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  • You can't get turkeypotatos/rolls/corn on the cob in Mexico? That's sad!

    I am pretty exciting. Last Thanksgiving my wife (fiance at the time) and I went to 3 different dinners and didn't get home till around 2 in the morning. This year is our first real holiday together as a married couple and we decided to spend it alone instead of running around. We will be doing plenty of running around over Christmas!
    I'm alright. Not up to much. Last day at work before I get a long Thanksgiving vacation. I'm not going anywhere or doing anything special, but the downtime from work and school will be much appreciated.
    Well, it only be came cool when the social networking leave post on there wall thing came about.

    I like to feel like I had a major hand in this getting implemented :D

    I probably didn't though.

    I can't believe I didn't already have you as a friend.

    You are one of my favorite posters.
    Desde luego que conosco Zacatecas, pero la ciudad que mencionas ... no la he visitado :( , que tal? .. hay algo que hacer allí ? :)
    Soy de Tampico, es una ciudad que se encuentra al noreste del país, costea con el Golfo de México; Tal vez la conoces o la has visto en un mapa almenos ... :p
    jaja... a toda madre... yo si , mexicano pero estudio en Berlin... pues espero que te la estés pasando bien! un saludo... :)
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