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  • Aah, cool.

    Wish i'd not so thoroughly burnt, pillaged, and raped my chances here on CFC over the years...
    Hmm, I just noticed you were thinking of coming back to OT. That would be kinda cool actually.
    oh dude Mod I totally forget about our conversation because I got banned before I got respond, but now that I am months older I am more mature gay :)
    And besides, your a moderator now, and you talk to me like this :( That is why your are only a assistant :p
    Actually, that was my main suspect too... it's fun for a while but it just gets boring eventually. I have other suspects in mind
    Must be someone fairly smart to keep it up so well. I suspected Dachs for a while. I don't think that any longer though.
    Yeah, I'm done with Dumination. Been on my ignore list for a week now. Suggest everyone do the same. Pretty sure it's a DL trolling. But don't know who it is.
    I cannot remember what program I did that with. I -think- maybe some chat client. It's about as accurate as I can get with pre-existing bits :) Beard seasonal, as always!

    EDIT: What the flip? Why did this show up on your page? THought I was responding to the message you left on mine!
    Not been on CFC much lately. Personal issues plus I've been playing Tribal Wars online a lot.
    How you doing mate? Still holding your end up with the forces of darkness on OT? Must get back soon and see what's been going on. See you there, mate.
    i can totallty teach you:)
    Yared already asked me too and I taught him well about the races of the world.
    and why are you talking fuuny?
    your gonna get me banned again :lol: I will have to send you a real message in private :)
    and PS. The correct term is negroes. (male) negresses (females)... just Mozilla spell checker is politically correct so it dosen't think these are correct words :)
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