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  • Hey,ekmek, i had a few questions reguarding the xml files of some of ur leaderheads. actually all leaderheads to be exact. I have civ gold 5 for bts and a few leaders by u and a few others have been giving me trouble. Jingu of japan in the mod plays arabic music ~ mehmeds theme to be exact and that doesnt quite make sense to me. I found alternative diplo music for japan and i wanted to change the xml files of jingu so that she would play this in diplomacy. No matter what i do with her or civ golds xml the music will not change !! any help would be much appreciated. i am also trying to change other leaders music as well so it would solve a few problems so thanx

    model is great. I think you LH modeling is great. Your weakspot is texturing. And that just takes time and practice. I know for Capo and I, its the hardest part.
    Hey Ekmek, I just wanted to thank you for all your amazing Leaderheads. I used a lot of them in my Colonization 2 mod: The East Indies. (Don't know exactly which ones though cause there are 41)
    Keep up the good work :)
    Hi Ekmek. I am new to this site and was wondering if I could get some help on adding Leaderheads. Your Reagan LH says that he must be added to the US. How do I do that?
    Hi! Ekmek. How are you? I need your help. I have a questions: How to make Unique Buildings for my own Civilizations Civ4? I need your help, please. I need to read your answer. Well, I dismissal. Good bye. Atte:TheMostWanted.
    make sure modular loading in ini is set to one

    nifskope should have been installed when u did nifscripts. check your program files. if not google it, i'm not sure i have a current link
    In your tutorial for Blender, it talks about NifSkope, but I didn't get it with the tutorial. Where can I get it? Also, when I try to install a leaderhead, I followed the steps from Wolfshanze's tutorial, but your advise on that forum was helpful. But I can't install it without the game failing to initialize the uncached XML. Any advise on that? -Vort.
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