Divine Intervention IV: The Wisdom of Pericles

Ashus was not pleased.

He sat on a throne of gold, watching the world below him. But what was the point? What was the purpose?

I have become like the others, Lancelot. he mused. The husk did not answer; it could not. Staring down at the world, he entertained the thought of interfering somehow, but nothing seemed right nor prudent - and why? It was so pointless.

Perhaps this is how the gods are kept in check. When they grow too powerful, they stop caring. But this world...

He looked down upon the world, and he was filled with a great sorrow. I do miss it, Lancelot. I miss living. How are other gods born? How is divinity distributed? She did not answer; she could not.

The silence was deafening. Roaring, Ashus sent his goblet flying across the realm, and his form morphed once again into the dark-skinned noble, as he stepped down into the mortal world once again.


He stood amongst the ashes of Winstown, invisible to the eyes of men. Golden tendrils, innumerable, picked through the debris of the wasted town, and they picked for a long time. Restless, Ashus searched - he knew no sleep, no hunger, no thirst save for the one of knowledge.

But at long last, he found that which he had been searching for. Moving the splintered boards aside, Ashus knelt next to the body of Winston, and a great sudden sorrow filled him.

Winston... he spoke softly, seemingly wordless. It has been a long while. I... but his voice trailed, back into silence. It was, however, a silence that Ashus could stand. He stared for what seemed like forever, before he spoke again.

I had no choice, Winston. I needed to. The beast would have slain everyone. I needed to. But he did not answer; he could not. I have been so angry, over these years, Winston. The anger that welled inside of me was more powerful than I ever imagined. I have killed millions, Winston - but I felt your death. I have known stubborn pride, I have known violence, I have known combat and I have changed, Winston. I have!

He shook his head, and golden tendrils lifted the body from the Debris. As he stood, a second tendril ripped a portal open, golden light glistening across the burnt remains of Winstown.

But he stopped once more. Looking behind him, he turned and his left arm grew hot. In another bright flash, the Sword of Eldarion was once again in his hand, and he stepped over to where had found the corpse. Stabbing the blade into the ground, he shook his head, and then departed for the Gate.
As word of Winstown's destruction spread, a wave of persecution followed. In every city along the eastern coast of the old world, bands of religious fanatics sought out the hiding places of the Faith of the Cross. Taking their cue from Pericles' own actions, these vicious and unruly mobs dragged Christian holy men out of their houses, defrocked them, and then burned them alive in the street. Those revealed as followers of the condemned faith were publicly beaten and humiliated, their property confiscated, and their simple places of worship desecrated.

On the other side of the planet, however, the response was very different. The peoples of the new world saw the burning of Winstown, and the subsequent persecution of its religion, as a grave injustice. They were hardly surprised at the news, though. The Indians, Arabs and Mayans already saw the self-styled 'old worlders' as arrogant and barbaric, and these latest atrocities only provided more evidence.

So, even as the Faith of the Cross died out in one half of the world, it grew even stronger in the other. Hundreds of thousands converted to Christianity, inspired by stirring tales of the Winstown martyrs who faced death with such courage and dignity.

Catching on to the public mood, the ever-resourceful Asoka ordered a replica of Winstown's church to be built in his capital, and declared it to be Christianity's new home. The Indian leader swore to protect the rights and interests of people of all faiths, setting himself up as the defender of religious harmony.

There was, however, a change in the nature of the Christian church as it grew in standing. Where previously the clergy had taken vows of humility and poverty, many now began to seek higher offices, taking pleasure in the status and wealth these positions afforded them. One by one, the Christian leaders became infected with ambition and avarice.

Raised high above the pious followers, whose heartfelt donations filled their coffers, the heads of the church now wished to make a formal distinction between their own faith, and that of the lowly masses. So it was that the great symbol of Christianity, the Cross, was altered to represent a closer connection with the divine.

