Capto Iugulum: Empires and Nations

To: Whomever it concerns
From: The Republic of the Netherlands

To avoid another incident regarding New Guinea the Republic of the Netherlands hereby officially claims New Guinea, along with New Holland (New Britain) and New Friesland (New Ireland). Any intrusions upon these three islands will be seen as a threat to Dutch Colonial interests.

What we claim is colored in Orange.. along with names in Dutch because I was bored..

Spoiler :
To: The World
CC: Empire of Holy Spain
From: Empire of Portugal

With the escalating tensions between Spain and Hungary, while we would like to encourage a peaceful solution, if it comes to war we will stand by our neighbor. We would like to announce an alliance with the Empire of Holy Spain for the mutual benifit of these two nations on the Iberian Peninsula.
To: Hungary
From: Literate people

We also wish to warn the Hungarian government against harming the ambassador or any of the people from the Spanish diplomatic mission to Hungary. Should that happen, the security of the Hungarian diplomatic mission to Spain will not be insured.
To: Poland
From: Brandenburg

Instead of providing pointless commentary, please simply make an official declaration of your stance on this affair and move on. Your comments are simply inflaming the situation.
From: Kingdom of Hungary
To: Spain
CC: World

If Spain truly wanted to apologize, they would pay the reparations they owe. Spain's refusal to pay the reparations is an indication that they are not remorseful in the slightest for their actions. We will not apologize because we have done nothing to apologize for. What we will do is offer our condolences to the families of the innocent Spanish sailors who died after following their officers orders to engage our ships.

As for the detainment of our diplomats, we expected nothing less from the Spanish dogs. The arrest of Spanish ambassadors in Budapest is just that, arrests. They have been charged with breaking laws which any and all in Hungary are obligated to obey. Should a Brandenburger merchant be caught setting fires, or should a British engineer be caught murdering, they would be incarcerated and charged like anyone else. Spaniards are no exception. Our diplomats, however, have committed no crimes and should be released should their captors have any honor.

To: Hungary
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We should have expected this. We hoped that you would be able to use your intelligence, but it seems that it was wishful thinking.

Once more, we will not pay reparations. This incident was clearly instigated by your movement of ships into the Sea of Alborán, a movement which you have yet to explain. Was your move, perhaps, an attempt to surreptitiously prey on Spanish shipping? Were you hoping that we would fold to your nefarious wishes? If that is the reason, then we are more than justified, given that one of our navy's tasks is protecting Spanish ships.

There is a term amongst some of our doctors, called "projection", which is applied to those people that ascribe to their enemies or opponents their own negative thoughts, attributes or emotions. It seems that you are yourself having that problem.

In regards to the detainment of the Hungarian ambassador, it was done both for his protection and to make sure that the Spanish ambassador did not "accidentally" meet his end. We would really want to know, though, what is the "crime" the ambassador has supposedly committed? Because, as far as we know, the only "crimes" they have committed were being Spanish and fleeing for their lives before a furious mob.

In regards to the ambassadors, we are willing to set them free if you are willing to allow our ambassadors to freely return to Spain. If you don't believe it possible, allowing them free passage into Austria will be more than enough.

And who are you to call us men without honour? It was clearly you that started all this mess. Had your ships remained away from Spanish waters, or sent notice about their movements so that their intentions were not confused with aggressive ones (which so far seems to have been your actual intent, as you have not explained yet the reason for that move), then we wouldn't have sent our ships to make sure that nothing untoward happened.

If you are intelligent, you should not continue with your irrational demands, nor continue to lay the blame for this incident on us. And believe us, if you make the greatest mistake and declare war on us, you will regret it forever.
To: Hanover
From: Brandenburg

Very well, let us combine our efforts in building a common infrastructure for Northern Germany.
To: Poland
From: Brandenburg

Instead of providing pointless commentary, please simply make an official declaration of your stance on this affair and move on. Your comments are simply inflaming the situation.

To: Brandenburg
From: Poland

Poland doing not pointless commentary? Are you mad!?

