Unable to end the turn (late game bug)

Moi Magnus

Mar 1, 2015
This bug is not very important, but annoying for people which like playing "just one more turn...".
Sometimes, the game (with both expansions, and the last version of CEP) will say that you cannot end the turn until you made something impossible.
Two examples that I've found :
+ After taking all cultural doctrine, if you gain a free cultural doctrine, you will be unable to end the turn (No problems in "normal cases", only if it is free)
+ If a nuclear missile has XP, you will have to promote it, which is impossible, you will be unable to end the turn. This situation is not possible building "normaly" the nuclear missile (they have no XP), but doctrines which says "give you 2 defenses units" can give nuclear missiles with XP.

Theses problems are not very difficult to patch (they are clearly localised), but not very important (I can play with that), so please add this to a todo list for the next version of the pack.

Have a good day and thanks for this mod :)
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