Recent content by The Leviathan

  1. T

    Does anyone else miss stacking wars

    The only thing I really miss about Civ IV's wars was the ability to quickly create loads of drafted troops by sacrificing happiness/population and gold. I also miss the events in the late era that created troops around the city/capital. It really gave wars a sense of mobilization and...
  2. T

    I really hope they add a line infantry unit..
  3. T

    The new XCOM units have more potential.

    I just wish they would go all the way and flesh out the future era.. Instead of adding a few joke units to the very end of the game.
  4. T

    Why i want the war-weariness back in the expansion!

    Why add a new and completely unnecessary game mechanic when you can simply fix the AI's calcuations?
  5. T

    Did the Patch Improve the AI's Warfare Ability?

    You've never played Civ with a good human player then
  6. T

    Did they nerf artillery?

    Artillery accounts for the vast majority of casualties in "Modern" warfare.
  7. T

    How does religion affect diplomacy?

    Am I missing something here? I thought Firaxis said that religion would affect diplomacy until ideologies (order, autocracy, etc) came into play?
  8. T

    Should the next DLC introduce the history's most evil German dictator ?

    In a world where the Holodomor, Gulag labor camps, and the Great Leap Forward don't constitute genocide....
  9. T

    Which buildings do you build in every city?

    and which buildings do you tend to build in your specilized cities (GP farms, production cities, gold cities) I'm trying to move up to difficulties atm and I'm having the same exact problem as I had with higher difficulties in Civ IV. I build too many buildings and I have a complete crap...
  10. T

    Does anyone not like social policys?

    This I honestly like the concept behind Social policies, but the way their applied to the game is awful. I honestly believe that picking social policies shouldn't be absolutely permanent. There should be some sort of revolution function that refunds your points at a cost, whether that cost be...
  11. T

    Civilization 5 Rants Thread

    Why You would still have to pay for an expansion pack
  12. T

    Denmark Civilization and Scenario Pack and Explorers Map Pack due for may 3rd

    Glad that Scandinavia is finally getting some love I think I might rename the Danish Civilization to Denmark-Holland or Kalmar Denmark though simply because it seems more encompassing and representative of Scandinavia. (and sounds cooler)
  13. T

    Is there propaganda in civ leaders and attitudes?

    Harun-Al Rashid led a huge prosperous empire during it's golden age of art, culture, and trade while Saladin is almost inseparable from the crusades and his wars against the west. If anything Firaxis chose Rashid in order to represented the Arabian empire at their culturally height and not as...
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