Recent content by Tirius

  1. Tirius

    [R&F] Netherlands First Look

    You're confusing polders with dykes. :) A polder is an area of dry land that used to be water, most commonly former (parts of) lakes that were drained using windmills to pump water out. Pronunciation issues aside, I think this will be a fine representation of my home country that I will enjoy...
  2. Tirius

    [R&F] Rise and Fall General Discussion Thread

    I have a little bit of hope for the Netherlands - aside from the previously mentioned flag, a map of Amsterdam also appeared in the trailer.
  3. Tirius

    Wonders: What new wonders would you like to see on civ 6?

    There are so many great ideas for wonders, that we probably need a new mechanic to implement more. Civ-specific wonders perhaps? I mean, we have unique units and unique buildings, why not a unique wonder for each civ. I've seen it mentioned in the preview vids that the Great Wall might be unique...
  4. Tirius

    Old timer's, what are your thoughts so far?

    Started with Civ 1, but only really got into the series with 2. I don't remember much about playing 3, but loved 4 to bits and eventually grew to like 5 though it took the expansions to really draw me in. So far, I'm liking a lot of the news. More diverse behavior for civs is definately one of...
  5. Tirius

    "Builders" as the new Workers... now with charges.

    I'm kind of optimistic about this change. Early game workers were all well and good, but late game they could become a chore to manage on a large empire - either they were everywhere building railroads and such or you'd have them sit idle to wait for the next improvement tech. I'm hoping the...
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