3.9.1 "Ceremonial Burial" Foundation Belief Not Functioning Properly


Nov 10, 2005
I had an issue with the "Ceremonial Burial" belief. It was suposed to provide me with +1 happiness for each city following my religion. However, this never seemed to be reflected properly in the happiness tooltip. I had 6 cities following my religion (as confirmed by the religion subtab) and the happiness tooltip only listed +3 from religion).

It wasn't even differentiating mine from opponent's cities either, because at that time I had 2 cities of mine converted, and 4 opponent cities. Really odd.

This was with 3.9.3
I've corrected the text to state: "+1 [ICON_HAPPINESS_1] National Happiness for every 2 cities following this religion"

You should be getting +1 happiness for every two cities that has your religion, even for your opponent cities.
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