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SOTD33: Madrid Size 68

  • Media owner mwyeoh
  • Date added
This is a picture my friend sent me of his game- post victory.
He has founded Sid's Sushi which is responsible for the HUGE city size.
With over 135 million people- that's a lot of sushi! Imagine how many sushi chefs there must be in the city!
did he use world builder
furture tech 78?.... World builder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would suspect it is a low difficulty, hence the high number of future techs allowing the health and happy caps to be huge.

Also, there doesn't appear to be any other civs left on the map, allowing Sid's Sushi to generate huge levels of food.

It's definately possible without the worldbuilder though.
No this is not a world builder game. My friend told me he was bored one day and wanted to see how big he could make a city. And it is the year 2058- so futuretech 78 is possible! But on closer look, he didnt even need futuretech 72 to achieve this. The happiness far outweighs the unhappiness and the health far outweighs the unhealthiness

And yes there arent any other civs left in the game. Its a post victory game. He already won and clicked on the option to continue

I know I wouldnt have been bothered to do this LOL

And yes, I know I havent posted here before- Im a long time lurker! But I have found invaluable infomation from this site and many outstanding mods too! Its an awesome site

I promise to participate here more often from now on! LOL
I agree with everyone else, that this game is WB... but still... 135 million people?!?!
Not only that, I don't believe the date is correct for turn 767. Rather than every half year to the lead up to 2050 in the game, I took the excess 267 turns and divided it by 12, taking each turn to count every month. My maths tell me that the date should be, at turn 767, May 2072. For 267 turns to cover only 8.5 years would make each turn last, on average, approximately 11 days, 14 hours, 52 minutes and 35.055 seconds. With the absence of a number before the month, I strongly believe the date itself is far off to be correct.

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