questions for 239

once per turn per city. we have a bunch of cities that can draft - if we rush workers in some of the smaller cities, we can draft without problems.
So we need a plan to place the Radar Towers too. Other than that, when will you continue play AT?
I don't really think we will need additional drafts beyond the ones we get this turn. I don't think really think we are in any real danger if we play it right and protect the mainland cities that Saber can move through.
:agree: I'm also feeling cautiously optimistic.

If we can #1) restrain ourselves from intentionally ticking FREE off for no good reason ( ;) ) and #2) thwart a Saber landing this turn and #3) start putting together the forces to drive Saber's navy away from our shores...

We could really come out of this thing ok.

I think we certainly want to draft - but not go crazy. We're not going to win the game by drafting an excess of recruit Mechs. We need to remain economically and developmentally viable to be able to transition back into space-race mode as soon as possible.

EDIT: that said - a little bit of drafting (while replacing population with workers) is ok. I wouldn't go crazy - but those Mechs can always be disbanded when we're out of serious danger to boost shield counts on our spaceship parts, right?
I think we certainly want to draft - but not go crazy

Well, better safe than sorry at this time I think.
we won't be able to join a worker wherever we draft. :shake:
This is for emergency only if the draft gets us below a crucial shield output.

We'll not join ANY slaves (=> unhappiness while fighting their nation!) and we will also need a lot of native workers for radars.
Feel free to give continuous updates if anything interesting happens. :)

What, me, anxious? :shifty:
Well, that sucked.

Battleship bombarded destroyer, Cruiser and battleship sank destroyers, sent battleship chamsuri to take out the carrier... and the carrier sank battleship chamsuri taking only 1 point :(
that is correct - no FREE transports in range.

Also, SABER has no unaccounted for transports (9 in the south, 8 in the north)

Plan for Radar Towers:

One on the dyes between the meeting room and The Red Tape (covers The Hideaway)
one 2 SE of The Squeeze
One on the hill SE of The Shallows
One on the mountain tile 2 W of The Bayou

That covers everything that needs covering - should I put a few more, for redundancy?
If you covered all the bases I'd save the workers for next time. If we're lucky SABER won't land - but then we'd have other bases to cover.
The following could be used for drafting:

The Beach
The Marina
The Red Tape (that brings it to size 8, though)
The Chamber
The Bayou
The Treasury
The Insitute
The Silo

The Squeeze can draft, but it brings it to size 7, which gets it dangerously close to being reduced by bombing.
re: Radar Towers - I don't see a need for redundancy this turn. But we should provide the boost everywhere possible.

re: Chamsuri - :cry:
fantastic work on the save Auto Teller! :salute:

That was a ton of work. :thanx:
Great job AT!

Too bad about that Chamsuri battle.. :cry:

One question, and I remember that we touched on this before, why did we abandon the whale pond? Is it harder to defend the tile without a city? I don't get it :confused:
Accoring to the plan, The Whale Pond was to be disbanded yes. Didn't we?
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