A Victim's tactic for Modern Warfare (now at CFC)


Jan 30, 2002
Monaco di Baviera!
Since CDG will be shut soon I went and transpherred the last file over here- and I figured many people might not have seen this yet- so I'm posting it for you to read. This is a piece of writing that describes how you can establish a successful routine and win against a numericaly and far more advanced enemy against all odds, that a surprise attack eventualy does bring along:

Run to the hills, it's....

A Victim's tactic for Modern Warfare (PART 1)

What frustrates me is that I am usually lagging behind in technology and thus keep up only a moderate military size for defense purposes. I mean, what good is it to have expensive resources tied up by having a large but crappy army that would crumble under a mere few units your neighbour can throw at you. Now, my oponent neighbours are usually busy with themselves and as long as they are banging somebody else's head I try to stay allied with them and keep up trade relations (I had sth like 80% of the silk trade in my hands- this also kept my alliances open even when things got nasty) then cometh the time when their greedy eyes fall upon me... and then it is crucial to have a backup plan...


Only that I didn't have one- I was a weak and technologically backward Monarchy with WWI Infantry and only a handfull of (modded) WWI tanks facing modern armor, paratroopers and marines...
Worst than this contrast in power was the geographic issue- the enemy had expanded around me until virtually encircling me with his cities.

If I had not realised his true intensions early enough (2 rounds) I would not have stood a chance- I had to draft everything I could in every possible city- some 20 something (so that was about 80 units in two rounds plus all projects started within these rounds) to stop the initial brunt of the attack. After these two rounds my population was depleted, my resources were cut and my production dwelling somewhere below the floor level.

Well, I survived in fact after 26 turns I was able to dictate a peace deal... forget trying to hold cities- it won't work, especially not with conscripts- if you lose a city lose it- try to make the AI engage you in the field; in rough terrain- mountains and fortesses on hills- give your troop-stacks one or two veteran modern units, the rest should be conscripts. Save these veterans from direct enemy attack even if you should loose a couple of conscripts in their defense- your army will gain more and more experience and the AI will either avoid attacking a dugg-in military formation, or in the end bleed to death trying to take out your troops.

Do never gather all your veteran troops in one stack- they will eventually be wiped out in a few attacks- try to spread your professional army evenly throughout the front(s) as the strong arm of conscript armies. Dig in and counterattack only to mop up damaged, valuable enemy units in immediate reach- this will give your conscripts experience- and buy you time.

Always keep a rapid response force ready to reinforce your positions. It is therefor crucial to prevent the enemy to destroy vital road/rail connections- keep those open for counterattacks (I am saying this because many players opt for destroying these in order to slow down the enemy assault- this does not help because the idea is to let the enemy bleed to death before your fortifications- NOT to slow down the carnage- stay in control, keep the initiative).

Now repeat after me: I refuse to be a victim


No matter how hard you try to keep up with science, wasting turns in buildng libary,universities.. in Regent level , you are still behind because, like Winter says, you need to have a strong army in case of a surprise ex-allied attack!... If in PTW build the "towers" . Build these in reomote areas so you can see any suspicious advances.

Another suggestion is to try to biuld a lot of cheaper units:
The reason is you can place them on the front line, then when you are attacked, enemy ground forces will attack them first.
Then in the 'back" place the stronger units and counter-attack!!! on your turn. In conclusion the best strategy in buiding the great libary then biuld markets, banks , make more gold when it comes time when Education is discoverd, then start buying important adavance from other civs.

One more thing NEVER TRADE MAPS!!!!!!!!!!
If you do, all tho maybe that civ is your friend, they can trade with other civs, then the entire world knows where you at!
Better off be hidden so that you can't be attcked from all over.
I learned that the hard way.

My 2 cents !!!!


Persistent (generous) trade is the best way of reducing the chances of your immideate oponents going after you. I had a very good military and economic status with my neighbour for a long time, then something changed- he got his resources elsewhere after having stomped another civ into the ground. This meant he was not threatened on two fronts anymore, and that he was relatively self-sufficient... except silk ... which I had. And its mood began to shift to less favourable stances towards me.

