What historical moment or event do you wish you could have witnessed or participated?

I would have liked to see the Trinity test.

There's plenty of things in my field which would have been amazingly cool to participate in; CP-1, for example (the first sustained man-made nuclear fission chain reaction). There's plenty of other things in history that would have been incredible to see, and still not fully appreciate: the Americans pledging their lives, fortunes, and Sacred Honour to a free and independent United States sits foremost in my mind.

But to witness the Trinity test... well, I'd still never fully comprehend what it meant, but it was certainly a life- and world-changing moment.
Me too. The irony is that by going there, you most likely destroy it by accidentally spreading disease.

Smallpox doesn't exist outside of Atlanta and Russia anymore.
I would like to watch:
A caveman discover fire.:)

Which one of the thousands of times when it happened? ;) The fire was NOT a breakthrough. It was not invented by a random cavemen and spread to his relatives, friends, etc. Fire exists in nature, it's not a human invention. And learning how to use it took tens of thousands of years.
I would love to be present or witness the following:

1: Mankind making first contact with another sentient species from beyond our solar system (imagine the profound universal implications of that?)
2: Mankind's first mission outside of our solar system using "warp drive" or equivalent.

I doubt I'll be alive to see either though. So if I had a time machine. I'd go ahead, most certainly.


That would be most interesting, but American Civil War general. Try to end the war earlier, save Lincoln, prevent WWI etc.
God, there are to many to list...
To name a few:
D-Day June 6, 1944
The talk between the pope and Atilla the Hun (what did the pope say??)
Battles of Thermopolye, When Mongols took out the Great Wall and the invasion of Europe by them.
Battle of the Bulge
That's just to name a few. If i could, I'd like to have witnessed everything in history. Oh well.
Sixth Floor, Dallas School Book Depository, Dallas, Texas at 12:15 PM on November 22nd, 1963.
May 2, 1967 last leafs championship.
The talk between the pope and Atilla the Hun (what did the pope say??)

"I'll give you a cookie if you go away"
Thank you, this allowed me to get my smallpox booster before it was too late.


Americas supply of the virus is safely gaurded at the cdc. Youre more likely to be killed by a russian strain.
There would be a few times & places to would like to see

1) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - 500BC. As there is actully no record of it from native sources - you would think it was worth writing about...

2) Great Library of Alexandria - 75BC. I would just love to see how it looked. I might try to pinch a couple of texts now lost to the modern world (But I would have to learn how to read classical Greek first)

3) Rome, 250AD. Would be wonderful to see one of the greatist cities at it's height.
Fighting to the death in any one of these battles which I greatly admire:
300 Spartans (On Spartan side, course)
First Crusade, Battle of Jerusalem. (Muslim side)
Third Crusade (I think): Battle of Acre (On the Muslim side)
Battle of the Alamo (Texas side, of course!)
Battle of Iwo Jima (American side)

In non-war:
When Moses split the Red Sea
When someone woke up and noticed Jesus's body was gone. (I never exactly got the details of this, how did the part go again?)
The first hajj
Columbus discovering America
Building of Stonehenge
Building of the Pyramids
The destruction of the first Death Star. :)p)
Battle of Iwo Jima (American side)

When someone woke up and noticed Jesus's body was gone. (I never exactly got the details of this, how did the part go again?)

The Americans won that battle and I don't think it was a close one either.

It depends on your religion or lack of. ;)
The assassination of Phillip II, to try and find out who was really behind it.
The fall of constantinople 1453. (the ending of the middle ages! :( )
I'd like to see asteroid hit Jukatan peninsula about 65 million years ago, preferably from orbit :D.

I would have liked to see the Trinity test.
But to witness the Trinity test... well, I'd still never fully comprehend what it meant, but it was certainly a life- and world-changing moment.

Also, seeing Ted Taylor lighting a cigarette from nuclear test with a mirror would have been chilling (search Ted Taylor from link if interested).
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