Immigration to Warlord City (RP)

We welcome you Vandal to the Warlords City. There is a pile of wood on every corner so build a hut and make yourself at home..
You are welcome Vandal, I guess this city has the right culture for you too :)

On that note, sign me up as a registered citizen, I would like to be in the plains pass between those mountains, call it "Hot gates", and own the desert outside from a barren Spaghetti Western type village (starting out as a barren pass with sun-burnt grass).
Seymoo had heard rumour that Vandal Warlord was to leave the city to join the military encampment up north. Although he thought it a bad idea politically it did not surprise him, it struck him that a city with less intrigue and cunning, and more of strength and honesty would suit Vandal no end. Seymoo hurried into town and was able to catch Vandal on the road out of Arete. He held out his hand in a sign of peace, smiled in a sign of friendship and then bowed his head in a sign of respect.

Vandal, I am sad to hear of your leaving us, but I think it may be the right choice for you to make. I hope you enjoy the less complicated military lifestyle up north. And be sure to give those Warlords as hard a time runing it as you did us Philosophers, it is only fair.

I had planned to offer you a place in the Minds of Arete as replacement for diamondeye who has left for New Giruvegan, but alas you leave us too. Consider yourself an honorary member, you welcome in my house, and in the minds any time you are back in Arete. You came to warn me, did you not, when you believed the rebellion may threaten my life. Be assured that I do not forget a good deed done. May fortune bless all that you do in your new life

And with that Seymoo bowed his head lower than he had for any man before and turned and headed for his farm. He would get Cassion to write something in Vandals honour.
Maybe he was joining the Piggie Style Procreation Program under the potent shadow of the Nizol Erectude (phallic symbol), as he found the willing Yassan women to be more luring and enticing than the callous and conspiring city ladies of Arete? Provolion, thought to himself.
OOC- I was given permission by Gnoman Empire to use his character Sane.
OOC- Sane co-wrote the story:p
Vandal led approximatly 100 Areteans out of Arete to immigrate to the Warlord City. Vandal led them Sane, a large man, found in the deserts. Sane was appointed by Arete to guard the citizens. Damn, Vandal thought. Sane was clad in Bronze armour. Vandal had only one daggar....visible. One the first day the managed to make it 1/4 of the way there, but by the end of the day, no one wanted to move. So Vandal pulled out two more daggars and began to juggle them. The settlers were very entertained by this. Sane was also very entertained. By midnight everyone was asleep accept Vandal, whom was on guard duty. Vandal twidled with his daggars. Then he heared something, a faint patering of feet. Vandal stood. He then pulled a seccond dagger from....well lets just say it had heigene issues. He saw a bush move. Then vandal jumped on the bush where he grabbed a man.Theif. Vandal put one of his daggers to the theif's neck. The theif began to sweat.Vandal push a little harder.He began tosweat harder. Then he dragged the man into the camp where Sane stood. Sane picked the theif up and began to beat him. Finally Sane let the man go. He scrambled out of the camp site.

The mourning sun rose above the site. Everyone packed up and moved out. The seccond day was normal. Nothing to report, but the thrid day was when everything got interesting.....
Ah, the Prelude to a Rebellion, Provolion said to Warlord Nizol, I can see those dusty clouds with stragglers from Arete, making their way to the new Warlord City. They are but a hundred men, and they got a Babylonian in their midst, swarthy skinned and brimming with trouble. The main source of uprisings in the country came from the Weapons Masters, he knew, as well as with the support of the Tribal peasant class, lead by a council of elders. When you have Vandals at your gates, what do you do then? Provolion asked rhetorically, fill their bellies swine and empty their loins into Yassan women and then entertain them with cloudyhead mushroom? Or simply call for the warriors? Or should we offer him land? We are curious about what Vandal has to say, and prepared for all eventualities, even letting the weapons speak, as well as feeding our war-pigs

The third day of the journey was the most horrifing thing Vanal ever saw.

There was a thick mist around the settlers, with Vandal at the head.They were traveling through a weeded swamp. Sane watched Vandal carefully making sure he did nothing to harm the settlers. Vandal contiued to walk. Vandal stopped when he heard feet moving. Largefeet. Vandal unsheathed his dagger.
"Sane, guard the ba-"Vandal began when out of nowhere when he turned to see a huge beast jump out of the weeds to pick one settler up and take him into the otherside of the weeds.
"Everyone run throught the weeds, single file! Sane, Guard the front!"Vandal screamed as everyone ran past him. Vandal unsheathed a seccond dagger.

