Manage Workers bug?


Jul 5, 2010
The first 20 games or so that I've played on this game (X360), I have been able to go to a city's management page, go to "Manage Workers" and select "Gold" or "Science." Selecting either of these two meant that ALL production stopped and the populace was dedicated to one of these. Now all of a sudden, when selecting either of these, it still balances food, production and science/gold. To elaborate, if I have a city with a population of 3 and I select "Science" in worker management, 1 goes production, 1 goes food, 1 goes science. This is very frustrating later in the game when I want cities to stop nagging me about what to build.

I've gone so far as to reformat my hard drive, thinking some new bug was loaded every time my profile was, this did not help. Ideas?
At the beginning of the game selecting science/gold will still have some production & food. Later in the game (probably once you reach the industrial age) selecting science/gold will stop all production and change those hammers to trade. If you want only science/gold at the beginning of the game you will need to manually select the squares to develop. Personally, I'd rather stockpile hammers than make gold since rushing units costs more gold than hammers.
Thanks for the reply! Yeah I posted this question in four different locations so I've gathered some information:

Correct, I have to wait until either the industrial or modern (i think it's modern) before it will allow the gold/science preset to go ALL gold/science w/ some food, and no production. BUT my issue remains even here. 2000 AD working on future techs in the modern era, I switch a preset to gold or science because there are no buildings or wonders I can even build... and i'm stuck with assloads of production. It's infuriating!

And again, this USED to work for me. Same console, same disc.
It's just the modern age where the gold or science settings will allow you to have no production at all (in fact, what production you would have is converted to trade). This feature was released in patch 1.3. If you reformatted your drive, you probably killed your update, so you need to download the patch again. Then you should get the result you desire (but only in modern).
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