Sitting Bull's Mightt

Saint Rising

Metal Monster
Aug 24, 2008
So yes, I am writing a story! Woo! Actually, its not that uncommon. I write them all the time, just without Civ IV being a factor. Anyways, I decided to do Sitting Bull because it seems he isn't used much. ^^; So yes, before you read, I'm a huge nerd. Sci-fi fans might get a kick out of this. Enjoy!

EDIT: Also, my keyboard is slightly messed up and will sometimes insert an extra t when I hit that button. It shouldn't show up in the actual story, but it might in any notes (OR THE TOPIC TITLE, GRR) that I put on the thread.

The Doctor’s Visit

Long had Sitting Bull been the chieften of his people. Since his father, Wise Buffalo, had died, he had bravely lead the nomadic Native Americans. For as long as any of them could remember, they had wandered the land. Soon, though, it was prophesized by Great Owl, the High Shaman, that their nomadic ways would end. Great Owl was right, too…

One silent night, Sitting Bull could not sleep. He found it strange that he couldn’t. There were no barking dogs, no chatting people, no howling wolves, and no chanting heard from Great Owl’s tent. On any other night like this, Sitting Bull would have been asleep a long time ago. Something was strange tonight, though. He couldn’t quite figure it out, though.

Sighing, he decided to take a walk outside of the camp. For hours he walked. Through the forests, through the plains, and through the marshes. “This land is beautiful,” he said to himself, as stood on the bank of a flowing river.

Suddenly, a huge flash of light appeared in front of him. His eyes wide in terror, Sitting Bull looked around for a place to hide. Spotting a bush, he ducked into it. Peering through its leaves, he studied the light which had now turned into a large blue box. Scowling, Sitting Bull gripped his Tomahawk.

The box opened up, and out of it stepped a pale man, with extremely strange clothing on. “He must be a dishonor to his people…” Sitting Bull thought, looking at his extremely short hair.

The pale man looked around. “Oh, I could have sworn this is where he was going to be…” he said.

“Who do you speak of?” Sitting Bull asked, without leaving his bush.

“Ahh, there you are!” the newcomer said. “Sitting Bull, yes? Leader of the Native Americans?”

Sitting Bull frowned. “That is me. Who are you?”

“I am The Doctor.”

“Like a Witch Doctor?”

“No, just The Doctor! Now, could you please come out? I have some rather important things to talk to you about.”

Still distrustful of this albino, Sitting Bull slowly emerged from the bush, still tightly gripping his tomahawk. “What do you want, The Doctor?”

“I want your tribe to settle. Here.” The Doctor said, spreading his arms. “Your shaman prophesized you settling, and this is the perfect place.”

Sitting Bull was amazed. This pale outsider knew that his people were destined to stop moving, and he even suggested a place to settle. “Why should I trust you?” Sitting Bull asked. “You are pale, you are dressed strangely, and you do not smell as my people do.”

The Doctor just smiled. “Trust me or not, this is the best place. Now, I must be off! Goodbye!” with that, The Doctor jumped back into his box.

“Wait!” Sitting Bull shouted. It was too late, for the great box was already changing into a bright flash of light. In a few seconds, it was gone. Sitting Bull sighed. He sat down in the grass, and rubbed his hand against the cold, dew stricken blades. It was green and healthy. The land was obviously very fertile. In the distance, he heard the calls of the great cows that had long fed his people, as well the squeals of the pigs that his people considered a rare treat. “Perhaps this is the best place…” he murmured. With that, he stood up, eager to go back to his tribe and tell them what had happened.
Note: In the prologue, things seemed very serious. This will not be the case in the rest of it. This will have many laughs. =D

First 20 Turns

Sitting Bull’s people were still camped out North-west of where The Doctor suggested they should settle. It was still early in the morning, but he wanted them to get moving as fast as possible. So, he went to the place where they stored the drums, and started beating on them. Slowly, his people began to arise from their sleep.

Great Owl approached the Chief. “Sitting Bull, not more than enough time for the great orb to go over our heads has passed, and yet you wake us up before the OTHER great orb goes over our head arrived, and there is no coffee. What insanity is this?” he asked, waving his walking stick around.

Sitting Bull laughed at his half-insane shaman. “Fear not, old friend, for today, your prophecy comes true!”

