Recent content by rawrkitty2

  1. R

    Emancipation gate button stops working

    I just tested your save, it works perfectly fine. are you trying to do multiple units per turn?
  2. R

    How is this acceptable?

    Ai is crap. Ai in EVERY GAME is crap. Honestly - this game's MP despite its bugs is very fun, try playing against humans and you'll find a lot more enjoyment, i've played 200+ hours already, and i love the game. It has its issues, but i still love it and it was worth my money.
  3. R

    Multiplayer Desync: Building the Spy Agency before discovering ecology

    This actually has happened to my friends and i in games several times - and personally i noticed the same thing with it jumping ecology tech. But it doesn't ALWAYS happen. But my last game, it did the desync, then after the resync, i had computing AND ecology, and istill got to build my...
  4. R

    Loading a saved game in MP forces it to be public

    Not being able to set loaded saved games as private is seriously bad, please fix this. people constantly join mid game only to leave immedaitely once they realise it's a loaded game. this is 100% of the time, 100% of the games, veryeasy to see and reproduce. Just load a game... any game.. even...
  5. R

    Quick victories

    nabbed a turn 120 victory on apollo via domination abusing arcs coup, but other than that with the right start contact can easily be gotten 130-150 which kind of saddens me as apollo ai dont even try to win by that point and if they dont attack you directly you can just win every game lol
  6. R

    Is surplus and excess income a sign of sub optimal gaming?

    i always get investment so any excess ept/stockpile below 10k is inefficent, and furthermore any excess below 15k energy means you cant immediately buy an army when wartime comes. Saving energy never hurts since its ONLY three functions are: Buying tiles Buying units/buildings Preventing...
  7. R

    I miss the strategic map

    Me too, we all do :(
  8. R

    [Req] Player not drop first

    I'm pretty sure this is impossible, at least due to the fact that the game would have to be loaded - but so here's my question: is it possible to make a mod that would have the player not drop first, similar to how ai drop staggered and then get a bonus) (so in MP me and my friends started...
  9. R

    Mother of all Forward Settles

    Doesnt look like it, besides, you are allowed to do it, it pisses them off. They're allowed to do it, it pisses you off. Kill them for it. Hey, free city for you! - they can't possibly defend it being that far away from home, so just take it.
  10. R

    That bad, uh?

    120+ hours played so far, played almost all of the major permutations of a game, and i have to say beyond earth is far far far more dynamic than civ5 (not even close to SMAC/moo/eofs but that's okay) it's got its bugs, drawbacks and kinks but i really like it. assuming there are some updates...
  11. R

    Is it possible to max out two or all three Affinities?

    Yes it is, you need to rush down might really early before any affinity research and get no less than 3 progenitor ruins that grant affinity + the base quests. It's unlikely, but i've done it twice so far.
  12. R

    Me and my friends generated an AWESOME map when playing in MP, can we restore it?

    unlike civ5 i cant find any option to save just the map for replaying - is this possible in any way?
  13. R

    InfoAddict for Beyond Earth

    So this is happening, any idea how to fix?
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