Camel Rider (Dec 28, 2007)

Hrafnkell,that`s not a problem, that`s a good help from you in order to make run animation correctly. Great video ! This helps us a lot. This means that AoE & AoE II camel units have wrong camel legs sequence. :)
If you're going to redo the walk animation, may I suggest you also make the rider not hold the spear so stiffly? It would look more natural if he swung it back and forward a bit to the beat of the camel's steps. :)

You are quite right. I`ve already modified rider`s position during walk animation. I`ll post new samples as quick as I get camel walk sequence modified. :p
Looks great!! Hopefully the camel mounted units gap will start to be shored up a bit.

Would be awesome to see some of the heavy armor camels. Like the ones seen in some of the Rome Total War mods.
BTW, you could post here your camel requests with pics. I don`t promise to make all of them quickly, but I could begin working on some of them.
I would imagine the FFL would have used camels at one time but that picture looks more Arabian. Anyway a camel rider with a gunpowder weapon would be great.
I would imagine the FFL would have used camels at one time but that picture looks more Arabian.
Not necessarily mutually exclusive - France used to raise local troops in her Arab colonies and mandates.
Yes, Steph would probably know.

Number 3 is a French Saharian company of WWII. Looks close enough if you make a white headgear instead of the stripped one, make the trousers blue... And change the saddle cloth...

Here are some other pictures of Tuareg, that I've posted before when trying to get them made:

As you can see, there's quite a bit of variation in appearance, but you get the general idea. Tuareg almost always wear blue cloth somewhere in their outfits, so that is the most important element; I would use a different colour for civ colour so that there can be blue no matter who's using them.

As for weapons, it depends on the era. A medieval Tuareg warrior would use a sword, but today they use guns. Personally I would have most use for a sword-wielding one, but I think one with a gun would be good as well.
I've been told that traditional Tuareg warriors used an all-iron lance known as the "allarh" - does anyone know anything of this? One'd think an all-iron lance would be either too heavy, if thick, or too bendable, if thin, to be much use as a weapon.
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