This is a very good indicator that the AI will not feel bound to its treaties:
Eventually mutual protection pacts will run out, trade relations will not be renegociated anymore. Finally the AI will start to provoke you by not reducing its military presence in your country, despite the fact that the free-passage agreement expired a few rounds ago. This is the moment you should get scared and move your ass to VERY speedy emergency mobilization... proven fact: the larger your army size, the less likely is an attack from your opponent; the AI knows exactly how many units you have and can recalculate the odds of waging war against you every turn. At a certain level of advantage to its favor the AI will (!) attack you.


The thing is that even towers would not warn you in such a case- the enemy is already there, within your country- he has been a welcomed partner in defense in the past. But now he is hungry for some more- and that lil something is you - so the question that remains is: "When should you start mobilising, and how far should you go?"

Well, the answer to the first one is of relative simplicity in theory: Don't do it too early, otherwise you might cripple your economy and eventually your enemy would not attack due to the size of your army (it really (trust me on this one) makes a difference how much troops and attack power you can field). So you might never know if he would really have attacked you had you not mobilized. The other side is to mobilize too late (as almost happened with me)- then your troops may be built- but you will not be able to place them strategically efficient- mobilization involves three phases:

1) BUILD your units (depending on size, importance of cities, geographical issues and the kind of technology and ressources available- in contrast to the type of enemy to be encountered)
2) POSITION your units according to the data obtained from the above, and of the availability of units after phase 1- you must establish their objective
3) REEVALUATE availability, number and efficiency of your units in the field and the tasks you have assigned them to in phase two- now you have to monitor their achievements to their objective and- if necessary take corrective action- re-start phase 1 to reinforce action...

In my case I was able to build two turns before the outbreak of war- thus getting the gross ammount of infantry units deliverd one turn before hostilities, and in the turn after- then my ressources were cut and it took many rounds until I could re-establish supply of needed resources to continue building modern military units- even those for drafting (which considerably reduces the probabilities of survival).

"Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate." (...) "The prime victory-triad combines Mobility, Flexibility and Initiative"
Col. Corazon Santiago, "Spartan Battle Manual"
Modern Airborne Warfare Tactics by El Justo-- from The Cold War Deluxe scenario

the title seems simple enough. however, there's more to it than meets the eye. The Cold War Deluxe scenario is chock-full of different air crafts such as fighters (w/ weak bombardment no's), bombers (really low A/D no's but high Bmb & ROF), attack air craft (moderate A/D no's + decent Bmb and ROF), and attack choppers (really low A/D but high Bmb & ROF). however, there is also a significant amount of AA units such as flak, SAMs, mechanized AA guns (mounted on tank chasis--ie M42 duster/ZSU23) as well as Patriot missile batteries. all have a huge effect on invading enemy air craft. as such, the human player needs to carefully consider his/her options if or when they decide to attempt to 'control the skies'.

'Controlling the skies' is easier said than done in TCW. sure you can build all of the flak and crank out SAM Batteries in your cities but you need fighter, fighters, and still even more fighters! a good air defense network starts w/ the interceptor air craft. build them in large no's b/c well, if you don't and you're forced to rely on your ground based AA capabilities, then you're pushing your luck. having some super sabres and some daggers, for example, on air-superiority missions wil go a long way in protecting your cities, your capital ships, and your transport units from the devastating effects of the soviet long-range bombers.

sidenote to air superiority missions: i have noticed in one of my games that my allies (Canada and Mexico in this instance) will guard my airspace (US) for me! yes! how is it so you ask...well, the Tu95 Bears began to show up in southern california and i did not have the appropriate air defense network established yet. what happened next was some Mexican F100 Super Sabres came swooping in and intercpeted those rat-fink commies as they tried to knock out some capital ships and some tarawa amph assault transports docked in Los Angeles. this occurred several times during the course of this particular game. the same happened around the chicago/detroit area as my Canadian friends helped me out by intercepting some enemy aircrafts. how is this all possible? well, for one, i believe that since the enemy air crafts were w/in interception range, these allied fighters were simply defending air space within the limit or range of their interception capabilities.

