UB - Thermae (v 3)


Amnesiac Modder
Jul 6, 2012
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Adds the Thermae (public baths) as Rome's unique replacement for the Garden. (Yes, this means the Romans get three unique things now; Civ 5 does allow a civilization to have more than two unique units/structures, but the opening screen will normally display only the first two.)


  • +20% chance of Great People appearing in the surrounding city.
  • +1 to local Happiness.
  • +1 Gold and +1 Culture per turn; these bonuses double after the player discovers Civil Service.
  • Unlike the Garden (which they replace), Thermae can be built in any Roman-controlled city; a natural source of fresh water isn't needed, but the city must already have an Aqueduct.


  • This mod requires the Gods and Kings expansion pack.


  • Although it isn't strictly necessary, I recommend using WHoward69's "UI - Multiple Unique Bonuses" mod with this one.


  • Added a new wonder (the Baths of Trajan) as Rome's special replacement for the Hanging Gardens.

P.S. Many thanks to WHoward69 for writing the Agora and Turkish Bath building mods; I used those as a guide to create the Thermae. Also, many thanks to the VRoma.org site for their CGI reconstruction of the Baths of Trajan.

EDIT: The mod is now available from either Steam Workshop or the local Downloads Archive; I've already corrected a small XML error that kept the Baths of Trajan from downloading.
Does this work with BNW? And is there any way to remove the Ballista...?
Does this work with BNW? And is there any way to remove the Ballista...?

I'll have a BNW-compatible version available in a few weeks; if you also want the Ballista deleted, I can add that to a private copy. :)

EDIT: For players without BNW, version 5 of this mod is ready at both locations. The Baths of Trajan, although still a wonder unique to Rome, no longer replace the Hanging Gardens.
A player left me a comment on Steam last night, reporting that a city-state was able to build the Baths of Trajan wonder. I thought the SQL code in the latest version kept all non-Roman civs (major, minor, or barbarian) from doing that; could someone who knows SQL please check my mod and show me how to correct the bug? Thank you!
Nothing wrong with the SQL, it's just that the minors and the barbies don't appear in the table you're selecting from

Add the following to your XML

This just in: a player on Steam reported that non-Roman major civs are able to build the Baths of Trajan again. Could someone please tell me how to fix the bug? Thank you so much!
Yes I noticed Poland building the Wonder too so I can second this bug.
Could someone who knows SQL please check the code that's supposed to make the Baths of Trajan off-limits to anyone but Rome? I have no idea of how to correct it myself.
Version 7 of the Thermae mod is here...thanks to LeeS, I finally corrected the bug that let non-Roman civs build the Baths of Trajan. (SQL code wasn't handling the rule properly, so LeeS wrote a Lua script.) Enjoy!
Version 8 is here; now compatible with at least four Roman modcivs!
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