Oh yeah, forgot to turn visitor message on.

But I wonder why you guys never go elsewhere than DoC. I mean I trekked in so many places of Civ4 forum (HoF, GoTM, General Discussion, SGOTM, several mod threads, S&Tips, Story&Tales (ugh no more!!!!111), etc.) and occasionally reading stuff outside.
When I started looking 'ere, it felt an isolated island a la Tokugawa. I don't see you guys really often outside DoC as if DoC or anything RFC was a complete stranger to all other forms for Civ4.
That reminds the "Why the sick love for Earth Maps" thread of mine. You sure all like historicity and simulation to the point to complete fusion.
The point of this brain-scattering, I'm surprised of this long attendance in a sole subforum, especially when most of the updates are those faction wars.
A shame there is no extensive group that discusses strategy. Ok, I ramble now.