To: Everyone
From: Me

No, I'm not taking this seriously. How could you tell?
I did just realize I forgot to update the deadline due date this time. As before the deadline be for Thursday.
To: Hungary
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We should have expected this. We hoped that you would be able to use your intelligence, but it seems that it was wishful thinking.

Once more, we will not pay reparations. This incident was clearly instigated by your movement of ships into the Sea of Alborán, a movement which you have yet to explain. Was your move, perhaps, an attempt to surreptitiously prey on Spanish shipping? Were you hoping that we would fold to your nefarious wishes? If that is the reason, then we are more than justified, given that one of our navy's tasks is protecting Spanish ships.

There is a term amongst some of our doctors, called "projection", which is applied to those people that ascribe to their enemies or opponents their own negative thoughts, attributes or emotions. It seems that you are yourself having that problem.

In regards to the detainment of the Hungarian ambassador, it was done both for his protection and to make sure that the Spanish ambassador did not "accidentally" meet his end. We would really want to know, though, what is the "crime" the ambassador has supposedly committed? Because, as far as we know, the only "crimes" they have committed were being Spanish and fleeing for their lives before a furious mob.

In regards to the ambassadors, we are willing to set them free if you are willing to allow our ambassadors to freely return to Spain. If you don't believe it possible, allowing them free passage into Austria will be more than enough.

And who are you to call us men without honour? It was clearly you that started all this mess. Had your ships remained away from Spanish waters, or sent notice about their movements so that their intentions were not confused with aggressive ones (which so far seems to have been your actual intent, as you have not explained yet the reason for that move), then we wouldn't have sent our ships to make sure that nothing untoward happened.

If you are intelligent, you should not continue with your irrational demands, nor continue to lay the blame for this incident on us. And believe us, if you make the greatest mistake and declare war on us, you will regret it forever.

From: Kingdom of Hungary
To: Spain

Do non-Spanish ships need reason to travel through heavily traversed seas? Spanish warships haven't shadowed and destroyed any other ships that have passed through said sea routes, as far as we know. Why would our reason for being there matter...or better yet, why would we need a reason for being there?

As for your ambassadors, the crimes they are accused of are promoting dissidence and disorders, coercion, and espionage, and they are to be tried. We will notify you of the results of the trials when they are complete. This is a just reason to hold the Spanish ambassadors. Spain however, holds Hungarian ambassadors hostage, and will punish them, not for crimes they commit, but in retaliation of any ruling which Spain finds unjust. This hostage taking is nothing less than barbaric and should be stopped immediately.

The Kingdom of Hungary has had enough of Spain's threats and saber-rattling. Your attempts to instigate war have failed, and will continue to fail should they continue. We don't want any more of your hot air.

OOC: Double A, please don't make spam comments regarding in-game events...especially ones that are easily mistaken for IC comments.
From: Kingdom of Hungary
To: Spain

Do non-Spanish ships need reason to travel through heavily traversed seas? Spanish warships haven't shadowed and destroyed any other ships that have passed through said sea routes, as far as we know. Why would our reason for being there matter...or better yet, why would we need a reason for being there?

As for your ambassadors, the crimes they are accused of are promoting dissidence and disorders, coercion, and espionage, and they are to be tried. We will notify you of the results of the trials when they are complete. This is a just reason to hold the Spanish ambassadors. Spain however, holds Hungarian ambassadors hostage, and will punish them, not for crimes they commit, but in retaliation of any ruling which Spain finds unjust. This hostage taking is nothing less than barbaric and should be stopped immediately.

The Kingdom of Hungary has had enough of Spain's threats and saber-rattling. Your attempts to instigate war have failed, and will continue to fail should they continue. We don't want any more of your hot air.

OOC: Double A, please don't make spam comments regarding in-game events...especially ones that are easily mistaken for IC comments.