This new icon, which only the clergy were permitted to display, had the same basic shape as the cross. But it was longer, more slender, and its horizontal bar curved upwards at either end. It was seldom remarked upon, but some people did observe that the new symbol looked a bit like a certain three-pronged weapon...
Pericles sat slumped on his throne, his eyes red from lack of sleep. Courtiers came and went, business was conducted in his presence, and he occasionally reached out a weary hand to sign some document or other. But he could not rouse himself to action, nor sustain any focus on the affairs of the day. There was no clarity to his thought. When he managed to speak, his words were mumbled and almost incoherent.

After several days like this, Pericles' advisors feared he was descending into madness, and rumours began to circulate in Athens that a council of elders might have to take over from him, at least until he recovered from this strange sickness.


Late one night, after his attendents had shuffled nervously off to their own quarters, Pericles sat alone in the throne room. As he stared into the shadows, three figures emerged, slowly and without a sound. The masked men appeared once more, larger and more imposing than the last time, their spears glistening with fresh blood.

"Thank you, Pericles. Once again you have proved yourself an able servant. Do not think that your efforts are unappreciated..."

A small pouch was thrown down onto the floor at the king's feet, and the men let out a collective laugh that sickened him to his very soul.

"Thirty pieces of silver" the men sneered. "The price of a fool."

Summoning what little will he still possessed, Pericles uttered three words: "What are you?"

The men laughed again, with even more malice than before.

"We are the man who lies to his wife, the merchant who cheats his customers, the soldier who betrays her comrades. We are the dark secrets in every man's heart."

"At first we were weak, and relied only on simple deceptions to pusue our goals. But now, thanks to fools like you, we have become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

"Our agents operate in every city, every organisation on this pathetic planet. Through intricate patterns of deceit, corruption, and blackmail we manipulate the affairs of men to our own ends."

"And more even than this, the gods themselves have danced to our tune. Ashus, Eldarion, the Lord of Shadows - these and more have unwittingly laid the foundations for our rise to supremacy."

"Why are you telling me this?!" cried Pericles.

"Because now it is too late. Nothing can stand in my way..."

As the last words echoed out, the three men merged together into one massive figure, which held in its hands an enormous trident that glowed with dreadful energy. From its back sprouted innumerable tentacles, each of them ending in a viciously barbed point. Most horrifying of all was its face. Yellow eyes, bulbous and thoroughly evil, sat upon a head of putrid green. And from its wide, sneering mouth, lined with row after row of razor sharp teeth, came a three-forked tongue of darkest red.

Bearing down on Pericles, it roared with maniacal laughter. And then, in the blink of an eye, the Beast was gone.
A golden portal ripped free, and Ashus stepped through, Winston in tow - right in front of the terrified Pericles.

What have you done? the god whispered, his eyes heavy. Dropping the body at his feet, the golden tendrils returned to their master.

I have seen that you have read the Lore, and that you know of our story. You must very well know, then, Pericles, that the Beast you have set free is more powerful than any god. It is a beast that I know well - I thought I had defeated it once, but only when it was too late did I realize what had happened.

Ashus ceased his glowing, and the golden tendrils faded into nothing. His aura of terror faded, and he seemed much smaller now. "I once was human, Pericles. We share something interesting in common - that we are now something that we once were not. I have roamed this world for thousands of years but it has taken the death of an old friend to finally stir me to what is my destiny."

Kneeling down to look at Winston's body, he shook his head. "He lived to take his revenge on me, but he died having forgiven my sins - just as he died forgiving yours. It is my place to honor his death and battle the beast - just as you must find a way to stop him."

Pericles started, but Ashus continued before he could speak. "I am a God now, Pericles - and I cannot win a fight against a creature such as him. Once, I used his power - I stole it from him, in fact - to take my revenge on the gods and simultainously cease his reign of terror on our world. But times have changed, and that is up to you."

"Take what you have learned from this ordeal, Pericles - hatred will only beget more hatred. Fight when you must, but I beg of you..."

Ashus turned away as his portal brightened.

"...Don't make the same mistake I did. The beast cannot exist where true prosperity dwells. Make Greece a nation that will be remembered forever."


A Golden Portal rended the shadows of Long Loss Mosat's realm. A sickly, grey angel floated through, and the portal glimmered as the Husk of Lancelot stared at her former master.

