Recent content by Sunshinetrooper

  1. Sunshinetrooper

    [R&F] Should I take every city of my enemy?

    I'm playing on King on a small pangea map with 8 AI's and responded to an emergency which put me me to war with Saladin. I'm able to conquer him and his six cities, should I do this? I'm asking as I see the AI easily have 8+ cities whilst I tend to play 4 cities, trying to max the 6 hex bonuses...
  2. Sunshinetrooper

    [R&F] Emergency action by AI

    Toronto was my Suzarian and I wasn't at war, so doubt that was the case (could be wrong tho).
  3. Emergency2


    Where'd Bordeux go.
  4. Emergency 1

    Emergency 1

    France completed the goals (convert Bordeux back to their own religion) by destroying their city.
  5. Sunshinetrooper

    [R&F] Emergency action by AI

    So, I'm playing as Trajan and the emergency was raised against me where the AI's had to convert France's Bordeaux away from my religion, "Anoia - may your drawers always rattle,". Anywhoo, I'm about to win, some 800gold per follower and if the AI win, they all get a relic and 2,400 gold. So...
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