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  • Hie,

    i'm a huge fan of your mod :)

    but i can't find the V6 version of Future Worlds ! (only on steam, but i don't have it)

    Could you please post the V6 version to downoad it without steam ? it will be very nice for the guys who bought the game without steam ( I bought it in 2012... ^^)

    i thank you very very much

    and good work, really !
    Greetings! Like @TimurB, I am also working on a mod that creeps into the future. I've used a bit of content from your spectacular 'Future Worlds (V6)' mod, but as my mod evolves I find myself needing to add a bit more. Just wanted to make sure you're OK with all this. I have credited you in the Description. Appreciate it!
    Hello MIscha. I would like to release my own patch of your Future World (v 6) mod (i think, i would be in this forum. Not in the steam, tho). Is that ok with you?
    How would you feel about realigning yourself with the PIP? We would have a strong presence in the senate with you onboard.
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