To: Hungary
From: Empire of Holy Spain

You seem to forget that the ships that were on the Sea of Alborán were warships, and all the other ships that you refer to are merchant ships (we can now add amnesia to the list of illnesses you suffer). Had your ships wanted to cross the Strait of Gibraltar, they could have done so easily by actually moving through them. However, your ships remained in the Sea of Alborán, with no actually ostensible reason, and as such we had to act on the supposition that their intentions were bellicose. We are sure that, had our ships gone into the Adriatic Sea and anchored near your coast, you would be down our throats demanding to know why those ships were there.

In regards to the ambassadors, we are glad to know the truth: it is impressive how good you are in the field of accusing others of trumped-up charges. Dissidence, disorders, coercion, and espionage? The first three were most likely caused by your people, and the latter probably amounted to nothing more than finding what was happening in Hungary, especially given that you were, until last year, an unofficial ally of the United Kingdom. It looks like that no nation's ambassadors are safe in Hungary, given how easily the Spanish ambassadors were accused of unfounded charges just when they were trying to leave the nation to save their lives.

We are offering you a perfectly good deal: if your kangaroo court ends up (as we are sure they will) declaring the Spanish diplomatic mission guilty of those trumped-up charges, you can easily send them to Austria. Once that happens, we will allow the Hungarian diplomatic mission to leave Spain, because, unlike you, we keep our deals.

You accuse us of saber-rattling? It has always been you who made the aggressive action, you who attacked, you who threatened. Spain has stated repeated times that it has no intention to declare war on Hungary. The only other thing related to war Spain has stated was that, should Hungary commit the mistake of declaring war on Spain, Hungary would regret it.

To: The World (minus Hungary)
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We are grateful to those nations that have supported us in these difficult moments.

Also, we would like to point out the chain of events that led all of us to this moment:
  1. Hungary sends a fleet of warships, containing five Norwich-class ships, which are currently the most powerful ships their navy has, to the Sea of Alborán, in or near Spanish territorial waters.
  2. The Hungarian fleet remains in the Sea of Alborán without warning about their reason. This is not the action of a fleet that is going to be there for a peaceful reason.
  3. In answer to a potential threat to shipping passing through the Sea of Alborán, as well as to the Spanish coast, the Spanish Home Fleet set sails and steam towards the place where the Hungarian ships are.
  4. Upon meeting with the Hungarian fleet, there is a stand-off between the two fleets.
  5. After a ship opens fire (our sailors say that it was a Hungarian vessel who made the first shot, but we are still unsure about it) the Hungarians attack the Spanish fleet.
  6. The battle ends with six Spanish and eleven Hungarian ships in the depth of the sea.

Hungary is trying to pin the blame of this incident on Spain. They seem to forget that it was them that instigated it, by sending their ships into (or near) Spanish territorial waters and near the Spanish coasts.

This is the list of things Hungary could have easily done to make sure this thing did not happen:
  • The Hungarian government could have decided to keep their warships at their Hungarian ports. They sent them.
  • The Hungarian government could have sent a message to the Spanish ambassador, stating what they planned to do, so that the message was sent later to the government. They did not do this.
  • The Hungarian government could have told the Hungarian ambassador to tell the Spanish government what the ships were going to do. They did not do this.
  • The Hungarian fleet's admiral could have sent a message to the Spanish authorities at the coast of Spain to tell them what they planned to do. They did not do this.
  • When they met the Spanish fleet, they could have left back for their homeport. They did not do this.
  • When they met the Spanish fleet, they could have sent a message to the Spanish fleet's admiral, telling him what they were doing there. They did not do this.
Instead, they fought the Spanish fleet.

From this series of events, it is quite clear that the Hungarian fleet's intentions were aggressive, pretty much the opposite of what they claim. Will you listen to us, or will you believe the lies spouted by the Hungarians?
To: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay
From: Empire of Holy Spain

As we continue to go on through the crisis precipitated by Hungary's irrationality and aggressiveness, we cannot help but worry about the current state of affairs in South America, involving the nation of Uruguay and its neighbours in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Given the proximity of the place to Perú, our alliance with Brazil as well as the fact that Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay were in the past part of the Spanish Empire, we feel that our voice should be heard.