“Eh, whut? Whut prophecy? And I’m not old!” I’m thirty seven!”

“No, you one hundred thirty seven,” Stern Wolf, the War Chief of the tribe, said, as he approached. “Why we up so early, chieften?” he asked Sitting Bull.

“Because today, we finally sit down to carve a name for our tribe,” Sitting Bull said. “Last night, a God visited me. He called himself The Doctor, and told me of a river to the South East of here where we will have all the food we need!”

Great Owl, Stern Wolf, and Jakob ( The Science Advisor, who explained his boring name by saying that his parents were huge users back in the day), all stared at him. “Eh, what?” they asked at the same time.

Sitting Bull sighed. “Follow me, my people!” he shouted to them. He then started to walk towards the river he had met the Doctor at. His people, who magically had packed everything up instantly, followed him. Soon, they arrived. “Here, the city of Cahokia shall be founded,” Sitting Bull declared.

No one really understood what was going on, but they complied anyways. And so, the Native American city of Cahokia was founded. Everyone got settled in, and soon had planted fields on the nearby foodplain. “This all seems rather rehearsed…” Sitting Bull commented.

“We have daily rehearsals,” Wise Owl said. “Ever since I made the prophecy.”

“…you guys really didn’t have much to do, did you?”


“Right, anyways. Find Silent Deer! We must scout out the world!”

Silent Deer was sent out, and for awhile, there was nothing to do then farm. It was all quite boring. And then, Silent Deer returned with news of the land to the south. “It is all desert, chieften.” He reported. “Thtere are some sheep, but that’s it.”

“Then we shall expand some other direction! Scout east!” Sitting Bull said.

“One other thing, I met this person,” Silent Deer said, pointing to a pale man with a silly hat.

“Greetings, mighty ruler of the Native American Empire! Deal faithfully with mighty Korea, and we promise not to smash your head in with a bat.”

“The rat with wings?” Great Owl asked.

“Umm…sure.” The newcomer said. “I am Wang Kong, by the way.”

Sitting Bull nodded, as did his advisors. There wasn’t much else to do. So, Wang Kong left.

“Also, sir, we hired someone to oversee economics. Meet Silent Rabbit.” Great Owl said. A short girl with long, black hair stepped from behind him. “Silent Rabbit, your new boss.”

The girl bowed. “You really are silent, aren’t you?” Sitting Bull asked. The girl nodded. “Fair enough.”

For the next while, nothing happened again. Then, a report from distant travelers spoke of a religion called Buddhism that was founded in a distant land. No one really understood what that meant.

Then, late one evening, Silent Rabbit approached Sitting Bull. “Yes, Silent Rabbit, what is it?”

She smiled brightly at the chief, but said nothing.

“…I know I’m quite the handsome one, but you don’t have to stare…”

She frowned, and shook her head. Then, she beckoned for him to follow. Having nothing else to do, Sitting Bull did so. They ran west of the village, where the cows that the village lived off lived. She showed to him designs on the dirt for some sort of encasing around them, that would allow the Native Americans easier access. “We can entrap them?”

Silent Rabbit nodded.

“BRILLIANT!” Sitting Bull shouted. “We shall call this Animal Husbandry, for no other reason than that I don’t have anything else to call it.” Silent Rabbit smiled big at this news, and they walked back to the city together. What great news they would tell their people!

(a few more turns after this, but nothing important.)
Well, this sucks.

Sorry, people, it seems I'm a complete moron. I forgot to save this game, even though I swear I did. :( It won't be continued...
Ah, that sucks.

But you only have to edit the screenshots and one paragraph (Assuming you start with animals.). It's good it happened this early.

“Right, anyways. Find Silent Deer! We must scout out the world!”
For the next while, nothing happened again. Then, a report from distant travelers spoke of a religion called Buddhism that was founded in a distant land. No one really understood what that meant.

Edit that, and you're golden. No need to start a new story.
Ah, that sucks.

But you only have to edit the screenshots and one paragraph (Assuming you start with animals.). It's good it happened this early.

Edit that, and you're golden. No need to start a new story.

Eh, I might just redo the whole thing anyways. Make it better, you know? Was half asleep when I wrote it.
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