Recent content by Sn1p3rk1ll3

  1. S

    American Civ Lost Rush Production Bonus

    Yep, quite easy to get 15+ cities in the BC ages with them... Just go to a republic and set all cities to produce gold and rush 1 settler each. You'll end up with 2 pop cities which produce 4 gold per turn, but just bear in mind that when you have 15, thats 60 gold/turn, or a horsearmy, or 3...
  2. S

    Do you guys "cheat?"

    In civrev, I never reload in singleplayer, unless I had to leave, and want to continue of course :D But the ai is so weak, you don't need to try reloads.
  3. S

    Doh. Post Your Mistakes

    In singleplayer, when I'm careless, I might accept things by accident as well... got lucky against Americans (who I didn't bother to attack in their cap) who had 7 cities of gold ealy, and in 400 BC over 300 gold. I was playing as the mongols, and well, let's just say I was rather...
  4. S

    Spliting an Empire

    Welcome to the civrev forums :D Please go to the civ 4 forums and you'll find your answer there Better to just report the thread, and let us move it. ;) --Padma
  5. S

    Game of the Week - Score not appearing

    GOTW is always to easy imo, so I don't play it's just a puzzle. You can always add me on psn (same username as here) and play me online. -Hint: Don't play ranked, as there are freezers there that just wreck your score. ------>in player matches, you don't get ranking points...
  6. S


    Expansion = more defence needed and walking around settlers to much can be pretty hazardous, because of the relatively smaller maps. The game balances itself, you'll see.
  7. S

    Which victory type do you most consistently use?

    Good luck spending hammers on buildings when players attack you :D Offline it's a fun way to win (especially if you have the extra wonders from the packs) -You'll really LOOOOVE the Taj Mahal thingy which makes EVERY SINGLE BUILDING add +1 culture!!! yes, even the baracks :D
  8. S

    I am always behind everyone else on new technologies, what am I doing wrong

    Try setting your cities to science :D -And have more cities than 2...
  9. S

    Multiplayer Advice

    Welcome to the forums :) -For your question, please go to the civ 4 forums, because Civrev is a consola, DS and I-phone exclusive.
  10. S

    Can I play this with anyone on PSN?

    On the ps3 you can make a chat room, and one that someone made was called "Civrev Gamers". -I have been invited to that chat once, and now I can enter it any time I want. ->If your in the chat, you can invite anyone you want to the chat, and thus it's filled by players at all times of the day...
  11. S

    Can I play this with anyone on PSN?

    Multiplayer -> private match/Player match -> choose your game mode -> invite your friends and have fun! You can always add me, and I'll invite you to the civrev chat :D
  12. S

    Island Starts on Deity

    I suggest making 2 barbarians (1 to explore island, and 1 for the cap), then make a galley. Load 1 warrior in the galley (2 if the island is really small), and explore while your cap grows and makes a few settlers. If you have 4 settlers, have your galley load them up and settle on the close...
  13. S

    So what's new?

    Still a great game ;)
  14. S

    Which victory type do you most consistently use?

    Offline I just play depending on my mood, or if I want to try something new... Online it depends on my enemies ; weak ones means random strategy depending on 'rules' they want. Or when facing better/good players I rush a cap or 2, and press my enemies to keep an eye on what they are doing...
  15. S

    RevCast Episode 11: "Geekiness in the Way of Nerdiness" (Part 1)

    And please, Beg them for ps3 trophies :D I'd love to complete all 'achievements' on ps3 without having to write down everything I did... Keep up the good work!
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