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  • Is there a chance you could host the CGI-IRC client you used to have on razorvine on warrensofthought?
    The server is now located at warrensofthought.com . Sorry for the inconvenience. The old domain got canceled without prior notice.
    Also ernsthaft, die meisten Nachrichten drehen sich um abgestürzte Server. ;)

    Hi there.
    Till, My Fiftychat link in my sig broked. :(

    How can I get back to chatty? And how can I fix my sig?

    Eternal thanks, Perfs. :)
    Yo, I started some pure roleplay, non-linear world creation thing in Games.. check it out!
    Till, the admins may never add a feature again because you can do it all in greasemonkey.
    Till you are a god of computer help. Thank you for all of your help all the time! And all the other awesomeness. :worship:
    Thanks again for letting me use you as an online penpal!

    I'll be sure to hound you with programming questions should I run into any as I head off to college. :)
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