diggerjohn111 Mar 30, 2018 Don't you hate it when there is a minor update and you can't find out what it does?
diggerjohn111 Mar 2, 2017 Now it's time for a Canadian Civ. No stereotypical Mounties though, Hockey Warriors with maple cannon.
Now it's time for a Canadian Civ. No stereotypical Mounties though, Hockey Warriors with maple cannon.
diggerjohn111 Feb 28, 2017 Australia may be the most fun Civ in VI yet. I have to love a unit called "Digger".
diggerjohn111 Feb 28, 2017 Australia may be the most fun Civ in VI yet. Most fun I have had since the Mongols in V, yet couldn't be more different.
Australia may be the most fun Civ in VI yet. Most fun I have had since the Mongols in V, yet couldn't be more different.
diggerjohn111 Dec 13, 2016 I have tried all the Civs, still love Russia the most. Not the most powerful, but the most wild. Kongo close second.
I have tried all the Civs, still love Russia the most. Not the most powerful, but the most wild. Kongo close second.
diggerjohn111 Nov 16, 2016 Enjoying VI. But couldn't they have made the AI decide to upgrade their units more?