We suggest that the proposition from the United States of America is heeded: allowing for free elections to happen in Uruguay and keeping the Brazilian blockade until then. War will help no one in this case. In order to make sure that those elections are fair, we suggest that observers from the following nations:
  • Argentina: neighbour to Uruguay.
  • Brazil: neighbour to Uruguay.
  • República de Nueva Granada, Panamá or Estados Unidos de Nueva España: Spanish-speaking, neutral countries.
  • United Kingdom: neutral country.
We hope that these choices will insure that there is a balance between the opposed sides in the Uruguayan Crisis.
To: The Empire of Holy Spain
From: Estados Unidos de Nueva España
We are happy and willing to act as observers in the Uruguayan elections, as the stability of our brother nations to the South is always our concern. However, we ask that you withdraw your invitation to the 'nation' of Panamá - it is clearly ignoring the voice of the people when it comes to unification with us, and thus is not qualified to judge what is and what isn't a democratic election.

To: Panamá (NPC)
From: Estados Unidos de Nueva España
Your flagrant disregard for the will of your people is an abomination. We demand that you hold a plebiscite in the next year, the options of which are A) unification with the Estados Unidos de Nueva España, with all the rights and responsibilities of a constituent state within the United States, or B) independence.
Failure to hold this plebiscite will be met with retaliation, as we cannot simply ignore your crimes against your own people.
To: Those Concerned
From: Uruguay

We will not change the constitutionally mandated election dates and we will carry out the remainder of our terms in office. Our next elections will be held in 1842, and we are willing to allow observers, and only observers when the time is correct. We will not have our government dictated to us by any foreign power.

To: Sweden
From: Korea

Your people have betrayed our trust, and we feel we have more than repaid any past kindnesses you may have given us by not simply executing your merchants sabotaging our government. You and other Europeans are no longer welcomed on our soil.
TO: Uruguay
CC: Argentina, Paraguay, United States of America, Empire of Spain, United Kingdom
FROM: Empire of Brazil

Until elections are held, the blockade will stand as is. Any attempts by Argentina or Paraguay to destabilize and bring conflict to the region, will be met with harsh and decisive action.
This would be the 72 hour deadline for orders.
To: Uruguay
From: Empire of Holy Spain

Given the current state of chaos in your land, wa cannot help but fear that, by the time the year 1842 arrives, elections will be impossible, either because anarchy will reign in Uruguay or because someone will try to use said chaos to impose his will on your people. Perhaps in this situation it is better if you try to call for elections.

Besides, look at it this way: if the people truly want the current government to remain in charge, they will vote for it. If they do not want the current government, then they will vote it out, and perhaps it would be better if, instead of waiting an extra year that could provoke even more destruction.
To: Empire of Holy Spain
From: Uruguay

We believe that we have more experience with the election process and democracy than your benevolent nation does. We feel that we are proceeding in the course directed by our people more than you could otherwise advise us. We will continue to dictate our policies based upon the constitution and will of our people.
To the Northern League
From Paris and Burgundy
CC The Republican Rabble in Orleans; French Kingdoms

The armies of Paris and Burgundy will march to restore order and a sound government to Orleans this year. The French, both in my domains and the domains of other kings, must stand united against the threat of republican chaos, and to this end it is necessary that both the corrupt and ineffectual deposed monarchy and the godless anarchists should be removed immediately in favour of a united government, so that, in the coming years, I may reform all three kingdoms into a soundly governed and constitutional state in line with my own liberal inclinations.

We would like to request contingents of a few regiments, whatever can be spared, from any close-by allies within the League, especially Hanover, Brandenburg, Denmark, Sweden, and the Netherlands, to fight alongside our men under our command to this end, and, if none can be spared, at least to support us with your sympathy and your prayers.
Switching to Moscowy

To Don Cossock Union
From Moscowy

We wish to end this war, which has gone on long enough. On what terms would you be willing to return to our nation?
To: Paris-Burgundy
From: Brandenburg

We will send a royal expeditionary force to support you in this effort.
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