oh dude Mod I totally forget about our conversation because I got banned before I got respond, but now that I am months older I am more mature gay
And besides, your a moderator now, and you talk to me like this That is why your are only a assistant
Yeah, I'm done with Dumination. Been on my ignore list for a week now. Suggest everyone do the same. Pretty sure it's a DL trolling. But don't know who it is.
I cannot remember what program I did that with. I -think- maybe some chat client. It's about as accurate as I can get with pre-existing bits Beard seasonal, as always!
EDIT: What the flip? Why did this show up on your page? THought I was responding to the message you left on mine!
Not been on CFC much lately. Personal issues plus I've been playing Tribal Wars online a lot.
How you doing mate? Still holding your end up with the forces of darkness on OT? Must get back soon and see what's been going on. See you there, mate.
your gonna get me banned again I will have to send you a real message in private
and PS. The correct term is negroes. (male) negresses (females)... just Mozilla spell checker is politically correct so it dosen't think these are correct words
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