The Lord of Gold invites the Lord of Shadows to his realm. The Beast is reborn.

Saying nothing more, she turned, and floated back into the portal, which dazzled invitingly.
The Lord of gold's decision to situate the golden portal at one end of the hallway served the Lord of Shadows just fine; a dramatic entrance was appropriate in this case.

Out of the portal stepped a man-yes, a man. Draped in robes from head to tow, hood included, he stepped through the portal with all of the grace of someone old and decrepit. In his left hand, he held a staff as long as himself. On his right shoulder, a raven sat, perched. "This is a powerful mage," radiated from his very being. The Darth Sideous-esque voice did not help.

"I; the Lord of Shadows; the Lord of Magic and the Grand Master of Science and Technology; recipient of a fragment of one of the Goddesses of Knowledge, the Library of All; do present myself before the Lord of Gold and Transportation within his Realm."
Once again, the world shook, great storms crossed all the lands, and waves as tall as mountains engulfed the shores. The new continent - for it was truly a continental mass now and not just an island - grew massively outwards, inadvertently wreaking great havoc on all the other lands of the world. All the fleets and ships of the world were smashed to splinters by the wind and waves, and as the landmass grew, it displaced the waters of the oceans, flooding the coastlines and low areas of the other continents.

But it was not the end. Not yet.

"What do you mean we have no knowledge of the rest of the world's lands?!" Pericles yelled at his advisers. "We have made maps of all the world's lands and oceans!"

"Correct, my lord, b..but they are now useless. The catastrophes have so changed the landscape that we will have to re-explore anywhere that we do not currently have a presence." the map keeper said.

"...what else?" Pericles sighed.

The domestic adviser shifted uneasily. "Many of our coastlines have been...shifted...they are now much closer to cities than before. And many other areas have been flooded by the rising ocean. ...Rome is now, um, on an island... and several others of our cities are surrounded by ocean where once there was land."

"Gods! Which of the damned gods has done this to us?" Pericles demanded.

"None of them." spoke a new voice. It was Isabella, the Spanish queen herself. "This was not any work of those meddling fools you know as the gods, my friend Pericles. It is much, much worse. The creator God has all but abandoned our world in anger, and this is the result. Now we must act."

"How? If your God has abandoned us as you say, what can we do?" he asked, eager for a solution but wary of the cost.

"Greece was spared the worst of these disasters, believe it or not. Your lack of port cities means you did not suffer as many casualties or damage. Spain is a small but populous nation, as you know. The lands we lost to the sea hurt us far more than most. Yet even we were spared." Isabella continued. "The Russians and English are badly pressed...in fact Elizabeth has asked Spain for aid and protection as our vassal. India is divided by a rift of sea water, that entire continent is now split in two. The Mayans suffered quite a bit of damage...but the Arabians....well, suffice to say they are no more."

There was silence throughout the chamber for several moments. An entire civilization - gone.

"You have not answered my question." Pericles finally stated with a dull voice.

Isabella nodded with a small smile, and Pericles thought he could almost see a spark, or fire, behind her eyes. "Spain has not been idle in the wake of these events, which we could not anticipate but had planned for nevertheless. The time has come to unite the world, Pericles. Not under one nation or one flag, but one God - the only true God. We have discovered a new continent - the rising of which has caused all this mayhem - and at its center an oasis, a bottomless well from which we believe the creator God withdrew His presence from the world. Without it, we are doomed." The flame in her eyes seemed to grow brighter as she explained her plan to Pericles. "My priests believe that we can stop this, but that it will require sacrifice. If we were to send the body and soul of one ...or a few... of the immortals, their presence would act to stabilize our world. As I said before, Spain has not been idle. Our lands could no longer support much of our cities' population, and if we do not act the world is doomed anyway, so we have thrown everything into building a great fleet and raising an army to achieve this goal and one chance for salvation."

Pausing for a moment, Isabella cast an appraising look at Pericles, who sat in stunned silence.

