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  • Thank you again for reuploading the Civ3 WW2 mod. Unfortunately every time i try to launch it i get the missing pedicons regarding the Kolkoz. not sure if the version 2 would do the same or not. any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again
    I remember years ago I enjoyed your Mod Relive world wars for Civ 3. I spent hours playing it and it is my favorite mod of all time. I recently purchased Civ 3 the complete edition because I no longer have my PTW or RaR disks. I have tried to find a download of your relive world wars mod for civ 3 but I can’t find it anywhere. I was wondering if you may be able to point me in the right direction.

    Thank you so much for reuploading! Want to say your work is among my favorites of all time!
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