Just wandering


Dec 16, 2013
Hi, I guess you can call me a newbie here, though I can beat Deity if I use Polynesia on archipelago (I play Gods&Kings). I have a few questions, that hopefully you will find the time to answer.
I have never played CIV vs. other player(s), which is the ultimate test I guess in every game. Do you guys usually play it vs. human players? But one game is about 10-20 hours long, how do you manage it?
Also, which expansion is the most popular in human vs human games? Or in general? And which is considered most fun?
I find that key to victory is dominance over CS-s (thus, winning with Greeks or Siam is kinda cheap... ). So after tradition and maybe a few points in Liberty, I need to rush patronage. Is there any other legitimate way to win?

Any advices are welcome as well, tx for your help
It wasn't clear from your post whether this is your first, but if so welcome to the Forum.

I don't MP so can't help you with that; but a lot of others do.

I also play G&K, and as SP question I tend to go:
full tradition
Rationalism opener (or commerce opener if get there before I can open rationalism)
RHS commerce (rarely bother with LHS, usually have GAd's a-plenty and the production boost is too late to make a difference by that time)

Obviously it varies a bit on game situation but then typically either LHS Rationalism or Order opener.

I play as England a lot and I find the best way to win is by conquest, so there is a focus on happiness (hence RHS commerce). I take patronage opener at some point but it isn't high on priorities as I usually have a good income after a few wars so bribing CS's is more viable.
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