"Stalin has foolishly rejected my offer, and cast out the followers of God in his nation in favor of some heretical garbage! Spain and England will crush Russia, and that heathen will be the first to ... give himself ... for the future of all." Breathing heavily with fervor and face red with anger, Isabella halted her tirade.

"I have delivered our news to you, Pericles. Greece has long been our friend...I would hate for that to change. Please do send word if you will join our cause."

With that, Isabella turned and walked out, leaving Pericles and his advisers with a puzzling, and deadly, choice.

Self-sacrifice is always more potent than the sacrifice of others... thought Pericles, for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was due to the recent actions with Winstown.

Spoiler changes, Paulus can look! :
- marked 'The Well of the World' on the new continent.
- Added a Great General in Athens (Pericles). Don't use him.
- The eventual death of the world can be halted in two ways:
1) Pericles can 'sacrifice' any 3 of the remaining immortals (Asoka, Pacal, Stalin, Elizabeth, Isabella) by conquering that civilization and then 'taking' their leader to the Well.
2) Pericles can sacrifice himself (hence the unit) at the Well.

Both options will have some interesting results.

And obviously, a space race victory before the end will allow the Greeks to escape, but the world will still die. Of course Pericles may not care about that :p

Spoiler changes, NFPE :
- Lots of map changes. Obviously. Flooded land all over the place and expanded my continent
- Arabian civilization wiped out. Their lands are empty islands now.
- Taoism removed from England and Spain. Holy city set to Russian capitol, and all other religions removed from Russia (spread Taoism everywhere)
- Removed Taoism from Greece (agents of 'Judaism' "helping" the Greeks out). Replaced any Taoist buildings with Jewish ones
- Killed off between 4-6 pop in all Spanish cities. Removed all outdated troops. Added decently large numbers of military forces in each city. Built a good-sized fleet outside Madrid.
- Gave a tech or two to Isabella (basically tech parity with India)
- Gave a tech or two to Elizabeth (gunpowder mainly)
- Gave Elizabeth a few Muskets in some cities
- England is now a vassal of Spain
- Spain/England are at war with Russia
- Did some diplomacy modifiers, made Spain/England like Greece more, Russia, India, and Maya like Greece less (-5). -100 between Spain/England and Russia. -5 between Spain/England and India and Maya.
The flooding of the world and the 'meeting' with the agents of the beast had finally snapped Pericles' spirit. He no longer spoke a word, nearly did not sleep, ate and drank sparsely, and could not by any means rule Greece. Leonidas and Socrates decided to take over Greece for the time being. Socrates took over the day-to-day state affairs of Greece, while Leonidas remained in charge of military affairs as he had always been.

Pericles was left in the palace and given food and water, but overlooked nonetheless. He behaved as if there was some kind of gap in his spirit; and indeed, the spirit of the immortal Pericles was shattered to bits by the revelations and the consequences of what he had done. Mindlessly, he walked through the corridors of the palace, seemingly looking for something. He could not find it.

Tt took a few weeks in this state before Pericles was finally sane again. It seemed to have come at a cost though... his eyes now permanently glowed red, and he seemed to have aged twenty years. So when he returned to the Greek government, everyone instinctively took a step back for the Greek immortal.

Pericles' voice boomed through the halls. "Send word to Queen Isabella. Greece is joining their fight."

His advisors heeded his command... but were afraid of this 'new' Pericles. He looked as if he had made a bargain with forces that should not be named to regain his sanity.


I played another set, report will likely be up tonight!

-Stalin is dead.
-Asoka declared war on me. Only Pacal is at peace, because Asoka forgot to check for DP's. (I've worked together with Izzy during the whole turnset, so the DP was not more than logical)
-Techwise, I've caught up.
The hideous creature that had appeared to Pericles now materialised in the presence of Ashus, the God of Terror himself.

The time of reckoning is near, Ashus. It is you who brought me into this world, and it is through your destruction that I shall ascend to mastery over it. But, before I strike you down, it is only fair that you know the true identity of your killer...

