What else do Great Artists etc do?


May 13, 2013
Is there any information (or speculation) as to what Great Artists/Writers/Musicians can do apart from being cashed in for Great Works?
If that's all they can do, what's the point in getting them? Couldn't we get the Great Works directly?
They each have a special ability - Great Writers can produce a pamphlet, which gives a lump sum of culture, Great Musicians can go on a concert tour in another Civ's lands, generating tourism... and I'm sure Great Painters/Artists have one too but I can't remember the details.
Great Artists can still start golden ages.
Great Writers can do "Political Treatises" which is a kind of culture bomb.
Great Musicians can do "Concert Tours" which are a Tourism bomb focused against one target.
I would suspect that 90% of the time, popping them for Golden Ages would be all they would need to do and that would be enough.
I would suspect that 90% of the time, popping them for Golden Ages would be all they would need to do and that would be enough.

What're you even talking about? Musicians and writers can't start GAs. To the OP, there's a thread stickied to the top of this forum that has all the information we have so far. There are way too many threads being opened up asking questions that are answered in that thread.
Simply stated, most games (since most are not cultural ones) would not bother with musicians or painters and only artists would be useful for popping golden ages. That's not an answer to the OP, just don't know if they would matter much in most games.
Simply stated, most games (since most are not cultural ones) would not bother with musicians or painters and only artists would be useful for popping golden ages. That's not an answer to the OP, just don't know if they would matter much in most games.

It's possible, it just depends on how useful Tourism will be outside of going for a culture VC. Tourism is probably going to be tied to other mechanics so that it isn't ignored (it has been speculated to be necessary for obtaining Tenets, for example) for the very reason you describe.
We don't know precisely how city flipping works; just that it involves Tourism and dissimilar ideologies, but it's certainly possible that the Great Musician's Concert Tour could precipitate a flip.
Simply stated, most games (since most are not cultural ones) would not bother with musicians or painters and only artists would be useful for popping golden ages. That's not an answer to the OP, just don't know if they would matter much in most games.

I assumed that's what you were driving at, because you've been beating this drum for a while, but as you say, it doesn't answer the OP and your 90% comment is just random speculation. You seem really eager to discount the new features, I get it, but it seems pretty hasty and based on limited knowledge, even in terms of what information has already been released. And again, doesn't answer the OP.
We don't know precisely how city flipping works; just that it involves Tourism and dissimilar ideologies, but it's certainly possible that the Great Musician's Concert Tour could precipitate a flip.

Well, that's a weird thought.

"Mr. President, San Diego has decided it wants to join the United Kingdom."
"What? Good heavens, why?"
"I don't know how to say this sir, but it seems the Rolling Stones can really put on a heck of a show."
Well, that's a weird thought.

"Mr. President, San Diego has decided it wants to join the United Kingdom."
"What? Good heavens, why?"
"I don't know how to say this sir, but it seems the Rolling Stones can really put on a heck of a show."

Don't shoot the messenger. Just remember that when LA joins Canada after a Beiber concert.
Don't shoot the messenger. Just remember that when LA joins Canada after a Beiber concert.

Queen played Budapest in 1986. A little over three years later Hungary abolished Communism. Don't tell me that was all unrelated, that was Freddy working his Magic.
I would not think to make a connection of tourism outside of culture, nor would I would want to believe you could culture bomb your way through an enemy territory.
Culture and tourism in this game are an abstraction, lest we forget. And the game is a game, not a simulator.

Link to video.

Even if the song was created/released during and after the Fall of the Wall, it's not as strange that cultural exchange can have an influence. But of course, it's silly to a degree, but so are lots of lots of lots of lots of things in civilization, no?

And I don't think we can evaluate the worth of the artistic Great Persons vis-a-vis the others yet. One of the World Congress resolutions seem to suggest that Merchants, Engineers and Scientists are in a different group than Writers, Musicians and Artists (and that Admirals, Generals and Prophets are something else again). For example, I can see them creating two pools, one for the 'science' and one for the artistics types, and we don't know how the three (artistic) guilds will exactly work. Maybe you don't even need to deploy a specialist in them? ;) Man, we need more info.
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