Recent content by Talvamiir

  1. Talvamiir

    [BTS] Giant Earth Map with LOTS of Civs? How do I edit one?

    You don't need to use those, you can just place the units directly on the tiles you want, with the BeginUnit. To find the values I would use a map editor, I like MapView but it won't load the map you linked. Another way is to use the units in the map as a reference. So the values begin in the...
  2. Talvamiir

    [BTS] Giant Earth Map with LOTS of Civs? How do I edit one?

    Hello LGWolf, It looks like you're trying to figure out how to fill in the definitions for civs in the WBSave, the most effective way for you to find those definitions is to grab them from another scenario, but they can all be found in three files: CIV4CivilizationInfos...
  3. Talvamiir

    Tibetan Midieval Pack 2019-12-01

    Some units for midieval Tibet, in total there are 5 units. An armored horseman, a longbowman, a swordsman, a musketman, and a pikeman. These units are each derived from different units; so credit does go to Bakuel, Sezereth. And the sword on the swordsman is from the HOTK modpack.
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