A long time ago, in the depths of the ocean, a brave and noble Sea God fought to save his world from a terrible monster. But each time his Trident hit home, pure evil poured forth from the wound and tainted the weapon. Soon enough, the Trident developed a consciousness of its own, and contrived to escape from the clutches of the Sea God, so that it might become a god in its own right.

But it is no easy task to rise to godhood. As well you know, divine power is never created new - it can only be transferred from one being to another. So it was that, having been carried along with you into this world, the Trident, and its Beastly consciousness, sought out the fallen Sea God, and set about tricking him into first developing, and then giving up his power.

However, whilst you still held the Trident's physical form, it could do little more than project thoughts and images into the minds of gods and men. The choice of an amphibian - a beast born in the water, but able to survive on land - to manipulate Winston, that was the first of its many deceptions. The invention of the masked men, three in number to represent the prongs of the Trident, was another device, used to trick yourself and Pericles into thinking there was more than one force at play.

In reality, it was always me. I am the Trident, the Circle, the Frog, and many, many others.

And I must thank you for releasing my physical form. I had expected to need some cunning ruse to achieve that goal, but in the event, you did not even need to be pushed.

Still, it was only when Winston finally perished that I completed my rise to divinity. You may call me 'The Beast' if you wish, for it is my heritage. But, given the way in which I have risen, I think it is more fitting that I be named Kryptos - the God of Secrets.

Now, Ashus, you must prepare yourself for death. When I return, you will meet your end.

And then, as suddenly as it had arrived, the creature was gone.
Ashus nodded, as the beast vanished.

So you see it, then, Lord of Shadows? It looks as if my timing is impeccable. Kryptos comes for me. What shall we do?
While the 'new' Pericles was distinctly colder than the old one, he still decided to pay the last respects to Saladin. While the two immortals differed in their religious views, Arabia and Greece had a long history of good trade relations and cooperation. There always was a certain respect between the two of them, even though Saladin could not subsist on his own.

When he returned, more pressing matters were at hand. The war with Russia had begun.

Early in the war, both Isabella and Stalin lost an enormous amount of troops at the Battle of Seville and Seville was eventually retaken by Isabella. Stalin was no longer able to withhold the Spanish forces after the defeat that was Seville; on the other hand, England had a bit more trouble with the Russians. So Elizabeth sought as well to enlist Pericles' aid against Russia.

Pericles had already planned to go to war, so the request was granted.

Only a few Greek troops went to liberate Cordoba, though. The real surprise was sent overseas, where Leonidas, Zhukov and the best trained riflemen in all of Greece went through 'the back door' and attempted to take the coastal cities of Russia's eastern shore. The offensive was a great success, as Moscow and several other coastal cities were taken by the Greeks.

Cities formerly under Spanish or English control were returned to their owners, for the people there did not want the Greeks as their new rulers.

Russia collapsed under the Greek onslaught. Granted, Stalin was broken after Seville, but Pericles had expected more of a fight. Without the massive army at Seville, Russia lacked the manpower to put up a proper defense. This was made even more difficult by Greek control over the seas, as Russia was split in two parts as well. The final battles of the war were not battles; it was mop-up duty for the Greeks.

After the battle of Hastings, Stalin was transported from Hastings to the well, where he was presented as a sacrifice to the Creator. Stalin did not utter a single word in captivity. He simply did not care enough about deities to take the worship seriously; he was a general, not a scholar. He didn't plead for mercy either. Stalin was a man who had lived by the sword, and who knew there was a chance he eventually had to die by the sword. He, unlike Augustus, had resigned himself to his fate.

Since the diplomatic relations with Spain had ever been on the rise since Isabella started her crusade, the two nations cooperated closely in scientific research as well to catch up with the heathen Indians. Both nations had no qualms about trading their most coveted technologies with each other, which effectively managed to combine Spanish and Greek research in one team; research which was almost entirely aimed at military application at the behest of Pericles.

