Holy Fuuuuuuuu


Nov 24, 2003
After posting this, I realised there's a certain standard you adhere to in this particular section of the forum. As far as creativity and literary value goes, this falls short. Much like my game in a way. Nice self-referencing allegory going on there. If there's another section that fits better for this more traditional Civ game-story, then feel free to move this entire post. If not - a story of torrid isolation and the late coming of Jazz follows:

Hi there,

My post count may be low, but I've been lurking since forever. I'm an old and dedicated on-and-off-gamer, and it's been a few years since I played last. Lately I've had quite the Civ4 revival, and had a few MP-games, vanilla flavor.

Anyway, I got BtS a few days ago, whacked the "Play now!" button and set up a fractal/large game, and for the first time tried Prince as Caesar (Imp/Ind). I felt lucky.

Opening was magnificent: coastal, next to a 1SQ lake - sheep and 3 clam! Grassland galore, and even a few grass coated hills for good measure. Quite the start.

So I go explore, and find tundra to the south, desert to the north and Bismarck to the west. Like, in-my-back-yard-west. I squeeze in a city to claim some stone and flood plains, and ponder on how to get this Australia-type half-island-half-continent that we're on to myself.

Fast forward a few thousand years, in BC150 I've finally hooked up the not-so-abundant resources (i can't haz spices pre calendar) and Pry my Praeratorian way through Germany. That was kinda easy - and Deutche Mark gave me Stonehenge and Pyramids! Problem is, between us we already settled every square inch, and I never get much more than my then 10 cities. No soup for me.

It's cottage galore, all i got is flatlands and food - cool enough, but my traits are totally wrong for the game - no use for settlers, surrounded by ocean, few hills and abviously backwards in tech, as every wonder i start gets paid out after a few hammers.

I do however beeline to Confucianism - that brings some happy faces pre calendar.

So, again, fast forward an eon or two, and my first Caravel is on its Confucianist mission to map up/mop up the world. We find my six nemesi at a semi-Pangea way to the north. Think Eurasia vs Australia. Without Java and beans between. At this point, clam didn't seem to cut it. I'm aloooone!

After mapping out their lands, my status:
  • Cyrus and Charlie have got some vassalage going on.
  • My military sucks.
  • Everybody's friendly. What's up with that?
  • There's no land left, and even if there were land left, the journey is too long and my production is barely keeping up as it is.
  • I need to instigate some trouble...
  • ...but they all hate my guts.

This being my first time at Prince, it took some time getting used to not leading at this point in the game. Or rather, being so figgin backwards. I was stumped for quite a few turns and wondering how on earth I could win.

Finally, after trading and giving in to a lot of stupid demands, I've got enough pull with Russia to get them to pop the peace. Suddenly all hell breaks loose over at the mainland, while I silently research commerce and culture techs like crazy. I seriously did not build nor upgrade one single land-based military unit after 150BC, that was so weird. I felt naked.

I juggled the politics while beelining to the general direction of Eiffel Tower (Straight as Avenue Klèber), and somewhere along the road it dawned on me that culture was my only viable victory option. I did my part to prolong the fighting, while staying in pacifism + caste system, wacked the culture slider to 100% while GP-starving culure-bombs.

In the mean time, Charlie gets the UN Seat, but wastes it all on crap. 'Haha', I think to myself. I've got 2 cities to legendary culture and the third within a few whacks on the enter key. I feel lucky. I'm gonna win on Prince!

Well then. First, I miss the micro on a culture bomber, and he turns out a holy fu... (it was like 59% artist to 11% priest... devine intervention).

Then, the other holy fu.. Charlie finally puts the UN to FUN with Emancipati-un, and these guys are already borderline annoyed of Island Instigator, so i wuss out of the veto. Away goes my Artist Special Olympics.

Little did it matter tho, at around the 47k culture in Berlin and ON the turn of my lastest and greatest work (Miles Davis! UNfashionably late. Kinda Blue.), Charlie Minge gets his head out of his Holy ass, and whips his vassals into voting him victorious in the one UN vote that matters.

Charlie wins on diplo. That's not diplomatic, it's sadistic. That's a bad AI.

I'm so alone. With my wonderfully insufficient Broadlywood Towers of Rock and Boremitage. Curses!

Lessons learned:
  • If you instigate a war and don't participate, someone might actually win it
  • Islands are lame. Especially the small, lonely ones
  • Culture victories are boring when the others are warring
  • I'm not going back to Noble

I know, I know, pics or it didn't happen:

The start

60% of my total army listening to Leonard Cohen

~400AC, and this would be it for eternity.

But.. but.. I wanna play!

Leave it on a Blue Note

On a positive note, I did idle a lot.
That takes the cake as far as I've seen for most hilarious defeat ever. :lol:

Also, what happened with spreading Confucianism? Never got Open Borders with anyone?
Cyrus had the most powerful civ around the time when I found the mainland, so I spread it to a few of his cities and got a spy to convert him. Little did it matter in the end tho.. :)

A few of the others had no state religion spread, so no go there. At the end I was too caught up in the culture game to care. I also was cottage spamming quite early, so the cash wasn't really important.

Yeah as far as defeats go, this one was quite special. I'm happy that I managed to hang in there for so long in my first pop at Prince. I'm not sure I'd last as long with a lot of neighbors :)
If you instigate a war and don't participate, someone might actually win it
now THATS a lesson (i'll be quoting that in my signiture)
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