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Resource 'Sukritact's Simple UI Adjustments'
Makes QoL and aesthetic adjustments to the game's UI. Current changes include: Diplomacy with other Civs and IPs can now be initiated by clicking on the city banner (provided you have met them). Plot Yield icons are smaller on tiles that are not improved/worked Tooltips are enhanced. The default improvement is now shown on unimproved tiles. All Constructibles now display their icon. Wonders receive a large fancy icon with description. Buildings now note if they are damaged or in-progress...
Resource 'YnAMP - Larger Map, TSL, Continents++ (alpha)'
Alpha version, to test map sizes, scripts and TSL for YnAMP Playable: Unlock Large and Huge sizes Add Massive (128x80) map size (use preferably with the new Continents++ script) Add Greatest Earth Map by djvandyke with TSL (landmasses shapes and mountains only, must be loaded with "Custom Huge for Greatest Earth (104x64)" size selected) Add Continents++ Map script (edited version of Continent Plus, less blocky and scale better with map sizes) Experimental: Add Giant (180x94) and...
Resource 'Unlock all Civs'
Removes unlock requirements from all Civilizations. This mod has been tested to work with both the transition from Antiquity to Exploration and the Exploration to Modern transition. Please let me know if you run into issues. This is a proper mod. Please extract the folder to "AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VII\Mods"
Resource 'TCS Improved Plot Tooltip'
Description Various improvements to the plot tooltip: Added Leader Relationship status Added Settlement ownership, including whether it's a City or Town Added Ageless, Obsolete, and Unique flags for Buildings Added tooltip descriptions for Wonders Added District types Added unique Quarter names Refactored Unit info, including highlights for enemy Units, ownership, and support for displaying more than the top unit Installation Extract to your "{user}\AppData\Local\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's...
Resource 'Fractal New World Generator'
About: A fractal new world generator script for Millennia by Lex (hosted at Steam Workshop). Authors description: If you are the original author of this mod please contact a staff member to have this page assigned to you.
Resource 'Call of the Steppes Mod'
About: Call of the Steppes mod for Millennia by Thamalandis (hosted at Steam Workshop). Authors description: If you are the original author of this mod please contact a staff member to have this page assigned to you.
Resource 'Longer Roads (7 Tiles Away 10 Tiles Long) Mod'
About: Longer Roads (7 Tiles Away 10 Tiles Long) mod for Millennia by Abby Normal (hosted at Steam Workshop). Authors description: If you are the original author of this mod please contact a staff member to have this page assigned to you.
Resource 'Increased Settler Distance (3 tiles) Mod'
About: Increased Settler Distance (3 tiles) mod for Millennia by Red Death (hosted at Steam Workshop). Authors description: If you are the original author of this mod please contact a staff member to have this page assigned to you.
Resource 'Binarizer's Mod Support Plugin'
About: Mod Support Plugin for Millennia by Binarizer (hosted at Nexus mods). Authors description: If you are the original author of this mod please contact a staff member to have this page assigned to you.
Resource 'Samurai Invasion of Korea'
Biq is located in the Thread Updated 2-15-14
Resource 'Cthulhu Priest'
All comments & questions : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=460709
Resource 'Gersamot Hendeke VII - Steampunk adventuress'
Single-era 3D animated leaderhead with pcxs in a steampunk style ;).
Resource '"Tempest of the Dragon" Buildings Pack 4'
The fourth pack in the "Tempest of the Dragon" series. Five buildings modeled in Han Dynasty architecture.
Resource 'Ki-no-jo'
Ki-no-jo, an ancient Yamato era fortress in Japan. [I actually made this some time ago in Bryce 7, but only now remembered to make the PCX files.]
Resource 'El Mencey's Earth  Map 362x325'
This map is an adaptation of the my map 362x362, but without the South Pole and with more mountains. Made with MapTweaker util. (DrAlimentado) Winner of Map of the Decade 2001 - 2011!
Resource 'Ashurbanipal of Assyria'
Ashurbanipal (Akkadian: Aššur-bāni-apli; Aramaic: "ܐܵܫܘܿܪ ܒܵܢܝܼ ܐܵܦܠܝܼ"; 'Ashur is the creator of an heir'; 668 BC – c. 627 BC) was an Assyrian king, the son of Esarhaddon and the last strong king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire (934–609 BC). He is famed for amassing a significant collection of cuneiform documents for his royal palace at Nineveh. Despite being a popular king among his subjects, he was also known for his cruelty to his enemies. Some pictures depict him putting a dog chain through...
Resource '"Baraka" Buildings Pack'
Five Arab and Turkish themed buildings. This is the first time I've used GIMP to make the PCX files. Post in the Civ3 Creation and Customization forum if there's any issue regarding transparency or palettes.