The people had noticed it as well. Before his madness and change, Pericles was a leader with good intentions though he lacked focus and a view of the bigger picture. After this transformation, Pericles became a cold despot with little heart for his people, singlemindedly pursuing that one goal he and Isabella were striving to achieve. He had gained in one respect but lost in another; Greece was led to victory but was no longer led to the utopia the old Pericles had once wished to achieve. The Spanish had noticed this behaviour in Isabella as well, though to a lesser degree than Pericles and likely triggered by her religious fanaticism. Both were trying to save the world (while failing to notice the people of the truth) but both of them grew increasingly radical in their beliefs.

Seeing this radicalization, it was ironic that it was Asoka of all people who started a world war. For him, Greece had become so radical that he felt he had to combat Greece by its own means to try and get them back in line.

So one day Asoka arrived at the Greek palace, carrying the bad news. "Pericles... the time has come for you to pay the punishment for your religious persecutions. Everybody has a right to believe what the want to, and India will see to it that nobody is persecuted for their religion."

Pericles handwaved Asoka's threats. "In case you might not have noticed, you have nothing to say about how I, or Isabella for that matter, rule our respective countries."

Asoka was angered by Pericles' insolence. "In that case, you shall be destroyed!"

Pericles: "You realize that we will not stand alone if you declare war? Spain and England will come to our aid if you decide on war."

"Then so be it."

"So be it." said Pericles as well, carrying a note of finality. Asoka left the room before Greek troops could seize him. Pericles wondered where Asoka got the confidence to declare, even with Spain backing Greece and India supposedly a peaceful nation. Gods were likely at work again, whether it were the lesser gods or the Creator. Odd how much the gods always tried to stimulate conflict. It was simply the way of the world...

So Pericles had his engineers think up a new weapon. The war against India had bogged down and he needed a new impulse for his armies. Courtesy of Isabella who had been so kind to provide the Greeks with the plans for the combustion engine, the new weapon was designed. Isabella was present at the first demonstration as well; the two nations had grown close together because of necessity.

"Our newest weapon" the chief engineer started, "is based on new artillery designs. As we all know, artillery is essential for battles but sadly lacking in mobility. We have sought to convert artillery guns into weapons mounted on an armoured platform, which is equipped with a combustion engine to provide the mobility. This new weapon has the speed of cavalry units of old, carries more firepower than regular infantry, and is on top of that capable of more frequent attacks than any unit seen today. Pericles, Isabella... behold the awesome power of the Tank." The tank crew proceeded to give a demonstration of the tank's firepower.

Both of them could only gaze in awe. A new age was coming and this weapon would bring doom to their adversaries.


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Tracnar was not happy, his prey eluded him. A dark haze sped in the forests of the gate island, ever since the sea levels rose he has come closer and closer to his last shred of being loose in the world.

It was strange, the island was bare of most humanoid life recently, the demons were dying. Either by some unseen force exterminating them, or them just vanishing, or being absorbed into some greater demon.....or dare it be, beast.

Whatever the cause may be, the effects are clear....Eldarion's domain is quickly changing. Tracnar and his "prey" have done much damage across the island, he has almost caught him on many occasions, but not close enough it was. His otherself apparently has developed some light based powers, dangerous to the darkness based Tracnar. What will happen when darkness meets light.

The head priest at the holy city of Islam sat, locked deep within the holy temple with the other head priests of other city's. The founder of this temple was one of the bearer's of lore...specifically....the beast.

For the last few decades He has been researching the bearers notes on the beast, who, what and the powers of it. He was ready.

The dozen priests began chanting as one, in a foreign tongue, never heard in this world. The runes on the floor began to glow, and darkness descended withing the room. The chanting stopped, and the head priest stepped forward into the center and shouted "Beast, we offer our services to you, let us be your instruments in this world and give us everlasting life in the next.

All light left the room, the runes on the floor still glowed in a deeper darkness, and men's breath stopped.
The God of Luck materialised himself onto the streets of Athens and gagged at the stench, the smell of raw sewage mixed in with the billowing black clouds from the factories that hung over the city like a thick fog.

He walked on, past the starving children whose mother and father had died, leaving them to the cold, dark streets of the city. He walked further, past the war veteran who had lost a leg, past the houses of the sick, past a man who had been left to rot away in an alley. He used tiny smidgens of his power to alter the course of these peoples lives, yet he could not help thinking of the person responsible.