Soften up the defenses!
this is wholly becessary if you wish to control the skies. remember those fighter w/ the really low Bmb no's? well, they should be your first wave of bombing air craft. this is for a few reasons: 1) to probe the air defenses of the enemy 2) while probing, you want to send in air craft that, if encountered by enemy interceptors, has a decent chance of winning the dog fight. this requires the use of fighter/bombers. be sure that your first wave of fighter/bombers possess as high an A/D value as you have in your inventory to ensure that if you do encounter enemy resistance, you have a shot a knocking the enemy birds from the sky.

once you've ascertained the strength of your enemy's air defense network, you're ready to send in the heavies. now, of course you won't send in your precious unbuildable and autopro'd B52 B.U.F.F.ers into a hostile enemy territory when you're uncertain of your enemy's remaining interceptors/AA. my rule of thumb is that once i can conduct unimpeded bombing runs (ie no resistance whatsoever), then i'll send in the heavies and man, do they do the trick! the AI better run for cover when they see those buffers comin'!

attack helis and G/A aircraft such as the Apache, Hind and A10 all are particualrly devastating. caution should be exercised, however, w/ the helis b/c they are not equipped to deal w/ enemy interception or ground-based AA munitions. the range on the helis are rather short as well so they should be considered support air craft for the boots and armour on the ground. i've noticed that the warthog (a10) is awfully resilliant and can be very, very effective even in the face of enemy interceptors and AA fire.

in sum, it is quite easy to gain control of the skies. however, certain steps need to be taken in order to prevent disaster. by this i mean that the soviet AI, as stupid as we may think it is, is sharp enough (hard coded) to know that you have an amph invasion force assembling in Miami. well, be prepared to lose just about everything you have while in port if there isn't any decent AA defenses set up. i've seen it! don't let it happen to you...take the right steps to control the skies!!!

El Justo

"A Modern Naval Warfare Guide to Survivial on the Seven Seas"
by El Justo -- in reference to: The Cold War Deluxe 1950-1991 scenario here at CFC

i've noticed that the AI simply loves to destroy my fleets by air bombardment if i leave them to their own devices. now, it's important to preface this post w/ the fact that since the conclusion of WW2, there's only really been 1 legitimate naval battle between 2 warring nations: the UK and Argentina during the Falklands War (o en español - el Guerra de las Malvinas) during 1982. as such, naval dominance is not what it once was due to the fact of laser guided missiles and smart bombs, etc. as a result, naval vessels are now essentially large, floating targets for enemy bombers. unless, of course, these ocean-going vessels are equipped w/ SAM techonlogy.

considering this, a stiff and effective air defense network is an absolute must. the early stages of TCW do not offer much in the way of floating missile platforms. accordingly, large carrier groups or SAGs (surface action groups) are needed in order to stave off any enemy air attacks. thus the interceptor plays a crucial role in defending the fleet.

once the 2nd and 3rd generation DDs come along, the AA defense begins to pick up. at this point, the emphasis on carriers isn't as profound and SAGs can rely moreso on the SAM capabilities of the DDs and DDGs. now, to operate an effecient and stout convoy, one must, on the avg, allot 2 DDs/DDGs per transport in order to ensure proper air cover. i usually send a carrier or 2 along for the ride. failure to abide by this strategy often results in sunken transports and we all know how irritating that can be.

the bottom line: protect your convoys w/ DDs and/or DDGs to provide proper air cover, be sure to send along some subs so that they can 'see invisible' enemy subs that may be prowling in the paths of your convoys. lastly, sending loaded carriers w/ interceptors is always a good idea.

final point: be absolutely sure to protect docked sea units during war time. the AI has a very unfair advantage of knowing where all of your units are on the map (as well as all of the resources, etc -- a built-in civ3 glitch). as such, soviet Tu-95 Bears, w/ their monstrous range, can pummel your capital ships while in port! yes! i've been victim to it! iow, the best way to combat this is to have a good air defense umbrella surrounding your port cities thathouse both transports and capital war ships. you'll be sorry if you don't!

El Justo, Creator and Producer of The Cold War Deluxe; 1950-1991
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