To whom are they referring?


Special Agent
Jul 4, 2002
Christchurch, New Zealand
Here's the background:

The countries in this game are England (me), Rome, France, Germany, Russia, Greece, Egypt, Zululand, Aztec, America, Babylon, India, China, and Japan.

In the picture you'll see at the link below you will see a snapshot of a message I got just before my tactical nuke was launched on Washington. This is the first time I've ever seen it, and I have no idea who/what it means. :confused:

Any ideas?
its a bug in the game files. i presume it was talkign about america. go intothe civ3 folder and oepn up he text folder. i think it's probably in diplomacy, but dont qute me on that. then do a search of that file for 'declared war on us'. search through all civ3 and ptw text files for it. itshodul find on which has omethign liek"<civs name> declared war on us! so the program is just told tobring upthat messege and is told to replace <civs name> with he name of the actaul civ.
Did you see any other similiar messages after you oked this one?

I agree with bob; about an error in the diplomacy files.

In my limited experience, when you launch a nuke several AI Civs will declare war. So you should have gotten several such messages.

BTW there is an editor called civ III diplomacy editor in the utilities forum that will allow you to view and correct this.

edit: You could go to the foriegn advisor screen and see who else you suddenly at war with.
It can't be the Americans, because you declared war on them with the nukes.
What are those huge radar tower things? something from PTW?

what do they do?:confused:
They help spot enemy tropes and artillery fire. If you build a S.M.I or a S.A.M in five cities you have a 75% chance of not getting hit by Nukes.
Originally posted by NewWaver

The thing is, I was already at war with them when I launched. And when I checked, all treaties and wars I was in before then were unchanged. Weird.

So no new enemy? Hmm.

The AD thing has been reported a couple of times before. And like Doc said, it is not restricted to war declarations. I'll try to find another example.

edit here you go - AD is a resource in one case :crazyeye: and a civ 'substitute' in another.
(SewerStarFish could at least track down AD to be the Japanese in his game.)
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