Blank Tech Advisor Screen and No Interface


Oct 28, 2005
Wichita, KS (US)
I'm presently having 2 technical issues with Civ4 vanilla, v. 1.74.

1) The interface is missing. Even when I open a city all I see are the tiles and no interface on either side telling me my culture, showing my specialists, etc. Also, Ctrl + I and Alt + I did nothing to restore my interface.

2) When I first started this game and when ever I load this game it starts on the Technology Advisor screen which is completely blank. I see the blue at the top and bottom and the soft brown background. No techs are listed.

EDIT: OK, now the interface came back in one game, and it's not present in another game. Sigh. Not sure if the 2 are related.

EDIT: So I restored all 4 tabs' settings to default, closed Civ4, restarted it and started a new game. Same issues persist.

EDIT: So I uninstalled cIV, reinstalled, re-patched, and it seems OK now. No more bugs atm.
This is in response to this old post about a blank Tech Advisor screen (& no buttons for orders). I didn't see the answer posted elsewhere except to unload, re-install etc.

For me this occurred when playing mods, and may be the BUG which I recently put in. In any case, you can right-click on the desktop Civ 4 icon and 'Run as Administrator', which worked for me. Saved me losing all my games and mods.
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