Recent content by Duke Anselmi

  1. Duke Anselmi

    Nobles' Club XLII: Qin Shi Huang of China

    Bigtime, what is that programm that you are using with civ? That what provides extra buttons for city screen, overview etc?
  2. Duke Anselmi

    News: Vanilla SGOTM 07 Signup Thread

    I want to join this game. 1. I normally play at Noble, Prince or monarch. Monarch is the highest difficulty level I have won. On noble i win like 99% of games, on prince like 80 %, on monarch, half of them. Dont know about higher difficulty levels, coz I have only tried Deity once, and it was...
  3. Duke Anselmi

    Bad beginner

    Read some articles for beginners, noble is not yet for you. Those articles and tips they give are really usefull.
  4. Duke Anselmi

    Why can't I construct Sushi HQ?

    Theres a great article of OCC-games in war-academy or whatever, i recommend you read it, altough you're doing fine already ;)
  5. Duke Anselmi

    Why can't I construct Sushi HQ?

    Well his building reseach there, so i wonder why not free market. It would propably do much better, since many civs have at that time other civics that mercantilism.
  6. Duke Anselmi

    leaders you can't go wrong with

    Huyana Capac is awesome, never failed when playing him. Cyrus is the warmonger that bestly suits for me, Bismarck and mehmed are good too. One leader I miss is the old Saladin ;( Spiritual- Philosophical combo was just awesome. ( I know that gandhi has same traits, but I dont like his look and...
  7. Duke Anselmi

    Biggest Military you've ever built?

    I normally build something like seventy units (renaissance- modern eras) of different types, and still manage to conquer all world, you really dont need that much troops... Although it looks like you prefer HUGE maps and i normally play standard, prince difficulty.
  8. Duke Anselmi

    HELP: Can't win on Monarch:(

    Edit: sorry, posted same reply twice because of lack Welcome to forums Zahariev ;D
  9. Duke Anselmi

    HELP: Can't win on Monarch:(

    Hello! I've learned too that jump from prince to monarch is a big step, but not biggest i think (warlord-noble propably biggest) personally i can make it to victory on monarch, but with quite bad score, so i still prefer prince, still i can give you some advice: 1. Why genghis khan?! From...
  10. Duke Anselmi

    Moving settler in beginning

    When reading other ppls posts, I noticed that many players, even experienced ones move their first settler in the very beginning of game. Does it worth that even if you may get some more resourcesor a coast?
  11. Duke Anselmi

    Could someone look over my game and give me some tips?

    I had some quick look at your game, and these are some things that took my attention: 1. What economy do you use? You didnt got any "cottage spam" city, or great ppl producing city, you should run either of these, and choose civics best suting for your economy (like pasifism for SE) 2. For...
  12. Duke Anselmi

    War vassals

    It happens on me very often, that when im just going to destroy some annoying civ and my troops are ready to capture their last city, that civ becomes someone vassal and war ends!! Its really annoying and unfair, coz if I do the same when some AI is just about to destroy a civ, and i take it as...
  13. Duke Anselmi

    Comment by 'Duke Anselmi' in media 'Sitting Bull Returns'

    He doesnt look very "alive"
  14. Duke Anselmi

    Comment by 'Duke Anselmi' in media 'Medieval Units'

    Very cool, very very cool!
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