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  • Just got tired a bit of Russian nationalism, and experiencing my frustration with it in such a way. Besides, I feel that such a persona is lacking on the forums, and a combination of left- and right-wing views it provides on many issues is "worthy" to be represented.
    lol nice one there just now in the gay marriage thread

    quite a lulsome troll
    Come on, Britishness is a fiction made up by the English to try and foist their footballistic debacles on to the whole island. When's the last time an English coach has won a Premier League title? You keep getting owned by a Scot and a Frenchy… it's the Auld Alliance in action!
    Have you already been cured of your Englishness? A few deep-fried Mars Bars should do the trick.
    annual thing wot we hold around xmas every year, usually london, there'll be a thread in the OT at some point ^^
    Everyone welcome, we usually get a few euros too, a couple of moderators as well
    Thank God he's a vocal superminority...

    Also I approve of your profile picture :D
    Hey Arakhor :)

    Yes, it is me - and I'm vaguely aware of what I said. But one more compliment is never unwanted. Thankyous! :thumbsup:

    Regarding my friend, she called me and apologized about two hours later. So it's ok. :D

    ~ thanks for consideration
    Now you're just being sarcastic :P

    I roll over and ignore everybody around me during World Cup fervour :)
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