of the opening posts in the thread), meaning that the other civs were always likely to be fairly close. This may also determine whether it is worthwhile to build the Great Lighthouse.

2. Move your galley 1 tile at a time to expose more of the map, this allowed me to spot the borders of another civ quickly.

3. ALWAYS end your move with the galley on a COAST tile (unless you have the GLH). If you are on a SEA tile the galley has a chance of sinking.

Hope this helps. By the way, my galley was sunk by barbs a couple of turns later but it had already done it's main job.:)

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