"Come and get me you son of a Bi-"Vandal began, then the beast, a huge lizard that ran on its hindlegs, with smell arms, came out of the weeds. Vandal twirled his daggars.The beast sceached. Then another ccame out from behind.
"Scratch that, Sons"He said.
The first beast ran at Vandal. Vandal felldown on purpose. The beast ran right over him and rammed the seccond beast. Vandal got up and ran. He ran throught the weeds until he found a tree. He climbed up the tree until he found a high branch. He sat up there waiting. Finally, the beasts appeared. They began trying to climb the tree, all atemps failing. Vandal threw one daggar like a dart right into one of the beasts, heads. It collapsed to the ground. The other beast finally got hold of a banc and mangaed to get up to the same branch Vandal was on. It stared right at himand then opend its mouth to show its teeth and gullet. Vandal, siezing the oppertunity unsheathed a daggar and stbbed the dagger right through the beasts mouth. It fell of the branch. Vandal jumped off to the ground. There he picked up his daggars ad then cut all of the beasts' teeth out. He then stored them away in his napsack. He ran off, hopefully the settlers survived.
Vandal trekked through the swamp. He saw countless corpses of the settlers. Vandal,taking advantage of their deaths, raided their corpses for money and belongings. He walked further and further, never seeing another one of those beasts. Hmmm... he thought, what were those beasts? Vandal desided he would call them Ravvijers-Vandals, Ravands for short. By midday Vandal had escaped the swamp. He saw no trail of the settlers. Vandal continued to hike twords the city, by midnight he saw the city, glittering anew. Vandal smiled. He began to walk upto the city when he immidiatly out whether he really wanted to. Vandal turned and headed back to Arete. He had done his job.
Vandal made it back to Arete in great time. He was ready for anything now.

Vandal asked around the city about news. He heard about another possible rebellion, and about many people leaving Arete for the Warlord city, and New Giv-something(No one could say it correctly:p) Vandal also heard about Hatshepsut having twins, and his son being the father. Heh, he thought, I'm the King-In-Law now. Vandal, truth be told, was not suprised by this, his son was attracted to women, I guess this time he is really in love. Vandal walked back to the Weapons Masters' Hut where he sat down and emptied his sack. He had 3 bronze necklasses, 1 bronze wristband, 5 axes, and 30 or more Ravand teeth. Amazing how much can fit in a single sack, he thought. Vandal put it all back in the sack and went off to the market, to sell these "trinkets".

Vandal sold two bronze necklasses and all the axes for a bow, a quiver, and sveral arrows at one place. Then he went to the blacksmith were he traded 1 bronze necklass and the bronze wristbandfor two strage weapons called "sickels". He hooked them on to his belt as he walked out of the market and into the hut where he did not sleep. He just lied on the ground, pondering the world as he knew it. Vandal was getting older, and older. Vandal stood up and left the hut and Arete. He headed twords the swamps. He was going hunting.
The Chronicle of Resper (part 1)

I grew up on a pig farm on the outskirts of Arete. Now, out there in the boonies we saw occasional benefits from living in our great civilization. There was a time when an elder from Arete came by to teach us things like how to write and how to make pottery. Pottery was kind of useful for slopping the hogs, I guess, but I don't think they cared whether we could write.

But here I am, setting out for a life of adventure. I feel that I'm going to have a story to tell, so I'm writing it down. Sometimes I get the pointy bits of cuneiform in the wrong places -- the elder told me I even have a tendency to do this with my own name -- but I think you'll get the idea.

In my fifteenth summer, I saw myself facing a full life of... more pigs. I wasn't interested. So when the army came by to recruit able-bodied young men to establish a new military outpost, I signed up and didn't look back. They handed me a club and a sack of supplies, and sent me on my way with the settlers.

You've heard how rough the journey was. Well, you've probably heard it exaggerated by Vandal Warlord, judging from the way he boasts, but it's actually close enough. When we finally arrived, we spent a month laboring to build the encampment we would call home. It was a thrilling site when the work was finally complete. I stood in the central training yard, raised my head and my club, and shouted "Now let the barbarians feel our wrath!"

The quartermaster was passing at the time. "Resper, there aren't any barbarians around."


"Now put down the club and go get some rocks. We've got a monument to build."

Building a city wasn't exactly what I signed up for, but it's still better than pigs. And I hear there might be some women arriving someday.
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