Monster Zombie (28 August 2007)

Thank you Plotinus.
It breathes new life into the zombie scenario.

I particularly like the way his head snaps back and forth in the attack and the way it lolls from side to side in the fidget - just makes a head shot more difficult ;)
Wow, when I come back from the dead as an undead automaton, I want to be as big as that guy! :lol: (Looks very, very good, by the way.)
Originally Posted by The Tuna Bomber
Shoot it in the head!
More like call in an air-strike.

If all the zombies on the island were once human, then did this guy mutate or was he just huge before he died? :lol:

But on a serious note, he looks very cool. And kind of reminds me of the cave trolls in the Lord of the Rings movies.
Tank Guy #3
When a Zombie comes into contact with Zombie Goo (a concentrated form of zombie virus) it causes even more hideous mutations. The Zombie will grow monstrously large and become an almost unstoppable killing/eating machine. Stats are 22.20.1 +3HP. You probably need a Tank - stats: 30.25.4 +5HP to stop them.
Tank Guy #3
When a Zombie comes into contact with Zombie Goo (a concentrated form of zombie virus) it causes even more hideous mutations. The Zombie will grow monstrously large and become an almost unstoppable killing/eating machine. Stats are 22.20.1 +3HP. You probably need a Tank - stats: 30.25.4 +5HP to stop them.

I like the Resident Evil explanation better. You get infected with the virus, then it begins to alter your DNA, hence you get mutations. Project Nemesis comes to mind. You know the monster in Resident Evil Apocalypse.
Just nasty! I love the death sequence, not only because the animation is great, but because it makes me feel safer.
Aah! Nuke it! ;)

Taking the inherent hideousness aside, awesome looking unit. :thumbsup:
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