HOF Civ4 Update Discussion


Where's my breakfast?
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Nov 28, 2003
The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated. 44 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to Sir Drake for the highest score of the update with a Small, Marathon, Deity, Domination game for 205,305 points.

raistlin1967 was the most active player during this update, submitting 8 games.

Only 3 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:
kovacsflo - 1460 AD, Huge, Normal, Deity, Cultural game for 64813 points
Pious_Pete - 1742 AD, Large, Epic, Deity, Cultural game for 40688 points
Sir Drake - 1756 AD, Small, Marathon, Deity, Domination game for 205305 points

Gauntlet Results:
G-Major 125 - Domination, Prince, Ancient, Large, Normal, Ottoman (check options)
1st Skipity 1510 AD
2nd Pollina 1575 AD
3rd lymond 1630 AD

** New Gauntlets Starting **
G-Major 126 - Diplomatic, Monarch, Ancient, Standard, Epic, Terra, Arabia (check options)
A number of players gained number one positions:
Skipity with a 1250 BC, Small, Epic, Immortal, Conquest game for 86680 points.

Boingle with a 1270 AD, Small, Epic, Monarch, Diplomatic game for 64201 points.

Boingle with a 1842 AD, Duel, Normal, Prince, Space Colony game for 54275 points.
Skipity with a 1040 AD, Large, Quick, Prince, Domination game for 161479 points.

Karl_t_great with a 1750 AD, Tiny, Normal, Chieftain, Space Race game for 23705 points.
Karl_t_great with a 1721 AD, Duel, Epic, Chieftain, Space Race game for 21011 points.

A number of players gained a composite table High Score (i.e. Any Condition):
raistlin1967 with a 445 AD, Tiny, Epic, Emperor, game for 175560 points.

Skipity with a 1040 AD, Large, Quick, Prince, game for 161479 points.
lymond with a 860 AD, Small, Quick, Prince, game for 98726 points.
GRRR, just some hours to late because of needing to sleep...

Congratz to all participants and towards your achievements.

However, seeing not a single #1 Deity game is a little odd, the main reason why I'd have liked my "vanilla-space-race" to have been included in this update. It's also maybe gonna be my last, or maybe also 2nd last game I'll submit, but wayne, everything that counts is that people (and me) had fun during this month.

Keep on playing mates and have a good time.

you'll be back Herr Serial
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