Wu Zetain is strange...


Jul 26, 2007
In my current game Wu Ze tain is strange.

There are 11 other Civs. She`s far away from me, but she`s alway mildly hostile, right from the beginning. I can`t trade anything with her, she refuses everything. I can`t even get open borders (although i don`t need it) or embassies. All the other Civs I get on with either fine or have a little trouble, but generally they act with reason. This has been going on all the way now into the Modern era- we have done nothing positive at all. But we haven`t had war.

But I can`t see why China is so, so suspicious of me. It`s like she`s just taken a disliking of me just from one look. If this Civ was a person I knew, I`d take her aside and say, `what`s your problem with me? What did I do?`

I`m not complaining. I actually think it`s quite realistic- You always get one in the real world. Even here, on the net.:lol:
Did you hover you mouse over her 'Hostile' status? That might give some explanation

No, I haven`t. I guess that will explain something. Still, very strange. Would be interested if it said `Wu just doesn`t like you!" lol.

Funnily enough I don`t necesarrily need it explaining as people can be like this in real life and never explain why.
Maybe you are ahead in tech, and since China loves to go for a CV, this can be the explaination?:confused:
Sounds like someone swapped Wu's personality for Elizabeth's.

I do play with random personalities. It makes each new game interesting and not boringly predictable as soon as I meet a new leader. One of the best options in the game imho Although, I don`t remember coming across this personality before. Ironically, Attila is always exactly like Attila!
She was crazy aggressive in the game I am playing now and for no reason!I had to destroy her she gave me no choice she was like a rabid pitt bull L.o.L.
Funniest thing is, since BNW came out, I've never had one game where I got into war with China. I usually end up either being ally with Wu or we are at least friendly. The least amount of influence with Wu in one game was "neutral" for majority of the game (then she becomes friendlier as Ideologies kick in, and she usually goes for Order like myself).

Not complaining tho, I'd rather not deal with bunch of CKN in my games. :lol: Yeah, they'be been nerfed long time ago, but they can still be trouble if you're cough unprepared.
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