I would indeed be intereted in joining your project. But not with a civ. With a single character, who will bounce about the low streets of Erebus like a drunken pinball. You may be familiar with my favorite creation, Ozziel. (He's the one whose comments about this propoganda piece are in {curly brackets}, though his defining moments are here. And before you ask, I got the name from the Great Sage, not vice versa.) Technically, he's Balseraph, and I understand the're taken, but I'm more interested in sending an individual scholar around your lands; indeed, the first story, once I'm done figuring out what's where and who's who in your world, will be him getting exiled from the Balseraph lands. I'll be posting musings from his journal about wherever he ends up. (With help from the civ's adopter, of course.)
EDIT:Meant to PM...