Hi! I made a Narnia mod (with Radio Noer's help) as well, although mine has Carlomen, the Lone Islands, and Archenland as well. It doesn't have custom flags or LHs though. Maybe we could combine?
Narnia: Peter (Cha/Org/Cre) Caspian X (Agg/Org/Cre) UU Centuar Knight (Knight +1mp, ignore terrain cost) UB Palace of Cair Paravel (Palace +50% culture, +2xp) (which makes Narnia awesome for OCC)
Carlomen: Tisroc Rabadash (Agg/Spi) UU Three Hundred Horse (Horse archer 1/2 cost, 1 First Strike) UB Temple of Tash (Same as Sacrificial Temple (From Aztecs)
Archenland: King Lune (Pro/Org) UU Mounain Man (Worker, + 1str, can't attack, +100% vs Animals) UB Mountain Castle (Castle, + free Gurilla I)
Lone Islands: Lord Bern (Phi/Org) UU Exploration Ship (Caravel, + 1 mp, +1 special cargo) UB Grand Market (Market, +40% gold not 25)
Minors (Unplayable, can't build almost everything like Barbarians) (Ais can play it, and they make excellent vassals)
Maybe we can collaborate to make a Narnia Deluxe?