MAP development


Apr 4, 2008
I'm sorry this is really late but i just havent had the time. I will work on the map tonight and hope to get alot done
What size map are you considering, "Huge" or something on par with Genghis Kai's "Giant Earth Map?"

I read the list of planned civs, and it occurs to me that you will need a really big map.
What if the map is made on the Rhye's principale of different tile productivity in different areas? it will help make the Europe competitive without making a very big map which will undoubtfully lead to long turns. It'll also help to avoid hard to manage overgrown states like Russia, US and Canada.
I also agree it should be made on Rhye's map because if we make it on Genghis Kai's, the turns will take too long.
I can upload rhye's map and take away the marshes.
That's not really necessary: there's an 18 civ Huge Earthmap by Rhye, which works w/patch 3.17 (no marshes). Also, I've been asked by NikNaks to do a 2008 scenario version and thought of using that map. (It's basically the same as the Amra 18 civs BtS map, which was originally done by Amra for Warlords.)

Any suggestions?:confused:
Yes, well... there are 18 civs in. Could you tell me what civs you need in - or shall I just edit it myself? (You can add me as Map Editor on your team list if you like.) I reckon you'll be using all modern units (of which there are already plenty available and still more being poured out).

Without any further suggestions I'll be posting a 0.1 version when it's done (but I can add in any requests you guys may have).;)
I've copied this from post #1 in the Civs thread (which, BTW, might be outdated as it hasn't been edited since first posted).

Here is a list of all the civilizations planned to be included. They are up for comment and discussion.

United States of America - controls Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, Panama, Diego Garcia (Indian ocean), Pacific Islands (Midway, Guam, Marshal Islands, Samoa, etc), Iraq, Afghanistan.
North Korea
(gaza strip + west bank).
- controls Syria.
South Korea
- controls Cuba, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Paraguay.
Republic of Indonesia
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
European Union
- Euro nations.
Permanent Neutrality - Switzerland (capital), Costa Rica, Liechtenstein Turkmenistan.
NATO (non-EU) - UK (capital)*, Turkey, Iceland, Norway, Croatia, Albania.
Independent African States
- Angola (capital), Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Zimbabwe, Kenya.
African Union- all African countries that don't fall in to our "independent" or "barbarian" groups.
Failed States - Somalia, Eritrea, East Timor, Equatorial Guinea. There should also be strong hostile barbarian rebel cities in Iraq, Afghanistan, and western Sudan. Weaker barbarian groups elsewhere, maybe without cities, including in Columbia, Chechnya (Russia), Mexico, Algeria, Basque (EU) and Tibet (China).
Independent Nations - Papua New Guinea, Brunei, Singapore, Dominican republic, Peru, Chile, Vietnam

*The UK has been selected as a non-EU NATO country because of its alignment in international politics and its geographical location.

Now there's 35 civs on the list, so for an 18 civ map some have to be lumped together, included in the Independent Nations and/or represent as barbs. (I may be able to extend civs present beyond 18, but can't promise it.) Because of mapsize (Huge) some may also just be to small to be individually represented (Liechtenstein, Monaco, Dom. Rep. + Haïti on 1 isle tile, etc).

Also, what map is Munch working on? (Haven't found any reference to it.):confused:
I've downloaded Carter's 18/24/36 map (again) to see if it's usable with 3.17. If so the 36 civs map would be best, I reckon.
Where's the DLL?:confused: (I'm sure I need it, as Carter's maps are Cartermod- linked, and I know about map editing, but am a total moron on modding anything. I've got another 34 civ map listed in my Public Maps folder, but can't tell what mod it's linked to - it doesn't show up on the in-game scenario/map list.)

BTW, is the civ list still up to date?

Still don't know about IM (PM not fast enough?); I generally check CFC several times daily, just to keep updated.
Right, the DLL is stored on the SVN. I can give you a link to that directly.

The list is up to date so much as everything is right except Europe, which is still under discussion, although assume that there will be more civs rather than less (say, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia (one civ), Eastern Europe (one civ) and a couple of others to fill the gaps).

IM just seems to be quicker to me. Even this post is 3 minutes after yours, not instant.
Right, the DLL is stored on the SVN. I can give you a link to that directly.

That'd be great. (I found the SVN, but the Tortoise linked me to several downloadable files, not telling what I needed to DL really.)

Alright, where do I get the IM? (You could also just type faster.):mischief:
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