How to decrease lag and wait time between turns


Jul 27, 2013

wow what a registration process. You really dont want new members in this forum, right? :p

Im looking for ways to improve the multiplayer performance of Civ5.

The game itself is great but when playing with two of my friends it becomes very very frustrating.

Even before turn 100 the waiting time between turns is long enough to make the game not fun to play and the unit lag then destroys the fun completely.

Are there certain ways to change that?

We dont have bad internet connections, live close to each other and since Ive got the best computer and internet connection I am hosting currently.

We are playing on the biggest map size (pangea or continents) standard speed ,disabled combat animations and with 8 players total (We + 5 AIs)

Would decreasing the number of AI players to 4 have a significant impact?
Would disabling movement animations have any effect?
Would lowering the graphics have an effect? (probably not, but who knows^^)

Any other advice? =)

Thanks for your help
Map size is probably the biggest concern. I would rather stay with standard maps with 8 players. Put low sea level if you wanna feel it bigger. Lowering graphics can certainly help a bit too.
It is likely graphics to a point as the large map means rendering a lot of tiles as the game goes on. And it is most definitely related to AI pathfinding. As the game goes on and the more units are on the large map, the game has to calculate the path they are moving and if they are conflicting with other units movements etc. This can really be math intensive when you have 100's on units on a large map.

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