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    CVN-77, USS George H. W. Bush, "comes alive"

    Typical liberal response: "But I hate George Bush and this story pisses me off. Rabble rabble rabble!"

    Has the Republican party imploded, and can it stop a demographical meltdown?

    I'm not implying that the GOP will just cease to exist, and you're right about a two party system making it impossible for a collapse, but the Republican party can fade away into a permanent minority party, irrelevant and always out of power, much like the Democrats were after the Civil War...

    Has the Republican party imploded, and can it stop a demographical meltdown?

    While abortion rates are higher for minorities, minorities still have higher birth rates than whites. Thus, yes, they are aborting future votes away but they are still having a net increase.

    Has the Republican party imploded, and can it stop a demographical meltdown?

    One could argue that Canadian politics is a lot different than American politics and that your brand of conservatism isn't the same as American conservatism, in the sense that it's not as extreme and right wing. Doesn't the Canadian conservative party support the socialized medicine?

    Pirates or protectors?

    You are being lied to about pirates Seems like the media was not giving the whole story with regards to the Somalian pirates.

    Has the Republican party imploded, and can it stop a demographical meltdown?

    2008 was surely a horrible year for the GOP as many of you already know. Losing the presidency, horrible losses in the House and Senate, the Republican "brand" is now severely tarnished. In theory, the Republicans can still come back. Thought it seems unimaginable at the time, with Obama...

    Sitting, handcuffed man executed by police in Oakland, rioting ensues

    I just love your bleeding heart! But the guy was arrested for fighting or something before he was capped. Anyone who rides on the BART knows the sheer number thugs that also ride.

    Liberals/progressives/secularlists, what is your first impression of this website? I am just curious.

    Is Obama's treatment in the scandal a sign of what's to come?

    To recap, a corrupt governor has been arrested this week for trying to sell a senate seat, which happened to belong to Barack Obama. The prosecutor has already stated that Obama had absolutely nothing to do with any of the allegations or scandals. Yet the biggest loser, it seems, in this...

    Democrat upset in Lousianna

    Funnier yet, if you go to "Joseph" Cao's website you can see he has pictures of his supporters, which are 100% white. Not one black person is seen in any of his photos, nor Asians. Okay, so the real story here was that the GOP was able to steal a Rep. spot from the Dems by taking advantage...

    Democrat upset in Lousianna

    His victory is almost meaningless. He'll spend 2 years in congress being in a small GOP minority as a first-term representative, meaning he'll have no influence, connections, or voting power since the GOP has such small numbers. And after those two years he's going to voted out of office by some...

    Are Congressional Republicans Trying to Sabotage Obama by Opposing the Bailouts?

    Or, consider this alternative explanation: GOP blocks any kinds of bailouts, go kicking and screaming and prevent, for example, the auto-industry from receiving any funds. GM, Ford, and Chrysler try their best to stay afloat as long as they can, and succeed for some time in the future, but...

    Dispatches from the War on Christmas

    Is that so? I'm an atheist and no Christian has ever said Christmas is only for Christians to me; it's more likely they'd be glad that us heathens still celebrate it. :P

    Proof that there is a God, and that He loves us

    Waah waah... poor Obama! Let's ignore all the smearing about Hillary and McCain, though, right? Right.. you didn't say that. Good point.

    Proof that there is a God, and that He loves us

    First of all, if you really believe that Bill O is "undermining democracy" you're just a partisan hack. But I (and you) already knew that. Second, we have free speech in this country and there are far worse right wingers than Bill O out there, as well as far worse left wingers out there...
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