De-materializing, he watched Pericles, now driven by the war. His heart had hardened. No love resided there, only a burning hate. It was time, the God thought, to let him see the error of his ways.

As Pericles readied for sleep, a black mist surrounded him until it was darker than the deepest mine. The tall, gaunt figure of the God of Luck stepped out of the mist and shook his head at Pericles. Waving his hand in front of him, a shadowy view of the city appeared, and the image slowly followed the path the God of Luck had previously taken just that afternoon. "Look", he commanded. "Your people are dying on the streets with less dignity than animals on a farm. They live in squalor that even the filthiest pigsty looks clean in comparison. A leader's people are the view into a leader's heart. Does your heart contain such filth, such squalor?"

"You may worry about the beast, yet that does not absolve you of any wrongdoings Pericles. You must heal your own people, then you may be able to heal yourself and lead once again."

"Forgive India, give them a second chance, just as you did with Rome. Bring yourself back above the petty hates and angers of the others, because such discord feeds the Beast."

"I had told myself that I would interfere no longer, that you had been taught enough. I was wrong. Do as I say and I will aid you as much as possible. Fail, and I will aid another so that they will beat the beast."

"Remember Pericles, there are no second chances in this game..."


The Quest

-Make all Greek cities healthy
-Plus 5 health in Athens
-End the war with India and persuade Spain to end it as well
"You didn't notice?" the Lord of Shadows inquired. "There was at least one falsehood in his story that even you should have been able to pick out. He spoke of Conservation of Divinity, an archaic concept long since proven false."

The aged form sighed. "In any case you need to study. Your most obvious trait has always been your ignorance."

The Lord of Shadows turned around and made his way back to his own Realm. "In any case I have a bushfire of my own to deal with. Asmodeous."

If there was something of Lancelot in the dead husk beside the Lord of Gold and Transportation, it would most certainly react to that name.


OOC: Asmodeous is the current God of Science and Technology. His primary servant is is a near inarticulate Impi named Zhe.
The cold, dead husk stirred ever so slightly - perhaps a tinge of something - but nothing more. It waited on.

Ashus shook his head. If I have erred, it has been in too little knowing - but if you have erred, Lord of Shadows, it has been in presumption.

Ashus stepped forward, looking down on the world. A long, heavy sigh escaped him, and thoughts of the battle ahead consumed him.



The name rang through Pericles's ears.

Pavlos! Cease your wars! I will send myself through the well to restore the planet if only you do not make the mistake that I once did. PAVLOS!


Shining brilliantly, Ashus stood now on the Earth - golden armor, reinforced by nature's strongest minerals adorned him, as well as a helmet with the most beautiful feathers known to Elona. In his right hand, Hannibal's blade - in his left, a shield of ice thicker than steel.

Golden tendrils snaked out from his back - even through its rebirth, Ashus still held the power of the original beast within him - a terrible force indeed. Eirae. Elona. The Beast. he spoke, the powers glinting at the mention of their name.


At the word, shadows screamed, and demons tore into existance - undead creatures of all sorts ripped from the ground, and shadowy devils formed as an army coalesced into existance. At the front, Thanatos rose, red eyes opening.

Come, Kryptos. I am ready to die.
OOC @ Arsonist: You've managed to point out an usual deficiency in my play both in regular games and in this game. Whenever I'm at the Industrial/Modern threshold my cities are always in a state of permanent unhealthyness, as a result of cutting down pretty much every forest in sight, ignoring lategame health buildings and seeing Environmentalism as a deadly sin against the economy.

(And I'm not going to Environmentalism in this game either. There is only one way to rule an empire that is as big and far-spread as Greece is now, and that's State Property! I however already have a plan to get to that +5 in Athens... :D)
This is probably a really dumb question, but I can see that in the screen shots the score display (in the lower right corner), next to the names, it shows a lot more information than it does in my games. For example, I have never seen that thing that shows the relative strength and the happy faces and all. Is there a mod loaded or are there just options turned on that I have never seen? I looked for them but I can't find how to turn them on.
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