Resource 'Art Nouveau Interface'
This one was suggested by El Justo, who thinks this style might go well with a future version of AOI (stay tuned). In the meantime, I'm posting it here for your use and amusement. This is as plug-and-play as I could manage. Put it in your Conquests/Scenarios folder and let 'er rip. I included a Biq , named "Nouveau", that plays a random conquest game using the interface. Also: the science screens have been defaulted to a random conquest game, so newbies don't have to worry that the...
Resource 'Vietnam Interface'
This is an interface for a Vietnam Mod (made for El Justo's Vietnam mod, for one). It's also a sort of tribute to my Dad. Read more about it in the thread HERE.
Resource 'Manhattan Terrain'
Map by King Arthur Roads & water by Vuldacon Freeways and all else (except the SimCity buildings themselves) by Balthasar Do you wish, as I often do, that someone could merge SimCity and C3C? Well, this was the best I could do. Made from images of fan-made SimCity 3000 BAT buildings, a New York map & roads by King Arthur, and freeways and other inventions (like the barrier-stoplights and streetlight-irrigation) by yours truly Balthasar. This is just terrain, not a full mod. You can plug...
Here is something I made for a current project: Guerrilla Warfare. In my case, it gives access to the guerrilla unit and to a new type of governement: Resistance (replacing fascism).
Made for Tjedge's D&D mod to help round out the lizardman civ.
Resource 'Pegasia'
Based off Chris Wayan Planetocopia world. 100x100, 12 players, no corruption.
Resource 'CivIII Maps 268BC and 1081AD'
Two maps of Euroasia for the periods 268BC and 1081AD City locations based on numerous sources from my library. Some cities (especially) in the 268 BC map is based purely on conjecture and educated guesses. :) This map is based on an original map made by Carolus.
Resource 'Mars Maps & Terrain'
Tired of Earth? Do you like dim days, extreme temperatures, and the color 'Burnt Sienna'? You'll love Mars. The included biqs are two different maps, both use the same terrain: Mars Dry, and Mars with Water, which I made based on the best maps I could find. Neither map has trees, jungles, or marshes on it, but those pcx files are included so you can add them in the editor. Both maps include a 9x9 tile Mt. Olympus Volcano, which is my pride and joy. If you want to use this terrain with a...
Resource 'Giant Earth Concept Map (256x256)'
This is a 256x256 map of the world. It was made to combine a number of gameplay ideas I’ve had throughout the years. I don’t see it as a finished mod, but more of a testing ground for how an earth map can play. What is most notable about this map is the accuracy: Earth is round, a Civ3 map is not and you can never make an accurate map. However, you can make something that feels accurate, by twisting and distorting some areas (like making Europe bigger) and using accurate terrain. The...
Resource 'Native American / Atlantean Cities'
A set of medieval and industrial cities that combine the Native American and Atlantean culture groups, as requested by Madeira. Also included are alternate walls, and a 'sunken' Atlantis version.
Resource 'Ares de Borg's Terrain Pack II: Open Beta'
This is the public beta of my recent Terrain mod. Know Issues: - Coastal squares not ready yet The final version will follow in some time. Until then: You are allowed to - use it to enhance your game. - use it without changes to the files itself for mods or scenarios What I don't wan't to see for this version: - DON'T CHANGE THE FILES ITSELF WITHOUT PERMISSION - DON'T SELL IT If you don't want to accept this, DON'T USE IT. I appreciate your comments. Edit: First Beta (2007)...
Resource 'Pyrrhic Victory: Hellenistic Epirus'
Soldiers in the army of king Pyrrhus of Epirus who followed him in his campaigns against both Rome and Carthage in Italy and Sicily. Credits to Kinboat, utahjazz7, CamJH, Plotinus, Micaelus, Steph, and Moeniir. Link to thread
Resource 'Tides of Crimson v2.0 Full'
====================================== TIDES OF CRIMSON Fantasy Mod Version: 2.0 Released on May 1st, 2021 ====================================== :trophy:Previous Winner - Mod of the Year After downloading ToC Version 2.0, please don't forget to download the ToC 2.0 --> 2.92 patch that contains new content, AI upgrades, an important crash fix, and game balancing ===================================== Tides of Crimson is a full-conversion fantasy Mod with many gameplay changes. Alterations...
Re-upload of Rambuchan's Hegemon! Of the Classical Greek World!. Version 1.45 Works on Civ3 Conquests 1.22 Size: around 500 MB (compressed) [civ3][c3c] (Takhisis is only included as a creator, incidentally, so that he can edit the upload if need be)
my Mumakil unit, from the LotR series stuff in the thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=10152019#post10152019
Resource 'U.S. Patriot Missile System'
U.S. Army version of Patriot missile launcher with HEMTT cab and woodland camo scheme. Model courtesy of Laurana Kanan. Sounds are from Ripptide's desert version, author unknown.
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